Jim Siegrist |
Particle Experiment
Professor Siegrist received his Ph.D. from Stanford in 1979. After
completing his degree, he visited the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland
for two years while working on the UA2 experiment. He came to Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory as a Division Fellow at the end of 1983 to
work on the Collider Detector at Fermilab experiment in Fermilab. He joined
the UCB faculty as an associate professor in 1988. During the 1990-93 academic
years, he was on leave at the former Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
in Dallas, Texas. He returned to UCB before the 1994 academic year. Recent
awards include Fellow of the American Physical Society. Head, Physics Division,
LBNL, 1996 - present.
Research Interests
Professor Siegrist has worked since 1981 on the physics of proton anti-proton
annihilations at the highest available center of mass energies. His current
work centers on the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) experiment at the
Fermi National Accelerator Lab (FNAL) in Batavia, Illinois. He, along with
a number of other staff members at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL),
is active in the maintenance and further development of hardware and software
for this experiment, which he first joined during its construction in 1983.
Experimental groups from Japan, Italy, and a number of other U.S. institutions,
as well as our own, readied the detector for operation, and have continued
to improve the apparatus since 1988. In addition to work on CDF at FNAL,
the group is also involved in the design and development of apparatus for
the future proton collider experiment ATLAS at CERN, the European Accelerator
Center in Geneva, Switzerland.
Current Projects
The current CDF experimental program includes, among other possibilities:
study of the production of charged intermediate vector bosons (W +/-),
and in particular the precision measurement of their mass; study of the
production and decay of the top quark, including improved techniques for
top quark mass measurement; study of the production and decay of bottom
mesons and determination of standard model parameters from their decays;
searches for unexpected new phenomena, such as Supersymmetric particles.
The LBNL CDF group carries a number of software responsibilities including
assistance with data taking in the ongoing run that is expected to continue
for the next few years. The main hardware responsibility of the group involves
electronics for upgrades to the Silicon Vertex detector system that provides
precision tracking information vital to the top quark and bottom meson
studies. Futher information on the group's activities can be found on the
LBNL CDF home page.
Other hardware activities center on further development of state of
the art Silicon Detectors for charged particle track reconstruction. This
work involves VLSI electronics, modelling of the details of the silicon
response, and understanding the behavior of silicon systems in the intense
radiation environment expected at future proton colliders. Further information
about this activity can be found on the LBNL home page for the ATLAS experiment. This instrumentation effort provides an
excellent opportunity for graduate students to gain experience with sophisticated
hardware, while writing a physics thesis based on data collected by the
CDF experiment.
There are now, and will continue to be, opportunities for graduate students
to be involved in these activities.
For more information please contact:
Cathy Thompson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 50-4049
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 486-5421
FAX: (510) 486-6003
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