Some info about the root files (8/30/10) 1. All files of the type Sync_DELTAR_xx.root or have been obtained by generating signal and background originating from the same vertex. These are muons of 100 GeV. 2. Track reconstruction is run by me, using the InDetRecExample code. I have modified the histogram routine: changed the bins, added some histograms. 3. The DELTAR_0.0000 and DELTAR_0001 have been obtained by using the default code, so some hists are missing (sorry I am running out of time, can't fix this). 4. In some of the plots I have used the sample with DELTAR=0.0000 obtained by using the same event for signal and background. Therefore this sample has maximum overlap (MO) 5. OVERLAY and G4HitMerge are compared in the ps files. 6. I also made a few plots of variable-vs-DeltaR. I am Running out of time. But you can look at the ps files to see how they change with DR. 7. I include here a pdf file with a few plots. 8. I can be reached by e-mail