University of California at Berkeley
Physics 129A, Fall 1998

Lectures: MWF 12-1, 7 Evans

Office Hours: Young-Kee Kim, Mon 3-4, 431 LeConte
email:; phone 486-6284

Discussion: Tue. 1-2 (347 LeConte) and Fri. 1-2 (385 LeConte)

Textbook: Recommended:
David Griffiths: Introduction to Elementary Particles, 1987, Harper & Row.

Homework: Homework problem sets are a required part of the course. Problem sets will be handed out during Friday lecture. Due dates for each assignment will be listed. Be sure to include your name and the assignment number on the problem sets. You are encouraged to work your problem sets with your class partners: however, each student must turn in homework individually.

There will be one midterm. The final exam will cover the material of the entire course.
Midterm Exam (take-home): Wed., Oct. 21, due Fri. Oct. 23
Final Exam (Exam Group 17): Tue., Dec. 15, 5-8 PM

Grading: Your course grade will be a weighted combination of your performance in all parts of the course. Approximate weights are:
Homework 0.3, Midterm exam 0.2, Final exam 0.5

Bibliography: Useful general reference material can be found in the physics library.

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