I took Guillelmo's histograms (here you have the four separate plots for Dplus and Dstar) and performed the usual subtractions: here is the root macro. These two files [Dplus and Dstar] show the RS and WS distributions after sideband subtractions (top histograms) and then the subtraction of the two (bottom left). The sideband scale factors used are 0.5 for the Dplus mode and 0.1 for the Dstar mode.
These two files [Dplus and Dstar] show the final subtraction (same as bottom left in the previous ones) on the left, and the same histogram after requiring the integral to be the same as the one obtained in the moments analysis (reported here for Dplus and Dstar).

Note that the x axis scale is different for Guillelmo's histograms and for ours.

Here is a summary of what I conclude from the comparison: A rough estimate of the statistical power of the samples can be obtained comparing the size of the error bars for the two sets of histograms, once rescaled to the same integral.
In order to somewhat separate the background and the signal contribution, I list both the size of the error bars in the "excess" region (where the narrow resonances are expected to show up) and in the "background" region (i.e. the high mass part of the histogram). here is what I roughly estimate:
D+ D*
Guillelmo 6 3 5 1.5
Default 7 1 4 1
Size of the error bars (+/- events) in the fully subtracted histograms

Alessandro Cerri, Last modified: Thu Jul 22 17:30:14 CDT 2004