Files of generated top Monte Carlo HERWIG V5.6 40000 events are in the PDSF disk. Log files in my scratch area /auto/pdsfdv07/cdf/lys/topdisk/topdata/gen/httbar_175_30.genp " _41.genp and _41.log .hst .hst see also tthe COM files Copied to cdfsga: /data80/top/galtieri/genq/httbar_175_41.genp PYTHIA V5.6/JETSET V7.3 pttbar_175_27.genq-gz pttbar_175_27.log comment: run PYTHIA V5.6 because top does not have a width in this version. The NOISR was run with V5.7 because V5.6 could not be used at this purpose.