ID-94 mass , compared to sim mass July-3-06
First I show the scatter plot for the simulation mass-vs-the ID=94 mass for b jets. The projections are also shown. Similar plot was made by Si for the light jets from the W. I will put these here at a later time. b jet mass-vs-Id=94 mass The PYTHIA mass at the ID=94 level is very different. This was obtained with the parameter PARJ(82)=1.0, the PYTHIA default parameter. If we use PARJ(82)=3-4, the PYTHIA Id=94 mass would look the same as the HERWIG one. PYTHIA b ID=94 mass THe PYTHIA JETCLU mass is the same as that from HERWIG.W Mass-vs-DR Studies
Results of studies done by Si (with everybodies advice), summer '05 W mass at ID94 level -vs- simulated mass Top plots and bottom-left plots obtained using Igor's Gen4 large MC sample obtained using HERWIG. The bottom-right plot is obtained from the minintuples, with the usual jet cuts. Top-left: No cuts applied, mass and DR calculated from the ID=94 vectors. Top-right: q and qbar partons (ID94) smeared with Igor's pt smear routines. Bottom-left: a cut at 15 GeV is applied on the smeared jets. Bottom-right: MW from the simulation with jet cuts at 15 GeV and L7 correction The above plots show that the Dr dependence we see in the simulation is due to two effects: the smearing of the jets and the cut at 15 GeV. Please not that there are very few events at DR<0.5 in the plot at top left. This agrees with Natalia's assessment that there are 0.55/1000 W's with DR<0.4 (CDF6038). There are also two dimensional color plots made by Si. W mass-vs DR in 3D