Difference tag23-tag24-tag25 My tables of changes, shown at the Wjets/lowpt meeting, are as follows Set 1: uses ntuples tag 02-23 and tag23 code and cuts Set 2: uses ntuples tag-02-24 and code+cuts for tag-02- 24 Set 3: uses ntuples tag-02-24 and code+cuts for tag-02-25 Set 4: used ntuples tah-02-25 and code+cuts for tag-02-25 I have three pdf files from Magda and Jonathan with details of analysis changes and cuts. baseline_tag23_071213.pdf jonathan_Oct22_tag24.pdf jonathan_tag25_CC.pdf . For njet=1 the trackmet>10 amd Max (MW2) >50 are also included These are the major changes. Going from tag 23 to tag 24: lepton isolation cuts reoptimased Going from 24-25 we have VTLH for the electrons difference between Set3 and Set4 shows the effects of the likelihood Going through the cut files and making the difference is not easy and does not include all changes as some are done in the code. I have three pages with the major changes applied to the code and cuts