here is some useful information on run 1 top mass studies. Also at the 
  beginning, I put the URL for the top  Thinkshops 1 and 2.

I. Topthinkshop:
   What you see in the main page refers to the '98 meeting. 
   Click on Thinkshop^2 for the 2000 meeting

II. Top Mass PRD, CDF-4953 (April 2000). 
    Affolder et al., Phys. Rev. D63, 032001 (2001). 
  Procedures for jet energy determination Chapter 5 of PRD   
  Systematics on jet energy determination Chapter 9 of PRD

III. CDF notes on systematics. 
 1. CDF-4953 Top mass PRD. Chapter 5 discusses jet corrections 
                          Chapter 9 discusses systematic errors
 2. CDF-894 (July '89) gamma+jet studies. Has table on what needs to be done 
                       to go from gamma+jets to top.
 3. CDF-2469 AA corrections. Has Figure of M(top)-vs-PT(W). Fig 22.
 4. CDF-2485 Jet swapping plots, combinatorics, gluons etc.
             See also my talk at Thinkshop 1 
             (my WEB page
 5. CDF-2547 MET correction study. There is more stuff here, but the major
             thing still relevant is the MET correction. It is summarized in
             Chapter 5 of the PRD.
 6. CDF-3253 Soft gluon studies, also included in the top mass PRD
 7. CDF-3983 Jet Corrections and Energy scale studies
 8. CDF-4753 Hard Gluon radiation

All the above CDF notes were done by our group. These are the results included
in the final paper. Other studies to deal with soft gluon radiation and hard 
gluon radiations have also been made. Some have been abandoned.