The hs extension distribution includes the "hbook2hs" program for conversion of HBOOK files into Histo-Scope format. Run this program without any arguments to see its usage instructions. Together with the "tohbook" program which comes with the Histo-Scope distribution, this allows for free exchange of data items of certain types between the two formats. Only similar structures may be converted: 1d histograms, 2d histograms, and ntuples. HBOOK column-wise ntuples and profile histograms can not be converted to Histo-Scope. Histo-Scope 3d histograms, triggers, indicators, controls, and groups can not be converted to HBOOK. The "tohbook" program has some limitations. It can not convert category structures with depth more than 4. For example, the following category name is still ok: "c0/c1/c2/c3". However, "c0/c1/c2/c3/c4" will result in "tohbook" failure. Also, be aware that the names of Histo-Scope subcategories will be converted by HBOOK to upper case and, if they are long, truncated to 16 characters. For example, category name "abc/defghijklmnopqrstuvwx/yz" will be converted to HBOOK directory "ABC/DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS/YZ".