Click on the wafer number in the table below to get its pipeline quality map
in Postscript. Standard 6-in wafer quality maps are here.
Only pedestal/noise and calibration mask tests are used to create the maps
linked to this page.
In these maps the fractions of bad pipeline cells
are represented with rectangles in
the middle of the dies. The area of these rectangles is proportional to the total
number of bad cells. The whole die area corresponds to all 5888
cells in the pipeline.
If all or almost all pipeline cells
are bad in a given channel then it is perhaps the preamp or the reference cell
(or some other channel circuitry) which doesn't function properly. As such,
the middle rectangles are color coded. The red area is proportional
to the number of pipeline cells associated with bad channels
(for these plots a channel is bad if more than 90% of its pipeline
cells didn't pass the tests). The black area is proportional to the number
of bad cells which are not associated with bad channels. Such
cells are usually distributed more or less randomly
across the pipeline.
The "no info" dies are those dies which
were rejected by the testing procedure before the pedestal/noise measurements.