PATT03 Board Appendix 2/28/02 --------------------- This appendix gives a very brief description of the PATT03 board. The PATT03 board is a revised version of the PATT02 board described in the Test Setup Note. It was developed specifically for use in a burn-in system. The board incorporates ttwo new features: 1) Loopback Mode: After a pattern finishes running , the board senses the end of the pattern and automatically rewinds the pattern FIFOs and starts the pattern over. In the PATT02 board the pattern FIFOs can only be rewound by the RETRANSMIT control signal. In the PATT03 board RETRANSMIT serves no purpose. 2) Connections for multi-channel scrambler address bits: The data connector of the PATT03 board has 3 static bits on 3 previously unused pins. These bits select which port of a multi-port scrambler broad (in a burn-in system) has control of the data output bus. There are different software routines in the CPATT library (OUT.C functions) that are used depending on whether one has a PATT02 or a PATT)3 board in the system. If a PATT)2 board is used after loading a pattern the command out_run() will cause the pattern to run once and will then rewind the pattern FIFOs to leave the board ready for another out_run() command. This command should not be used with the PATT)3 board. Instead, the commands out_go(t) and out_stop() must be used. Out_go(t) will cause the PATT)3 board to run the pattern over and over for a length of time t. If t is very small, eg. 1, the pattern will only have time run once. The full pattern will run though. If t=0 then the pattern will run again and again indefinitely. The command out_stop() must be used to stop the pattern in this case. The pin assignments of the connectors on the PATT03 board are the same as on the PATT02 board, except for the 3 address bits on previously unused pins of the data connector.