Recoil Studies

Some plots that show the recoil calculated in different ways. Recoil for nloose=0 and > 0. First two of plots are for X_x calculated adding all jets (except the 4 tight jets). Unclustered energy and jets below 8 GeV are corrected with the formula obtained from the W mass CDF note. The others at L5. Page 3: recoil does not include jets below 8 GeV. Page 4 includes in the recoil only the unclustered energy. Page 5-8: same as p. 1-4 for the case of nloose-jets>0 Page 9 show the eta of the extra and nloose jets. Page 10 identical to 9. root problem I did not find out how to fix. Page 11: some plots of Nevents in different conditions.