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Initialization and Cleanup
Operations with One-Dimensional Histograms
Fourier Transform
Operations with Two-Dimensional Histograms
Operations with Three-Dimensional Histograms
Histogram Slices and Projections
Histogram Math and Statistics
Miscellaneous Histogram Operations
Operations with Ntuples
Kernel Density Estimation
Operations with Fit Functions
Data Fitting
Displaying Plots
Drawing Labels, Formulas, and Primitives
Making and Importing PostScript Files
Color Management
Looking up Items
Finding Item Properties
Changing Item Properties
Item Copying, Deleting, and Resetting
Triggers, Indicators, and Controls
Data Input and Output
Random Numbers
Getting Help
Miscellaneous Commands
hs::calc Details
Fitting Details
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Initialization and Cleanup
Operations with One-Dimensional Histograms
Fourier Transform
hs::1d_fft | hs::1d_fourier_conjugate | hs::1d_fourier_divide |
hs::1d_fourier_multiply | hs::1d_fourier_phase | hs::1d_fourier_power |
hs::1d_fourier_synthesize |
Operations with Two-Dimensional Histograms
Operations with Three-Dimensional Histograms
Histogram Slices and Projections
hs::fill_hist_slice | hs::fill_slice | hs::hist_set_slice |
hs::hist_set_slice_errors | hs::slice_contents | hs::slice_histogram |
hs::slice_slider | hs::project_2d_histogram | hs::project_3d_histogram |
Histogram Math and Statistics
Miscellaneous Histogram Operations
Operations with Ntuples
Kernel Density Estimation
hs::kernel_density_1d | hs::kernel_density_2d |
Operations with Fit Functions
Data Fitting
hs::1d_linear_fit | hs::2d_linear_fit | hs::fit |
hs::ntuple_poly_fit |
Displaying Plots
hs::show_histogram | hs::overlay | hs::multiplot |
hs::expr_plot | hs::list_plot | hs::parametric_plot |
hs::browse_collection | hs::close_all_windows | hs::close_window |
Drawing Labels, Formulas, and Primitives
hs::draw | hs::redraw | hs::comment |
hs::default_latex_packages | hs::latex | hs::undo |
hs::clear |
Making and Importing PostScript Files
hs::generate_ps | hs::epsf |
Color Management
hs::create_general_color_scale | hs::create_linear_color_scale | hs::delete_color_scale |
hs::replace_color_scale | hs::use_color_scale |
Looking up Items
hs::num_items | hs::id | hs::id_from_title |
hs::list_items | hs::lookup_title |
Finding Item Properties
hs::type | hs::uid | hs::category |
hs::title | hs::item_info | hs::num_entries |
hs::item_properties |
Changing Item Properties
hs::change_category | hs::change_title | hs::change_uid |
hs::change_uid_and_category |
Item Copying, Deleting, and Resetting
hs::copy_hist | hs::duplicate_axes | hs::duplicate_ntuple_header |
hs::copy_data | hs::delete | hs::delete_category |
hs::delete_items | hs::reset | hs::reset_const |
Triggers, Indicators, and Controls
hs::create_trigger | hs::check_trigger | hs::create_indicator |
hs::set_indicator | hs::create_control | hs::read_control |
Data Input and Output
Random Numbers
hs::gauss_random | hs::hist_random | hs::multinomial_random |
hs::pick_random_rows | hs::poisson_random | hs::random |
hs::random_get_state | hs::random_init | hs::random_set_state |
hs::uniform_random_fill |
Getting Help
hs::help | hs::fit_manual | hs::html_manual |
Miscellaneous Commands
hs::1d_fft $id1 $id2 $is_direct accumulate? Arguments : integers id1 and id2, booleans is_direct and accumulate Returns : nothing Performs a fast Fourier transform on the data stored in the histogram with id $id1 (using subroutine RFFT, CERNLIB entry D703) and stores the obtained coefficients in the histogram with id $id2. Both histograms must have the same number of bins N which must be a power of 2. The following Fourier representation is used: 1 N/2 N/2-1 f(k) = -*A_0 + Sum A_m*cos(2*Pi*m*k) + Sum B_m*sin(2*Pi*m*k) 2 m=1 m=1 The argument "is_direct" specifies the direction of the transform: 1 means compute direct transform ($id1 contains f(k), calculate A_m and B_m), 0 means inverse. The coefficients are stored in the following order: bin 0 is used to store A_0, bin 1 is used for A_1, bin 2 for B_1, bin 3 for A_2, bin 4 for B_2, and so on. If set true, the optional argument "accumulate" instructs the command to add the obtained coefficients to the bin contents of the histogram with id $id2 rather than replace them (which is the default behavior). Note that the standard bin-by-bin multiplication or division of histograms containing transform coefficients will not correspond to convolution or deconvolution of the original histograms. To perform these operations, use special commands hs::1d_fourier_multiply and hs::1d_fourier_divide.
hs::1d_fourier_conjugate $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers id1 and id2 Returns : nothing Assuming that the histogram with id $id1 contains a set of Fourier coefficients, this command fills the histogram with Histo-Scope id $id2 by their complex conjugates. Please see the description of the hs::1d_fft command for details on how the Fourier coefficients are stored. The provided histograms must have the same number of bins, and this number must be even. $id1 and $id2 may be identical, in which case the conjugate coefficients will be stored in place of the original ones.
hs::1d_fourier_divide $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 ignorediv0? Arguments : integers uid, id1 and id2, strings title and category, boolean ignorediv0 Returns : integer Creates a new 1d histogram whose data is the ratio of the Fourier coefficients stored in the histograms specified by id1 and id2. The operation is performed in such way that the resulting set of coefficients corresponds to the Fourier transform of the deconvolution of the original functions. Arguments uid, title, and category specify user id, title, and category of the resulting histogram. Histograms identified by id1 and id2 should contain the same number of bins. Please see the description of the hs::1d_fft command for details on how the Fourier coefficients are stored. If set true, the optional argument ignorediv0 instructs the command not to raise an error in case division by zero is encountered. Instead, the relevant parts of the result will be silently set to zero. This command returns a Histo-Scope id of the new histogram.
hs::1d_fourier_multiply $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers uid, id1 and id2, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new 1d histogram whose data is the multiplication of the Fourier coefficients stored in the histograms specified by id1 and id2. The operation is performed in such way that the resulting set of coefficients corresponds to the Fourier transform of the convolution of the original functions. Arguments uid, title, and category specify user id, title, and category of the resulting histogram. Histograms identified by id1 and id2 should have the same number of bins. Please see the description of the hs::1d_fft command for details on how the Fourier coefficients are stored. This command returns a Histo-Scope id of the new histogram.
hs::1d_fourier_phase $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers id1 and id2 Returns : nothing Fills the histogram with id $id2 with the phase spectrum of a Fourier transform assuming that the histogram with id $id1 contains a set of Fourier coefficients obtained earlier using the hs::1d_fft command. The number of bins in the histogram with id $id2 must be two times smaller than the number of bins N in $id1. Bin 0 of the histogram with id $id2 will contain the phase shift of the fundamental frequency term, bin 1 the phase of the second harmonic, and so on. The very last bin is an exception: the phase of the N/2th harmonic can not be unambiguously defined since the N/2th sine term in the Fourier series does not exist (N is presumed to be even, and then the sine value is 0 at all points). Instead, this bit shows the "phase" between the N/2th cosine term and the constant term.
hs::1d_fourier_power $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers id1 and id2 Returns : list of doubles Fills the histogram with id $id2 with the power spectrum of a Fourier transform assuming that the histogram with id $id1 contains a set of Fourier coefficients obtained earlier using the hs::1d_fft command. The number of bins in the histogram with id $id2 must be two times smaller than the number of bins N in $id1. The calculated power spectrum is normalized by the condition N/2 N-1 Sum P_m = Sum f(k)^2 m=0 k=0 where f(k), 0 <= k < N, are the data being transformed. The command returns a two-element list of doubles {P_0 P_nonzero} where P_0 is the power associated with the constant term in the transform, and P_nonzero is the combined power of all other terms. Histogram $id2 does not include P_0; instead, bin 0 contains the power associated with the fundamental frequency term, bin 1 corresponds to the second harmonic, bin 2 to the third, and so on.
hs::1d_fourier_synthesize $id $P_0 $id_power $id_phase Arguments : integers id, id_power, id_phase, double P_0 Returns : nothing Synthesizes a set of Fourier transform coefficients using power and phase spectra provided in histograms with ids $id_power and $id_phase. Please see the descriptions of commands hs::1d_fourier_power and hs::1d_fourier_phase for details about the contents of these spectra. The P_0 argument specifies the power of the constant term. The obtained coefficients are placed into the histogram with id $id. The number of bins N in the histogram of coefficients should be twice larger than the number of bins in either power or phase histograms. Although this particular command can operate on histograms with any even N, only when N is a power of 2 the resulting set of coefficients can be transformed back into the time domain using the hs::1d_fft command.
hs::1d_hist_bin_contents $id Arguments : integer id Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains bin data from a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_bin_coords $id left_edge? Arguments : integer id, boolean left_edge Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains coordinates of bins in a one-dimensional histogram. If "left_edge" is true then the command returns coordinates of the left bin edges. If "left_edge" is false or omitted then the command returns positions of bin centers.
hs::1d_hist_bin_value $id $bin_num Arguments : integers id and bin_num Returns : double Returns the value in the histogram bin referred to by bin (or channel) number bin_num. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a one-dimensional histogram or bin_num is less than 0 or greater or equal to the number of histogram bins.
hs::1d_hist_block_fill $id $data $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of doubles data, pos_errors, and neg_errors Returns : nothing Replaces the accumulated bin and error data supplied for the one-dimensional histogram identified by id and clears the overflow bins. data, pos_errors, and neg_errors must be of the appropriate size for the one-dimensional histogram being filled. Either neg_errors or both error arguments can be omitted, in which case the corresponding errors are not changed. If the histogram has positive errors but not negative ones, Histo-Scope assumes errors are symmetric. Thus memory can be saved by specifying only positive errors when errors are symmetric. Both positive and negative errors should be specified as positive numbers.
hs::1d_hist_cdfvalues $id $coords Arguments : integer id, list of doubles coords Returns : list of doubles Calculates and returns a set of percentages (values of the normalized cumulative distribution function multiplied by 100.0) for a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. All histogram bins must be non-negative. The length of the list of coordinates is arbitrary. The returned list of percentages will have the same length. This function is the inverse of hs::1d_hist_percentiles.
hs::1d_hist_derivative $uid $title $category $id Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, integer id Returns : integer Create a new histogram (one-dimensional) whose data is the derivative of the histogram specified by id. This derivative is computed bin by bin: Dh/db = (H(j) - H(j-1))/bin_size. If the input histogram, specified by id, has error bars, the errors are computed assuming that there is no statistical correlation between bins and the error values are Gaussian. uid is the User Identification for the newly created histogram. title defines the title for the histogram. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Returns new_id which is the id of a new histogram containing this derivative.
hs::1d_hist_errors $id $type Arguments : integer id, string type Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains the data for either upper or lower error bars for 1d histogram with given $id. The "type" argument specifies which errors are returned: use "p" or "P" to get positive errors and "n" or "N" to get negative errors. The returned string may have 0 length which means that this type of errors is not defined for the given histogram. The type argument may be omitted in which case the positive errors are returned if they exist.
hs::1d_hist_labels $id Arguments : integer id Returns : list of strings {x_label y_label} Returns 1d histogram labels as defined when hs::create_1d_hist was called. This function will produce an error if the item identified by id does not exist or the item is not a 1d histogram.
hs::1d_hist_maximum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : three-element list {x bin_num value} Returns the coordinate (x), the bin number (bin_num) and the bin content (value) where the histogram data reaches a maximum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::1d_hist_minimum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : three-element list {x bin_num value} Returns the coordinate (x), the bin number (bin_num) and the bin content (value) where the histogram data reaches a minimum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::1d_hist_num_bins $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the number of bins for a one-dimensional histogram identified by id or throws tcl error if the id does not refer to a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_overflows $id Arguments : integer id Returns : two-element list of doubles {underflow overflow} Returns the overflow data from a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_percentiles $id $percentages Arguments : integer id, list of doubles percentages Returns : list of doubles Calculates and returns a set of percentiles for a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. All histogram bins must be non-negative. The percentage values should be between 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive. The length of the list of percentages is arbitrary. The returned list of percentiles will have the same length. This function is the inverse of hs::1d_hist_cdfvalues.
hs::1d_hist_range $id Arguments : integer id Returns : two-element list of doubles {min max} Returns the list {min max}, where min is the minimum (low edge of the first bin) value and max is the maximum (high edge of the last bin) value representing the horizontal limits of a one-dimensional histogram. Tcl error is thrown if id does not refer to a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_set_bin $id $ix $value Arguments : integers id and ix, double value Returns : nothing Sets the value of the bin number $ix in the one-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored.
hs::1d_hist_set_bin_errors $id $ix $positive_error negative_error? Arguments : integers id and ix, doubles positive_error and negative_error Returns : nothing Sets the errors for the bin number $ix in the one-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored. Negative error may be omitted or specified as an empty string. Positive error may be specified as an empty string in order to modify just the negative error.
hs::1d_hist_set_overflows $id underflow overflow Arguments : integer id, doubles underflow and overflow Returns : nothing Sets the overflow data for a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_shape $id left_edge? Arguments : integer id, boolean left_edge Returns : list of doubles {area mean stdev skewness kurtosis} Calculates and returns area, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of a one-dimensional histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. If the area is not positive then all other elements of the returned list are set to 0. If optional boolean argument "left_edge" is 1 then the command uses coordinates of the left bin edges in its calculations. If "left_edge" is 0 or omitted then the command uses positions of bin centers.
hs::1d_hist_stats $id Arguments : integer id Returns : two-element list of doubles {mean std_dev} Calculates and returns the mean and standard deviation of a one-dimensional histogram.
hs::1d_hist_subrange $uid $title $category $parent_id $bin_min $bin_max Arguments : integers uid, parent_id, bin_min, and bin_max, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new 1-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. The contents of the new histogram are created by extracting a subrange from a 1-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. The subrange to use is defined by the minimum bin number, $bin_min, and the maximum bin number, $bin_max, both included in the resulting histogram. The command returns a Histo-Scope assigned id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error.
hs::1d_hist_x_value $id $x Arguments : integer id, double x Returns : double Returns the value stored in the histogram bin referenced by x. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a one-dimensional histogram, or if x is not within the range of the histogram.
hs::1d_linear_fit $id $suppress_zero $use_errors Arguments : integer id, booleans suppress_zero and use_errors Returns : 7-element mixed list {a b sig_a sig_b rho_ab chisq ndof} Fits 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id to a straight line y = a*x + b using least-squares minimization. If $suppress_zero is 1 then only non-zero entries from the histogram are used in the fit. The function will use histogram errors to weight the fitted points if the optional argument $use_errors is 1. In this case points with null errors will be discarded. When $use_errors is 0 or omitted, all errors are assumed to be equal. The fitted coefficients a and b are returned together with their errors sig_a and sig_b and correlation coefficient rho_ab. The chisq element of the return list is defined in the following way: when $use_errors is 1, it is the actual chi-square of the fit. When $use_errors is 0 or omitted, it is the sum of squared residuals. ndof is the number of degrees of freedom (number of points actually used in the fit minus two). ndof is the only integer element in the return list, all other elements are doubles.
hs::1d_rotate_bins $id1 $id2 $shift Arguments : integers id1, id2, and shift Returns : nothing Copies data and errors from 1d histogram with id $id1 to 1d histogram with id $id2 and in the process rotates the bin values by $shift bins in the direction of increasing X. The histograms must have the same number of bins. $id1 may be equal to $id2, and the shift value may be negative.
hs::1d_select_bins $id $num_or_coord $min $max $incl_or_excl Arguments : integer id, string num_or_coord, double min, double max, string incl_or_excl Returns : list of integers or list of doubles For a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id, this command returns a list of bins which satisfy a certain condition. If the $incl_or_excl string is "include" then those bins are returned which content is between min and max (min <= bin_value <= max). If the $incl_or_excl argument is "exclude" then those bins are returned which are outside the [min, max] interval (bin_value < min or bin_value > max). The output list is returned as the list of bin numbers when $num_or_coord argument is "bin" or as the list of bin coordinates when $num_or_coord is "coord". Bin coordinates are returned for the left bin edge.
hs::2d_fill_from_matrix $id $data $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, lists of lists of doubles data, pos_errors, and neg_errors Returns : nothing Same as hs::2d_hist_block_fill except that data, pos_errors, and neg_errors arguments are nested lists of doubles instead of binary strings or flat lists. Number of sublists in each list (number of matrix rows) should be equal to the number of bins in the histogram y axis, and the number of elements in each sublist (number of columns) should be equal to the number of bins in the histogram x axis. After this operation the command hs::2d_hist_bin_value $id $x_bin_num $y_bin_num will return the same result as lindex [lindex $data $y_bin_num] $x_bin_num where $x_bin_num and $y_bin_num are any valid x and y bin numbers.
hs::2d_hist_apply_weights $id $idw $axis Arguments : integers id and idw, string axis Returns : nothing This command reweighs rows or columns of a 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. $idw is the id of a 1d histogram which contents are used as weights. The weights are applied along x or y axis, according to the $axis argument. Valid values of the $axis argument are X, x, Y, or y. The histograms must be bin compatible. For example, if $axis is y then the number of bins in the 1d histogram with id $idw must be equal to the number of bins along the y axis in the 2d histogram with id $id.
hs::2d_hist_bin_contents $id Arguments : integer id Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains bin data from a two-dimensional histogram.
hs::2d_hist_bin_coords $id $axis $origin Arguments : integer id, string axis, boolean origin Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains x or y coordinates of bins in a two-dimensional histogram. Valid values of the $axis argument are X, x, Y, or y. The coordinates are returned for each bin, and the sequence of bins is the same as in the data returned by hs::2d_hist_bin_contents command. If $origin is true then the command returns coordinates of the bottom left bin edges. If $origin is false or omitted then the command returns positions of bin centers.
hs::2d_hist_bin_value $id $x_bin_num $y_bin_num Arguments : integers id, x_bin_num, and y_bin_num Returns : double Returns the value in the histogram bin referred to by bin (or channel) numbers x_bin_num, y_bin_num. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a two-dimensional histogram or if any bin number is less than 0 or greater or equal to the number of histogram bins along the corresponding axis.
hs::2d_hist_block_fill $id $data $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of double data, pos_errors, and neg_errors Returns : nothing Replaces the accumulated bin and error data supplied for the two-dimensional histogram identified by id and clears the overflow bins. data, pos_errors, and neg_errors must be of the appropriate size for the two-dimensional histogram being filled. Either neg_errors or both error arguments can be omitted, in which case the corresponding errors are not changed. If the histogram has positive errors, but not negative ones, Histo-Scope assumes errors are symmetric. Thus memory can be saved by specifying only positive errors when errors are symmetric. Both positive and negative errors should be specified as positive numbers. The correspondence between the data and the histogram bins is such that Y histogram bins change faster than X bins (column-by-column ordering).
hs::2d_hist_cdfvalues $category $id $axis $coords Arguments : string category, integer id, string axis, list of doubles coords Returns : list of integers Calculates a set of percentages (values of the normalized cumulative distribution function multiplied by 100.0) for a 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. All histogram bins must be non-negative. The cdf is calculated separately for each row or column by integrating histogram bin values along the axis specified by $axis. Allowed values for $axis are "x", "X", "y", or "Y". The calculated percentages are returned in a set of 1d histograms. These histograms are placed in a category specified by the $category argument. The length of the list of coordinates is arbitrary. The returned list of 1d histogram ids will have the same length.
hs::2d_hist_errors $id $type Arguments : integer id, string type Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains the data for either upper or lower error bars for 2d histogram with given $id. The "type" argument specifies which errors are returned: use "p" or "P" to get positive errors and "n" or "N" to get negative errors. The returned string may have 0 length which means that this type of errors is not defined for the given histogram. The type argument may be omitted in which case the positive errors are returned if they exist.
hs::2d_hist_labels $id Arguments : integer id Returns : list of strings {x_label y_label z_label} Returns 2d histogram labels as defined when hs::create_2d_hist was called. This function will produce an error if the item identified by id does not exist or the item is not a 2d histogram.
hs::2d_hist_maximum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : five-element list {x y x_bin_num y_bin_num value} Returns coordinates (x and y), bin numbers (x_bin_num and y_bin_num), and the bin content (value) where the two-dimensional histogram data reaches a maximum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::2d_hist_minimum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : five-element list {x y x_bin_num y_bin_num value} Returns coordinates (x and y), bin numbers (x_bin_num and y_bin_num), and the bin content (value) where the two-dimensional histogram data reaches a minimum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::2d_hist_num_bins $id Arguments : integer id Returns : two-element list of integers {n_x_bins n_y_bins} Returns the list of numbers of bins in the two-dimensional histogram specified by id or throws tcl error if the id does not refer to a two-dimensional histogram. n_x_bins is the number of bins in X. n_y_bins is the number of bins in Y. Commands like this are best handled by tcl's "foreach" statement, e.g., foreach {n_x_bins n_y_bins} [hs::2d_hist_num_bins $id] {}
hs::2d_hist_overflows $id Arguments : integer id Returns : nine-element list of doubles Returns (i.e. copies) the overflow data from a two-dimensional histogram into a list. The elements of the list are returned in the following order: Y ^ | | | 0 | 3 | 6 ymax| ---|-----|--- | 1 |*****| 7 ymin| ---|-----|--- | 2 | 5 | 8 | | | |-------------------> xmin xmax X The contents of element 4 are undefined.
hs::2d_hist_percentiles $category $id $axis $percentages Arguments : string category, integer id, string axis, list of doubles percentages Returns : list of integers Calculates a set of percentiles for a 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. All histogram bins must be non-negative. The percentiles are calculated along the histogram axis specified by $axis. Allowed values for $axis are "x", "X", "y", or "Y". The calculated percentiles are returned in a set of 1d histograms. These histograms are placed in a category specified by the $category argument. The percentage values should be between 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive. The length of the list of percentages is arbitrary. The returned list of 1d histogram ids will have the same length.
hs::2d_hist_range $id Arguments : integer id Returns : four-element list of doubles {x_min x_max y_min y_max} Returns the list of minimum and maximum values representing the horizontal limits of a two-dimensional histogram specified by id: {x_min x_max y_min y_max}. Tcl error is thrown if id does not refer to a two-dimensional histogram.
hs::2d_hist_set_bin $id $ix $iy $value Arguments : integers id, ix, and iy, double value Returns : nothing Sets the value of the bin which has number $ix along the X axis and $iy along the Y axis in the two-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored.
hs::2d_hist_set_bin_errors $id $ix $iy $positive_error negative_error? Arguments : integers id, ix, and iy, doubles positive_error and negative_error Returns : nothing Sets the errors for the bin which has number $ix along the X axis and $iy along the Y axis in the two-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored. Negative error may be omitted or specified as an empty string. Positive error may be specified as an empty string in order to modify just the negative error.
hs::2d_hist_set_overflows $id $overflow_list Arguments : integer id, nine-element list of doubles Returns : nothing Sets the overflow data for a two-dimensional histogram. The elements of the list follow the same order as in the hs::2d_hist_overflows command.
hs::2d_hist_stats $id Arguments : integer id Returns : four-element list of doubles {x_mean y_mean x_std_dev y_std_dev} Calculates and returns the means and standard deviations of a two-dimensional histogram along both histogram axes.
hs::2d_hist_subrange $uid $title $category $parent_id $axis $bin_min $bin_max Arguments : integers uid, parent_id, bin_min, and bin_max, strings title, category, and axis Returns : integer Creates a new 2-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_2d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. The contents of the new histogram are created by extracting a subrange from a 2-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. The subrange to use is defined by the minimum $axis axis bin number, $bin_min, and the maximum $axis axis bin number, $bin_max, both included in the resulting histogram. Allowed values of the $axis argument are "X", "x", "Y", or "y". The command returns a Histo-Scope assigned id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error.
hs::2d_hist_xy_value $id $x $y Arguments : integer id, doubles x and y Returns : double Returns the value stored in the histogram bin referenced by x and y. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a two-dimensional histogram, or if x or y are not within the range of the histogram.
hs::2d_linear_fit $id $suppress_zero $use_errors Arguments : integer id, booleans suppress_zero and use_errors Returns : 11-element mixed list {a b c sig_a sig_b sig_c rho_ab rho_ac rho_bc chisq ndof} Fits 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id to a plane z = a*x + b*y + c using least-squares minimization. If $suppress_zero is 1 then only non-zero entries from the histogram are used in the fit. The function will use histogram errors to weight the fitted points if the optional argument $use_errors is 1. In this case points with null errors will be discarded. When $use_errors is 0 or omitted, all errors are assumed to be equal. The fitted coefficients a, b, and c are returned together with their errors sig_a, sig_b, and sig_c and correlation coefficients rho_ab, rho_ac, and rho_bc. The chisq element of the return list is defined in the following way: when $use_errors is 1, it is the actual chi-square of the fit. When $use_errors is 0 or omitted, it is the sum of squared residuals. ndof is the number of degrees of freedom (number of points actually used in the fit minus three). ndof is the only integer element in the return list, all other elements are doubles.
hs::2d_rotate_bins $id1 $id2 $shift $axis Arguments : integers id1, id2, and shift, string axis Returns : nothing Copies data and errors from 2d histogram with id $id1 to 2d histogram with id $id2 and in the process rotates the bin values by $shift bins in the direction of increasing $axis axis. $axis must be one of "x", "X", "y", or "Y". The histograms must have the same number of bins along both axes. $id1 may be equal to $id2, and the shift value may be negative.
hs::2d_select_bins $id $num_or_coord $min $max $incl_or_excl Arguments : integer id, string num_or_coord, double min, double max, string incl_or_excl Returns : list of lists of integers or list of lists of doubles For a 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id, this command returns a list of bins which satisfy a certain condition. If the $incl_or_excl string is "include" then those bins are returned which content is between min and max (min <= bin_value <= max). If the $incl_or_excl argument is "exclude" then those bins are returned which are outside the [min, max] interval (bin_value < min or bin_value > max). Each bin is represented either with a pair of bin numbers {nx ny} when $num_or_coord argument is "bin" or with a pair of bin coordinates {x y} when $num_or_coord argument is "coord". Bin coordinates are returned for the bottom left corner.
hs::3d_hist_bin_contents $id Arguments : integer id Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains bin data from a three-dimensional histogram.
hs::3d_hist_bin_coords $id $axis $origin Arguments : integer id, string axis, boolean origin Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains x, y, or z coordinates of bins in a three-dimensional histogram. Valid values of the $axis argument are X, x, Y, y, Z, or z. The coordinates are returned for each bin, and the sequence of bins is the same as in the data returned by hs::3d_hist_bin_contents command. If $origin is true then the command returns coordinates of the bin edges closest to the 0th bin. If $origin is false or omitted then the command returns positions of bin centers.
hs::3d_hist_bin_value $id $x_bin_num $y_bin_num $z_bin_num Arguments : integers id, x_bin_num, y_bin_num, and z_bin_num Returns : double Returns the value in the histogram bin referred to by bin (or channel) numbers x_bin_num, y_bin_num, z_bin_num. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a three-dimensional histogram or if any bin number is less than 0 or greater or equal to the number of histogram bins along the corresponding axis.
hs::3d_hist_block_fill $id $data $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of doubles data, pos_errors, and neg_errors Returns : nothing Replaces the accumulated bin and error data supplied for the three-dimensional histogram identified by id and clears the overflow bins. data, pos_errors, and neg_errors must be of the appropriate size for the three-dimensional histogram being filled. Either neg_errors or both error arguments can be omitted, in which case the corresponding errors are not changed. If the histogram has positive errors, but not negative ones, Histo-Scope assumes errors are symmetric. Thus memory can be saved by specifying only positive errors when errors are symmetric. Both positive and negative errors should be specified as positive numbers. The correspondence between the data and the histogram bins is such that Y histogram bins change faster than X bins, and Z bins change faster than Y bins.
hs::3d_hist_errors $id $type Arguments : integer id, string type Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains the data for either upper or lower error bars for 3d histogram with given $id. The "type" argument specifies which errors are returned: use "p" or "P" to get positive errors and "n" or "N" to get negative errors. The returned string may have 0 length which means that this type of errors is not defined for the given histogram. The type argument may be omitted in which case the positive errors are returned if they exist.
hs::3d_hist_labels $id Arguments : integer id Returns : list of strings {x_label y_label z_label q_label} Returns 3d histogram labels as defined when hs::create_3d_hist was called. This function will produce an error if the item identified by id does not exist or the item is not a 3d histogram.
hs::3d_hist_maximum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : seven-element list {x y z x_bin_num y_bin_num z_bin_num value} Returns coordinates (x, y, and z), bin numbers (x_bin_num, y_bin_num, and z_bin_num), and the bin content (value) where the three-dimensional histogram data reaches a maximum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram does not refer to a two-dimensional histogram, or the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::3d_hist_minimum $id Arguments : integer id Returns : seven-element list {x y z x_bin_num y_bin_num z_bin_num value} Returns coordinates (x, y, and z), bin numbers (x_bin_num, y_bin_num, and z_bin_num), and the bin content (value) where the three-dimensional histogram data reaches a minimum. The routine returns bin number 0 if the histogram does not refer to a two-dimensional histogram, or the histogram is empty (i.e. has not yet been filled).
hs::3d_hist_num_bins $id Arguments : integer id Returns : three-element list of integers {n_x_bins n_y_bins n_z_bins} Returns the list of numbers of bins in the three-dimensional histogram specified by id or throws tcl error if the id does not refer to a three-dimensional histogram. n_x_bins is the number of bins in X. n_y_bins is the number of bins in Y, and n_z_bins is the number of bins in Z. Commands like this are best handled by tcl's "foreach" statement, e.g., foreach {n_x_bins n_y_bins n_z_bins} [hs::3d_hist_num_bins $id] {}
hs::3d_hist_overflows $id $array_name Arguments : integer id, string array_name Returns : nothing Fills the array named $array_name with the overflow data from a three-dimensional histogram with the given id. All array indices look like "$i,$j,$k" where i, j, and k vary from 0 to 2 for x, y, and z axes, respectively. 0 corresponds to underflow, 1 corresponds to a value within range, and 2 corresponds to overflow. For example, $array_name(0,1,2) is the number of entries in the given histogram with x value below the histogram x range, y value within range, and z value above the histogram z range. Although defined, array element with index "1,1,1" has no meaning.
hs::3d_hist_range $id Arguments : integer id Returns : list of doubles {x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max} Returns six-element list of minimum and maximum values representing the limits of a three-dimensional histogram specified by id: {x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max}. Tcl error is thrown if id does not refer to a three-dimensional histogram.
hs::3d_hist_set_bin $id $ix $iy $iz $value Arguments : integers id, ix, iy, and iz, double value Returns : nothing Sets the value of the bin which has number $ix along the X axis, $iy along the Y axis and $iz along the Z axis in the three-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored.
hs::3d_hist_set_bin_errors $id $ix $iy $iz $positive_error negative_error? Arguments : integers id, ix, iy, and iz, doubles positive_error and negative_error Returns : nothing Sets the errors for the bin which has number $ix along the X axis, $iy along the Y axis and $iz along the Z axis in the three-dimensional histogram identified by id. Out-of-range bin numbers are ignored. Negative error may be omitted or specified as an empty string. Positive error may be specified as an empty string in order to modify just the negative error.
hs::3d_hist_set_overflows $id $array_name Arguments : integer id, string array_name Returns : nothing Sets the overflow data for a three-dimensional histogram. The array must have at least 27 elements defined with indices like "$i,$j,$k" where i, j, and k vary from 0 to 2 (same indexing convention as in the hs::3d_hist_overflows command).
hs::3d_hist_stats $id Arguments : integer id Returns : six-element list of doubles {x_mean y_mean z_mean x_std_dev y_std_dev z_std_dev} Calculates and returns the means and standard deviations of a three-dimensional histogram along all histogram axes.
hs::3d_hist_subrange $uid $title $category $parent_id $axis $bin_min $bin_max Arguments : integers uid, parent_id, bin_min, and bin_max, strings title, category, and axis Returns : integer Creates a new 3-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_3d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. The contents of the new histogram are created by extracting a subrange from a 3-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. The subrange to use is defined by the minimum $axis axis bin number, $bin_min, and the maximum $axis axis bin number, $bin_max, both included in the resulting histogram. Allowed values of the $axis argument are "x", "y", or "z" (not case sensitive). The command returns a Histo-Scope assigned id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error.
hs::3d_hist_xyz_value $id $x $y $z Arguments : integer id, doubles x, y, and z Returns : double Returns the value stored in the histogram bin referenced by x, y, and z. The result is undefined if item with given id is not a three-dimensional histogram, or if x, y, or z are not within the range of the histogram.
hs::adaptive_c_project ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code? \ $ntuple_id $uid $title $category $c_filter_expr $c_weight_expr \ $c_x_expr $bin_width_multiplier Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, title, category, c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, and c_x_expr, double bin_width_multiplier Returns : integer Creates a new 1d histogram with specified user id, title, and category, and fills it using the data from ntuple with id $ntuple_id. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, and c_x_expr must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. The histogram gets filled with the value of c_x_expr and calculated weight c_weight_expr for a given ntuple entry only when c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this entry. Weights must be non-negative for all rows of the ntuple which pass the filter. The command will try to figure out the optimal binning but may perform poorly if the values of c_x_expr include extremely far outliers (after filtering). bin_width_multiplier is an optional argument which allows you to adjust the automatically selected bin width. The default value of bin_width_multiplier is 1.0. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, and c_x_expr. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before c_weight_expr and c_x_expr are calcuated (but after the filter). The new histogram id is returned on success or a tcl error is thrown in case of failure. See also the description of hs::ntuple_c_project.
hs::adaptive_stats_histogram $id_source $suppress_zero $uid $title $category \ $bin_width_multiplier Arguments : integers id_source, suppress_zero, and uid, strings title and category, double bin_width_multiplier Returns : integer Creates a new histogram with specified user id, title, and category, and fills it using bin values of the histogram with id $id_source. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. If $suppress_zero != 0 then only non-zero entries from $id_source are used. The command will try to figure out the optimal binning but may perform poorly if the histogram $id_source has extremely far outliers. bin_width_multiplier is an optional argument which allows you to adjust the automatically selected bin width. The default value of bin_width_multiplier is 1.0. The new histogram id is returned on success or a tcl error is thrown in case of failure.
hs::add_filled_columns $ntuple_id $uid $title $category name1? values1? \ name2? values2? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings title, category, name1, name2, ..., binary strings or lists of doubles values1, values2, ... Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple command for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. Names $name1, $name2, etc. will be appended to the set of variables in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id to form the set of variables of the new ntuple. $values1, $values2, etc. must be binary strings or lists of doubles of an appropriate size so that their values can be included in the new ntuple as column contents of corresponding variables. The command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error.
hs::allow_item_send $flag Arguments : integer flag Returns : nothing When called with $flag equal 0, this command allows you to disable Histo-Scope client updates. This is useful when you are doing heavy calculations creating and deleting histograms frequently and do not want to see intermediate results. Use this command again with $flag equal 1 to allow normal updates. Warning: the set of items before disabling the updates and after enabling them must be the same, otherwise Histo-Scope clients will loose their synchronization with the server.
hs::allow_reset_refresh $id $flag Arguments : integer id, boolean flag Returns : nothing This command may be used to enable or disable refresh of ntuple plots when an ntuple is reset. It may be useful to disable refresh on reset for ntuples used to draw dynamically updated xy curves (when an ntuple is created by the hs::create_ntuple command or read from a file, refresh on reset is enabled). $id must be a valid Histo-Scope ntuple id.
hs::ascii_dump $filename $ids Arguments : string filename, list of integers ids Returns : integer Dumps histograms and ntuples into a file in a human-readable form. The function return value is the number of items written. The named file is open for writing ("w"), discarding previous contents, if any. Filenames "stdout" and "stderr" are special: instead of creating files named "stdout" or "stderr", the program prints data to the standard output or the standard error. For every item the program prints a header which includes uid, title, category, binning information (for histograms), and variable list (for ntuples). After that the data are printed. 1d histogram data are printed as follows: X_0 Value_0 Pos_error_0 Neg_error_0 X_1 Value_1 Pos_error_1 Neg_error_1 ..................... Either negative or both errors are omitted if the histogram has no such error data. 2d histograms are printed as follows: X_0 Y_0 Value_0_0 Pos_error_0_1 Neg_error_0_1 X_0 Y_1 Value_0_1 Pos_error_0_1 Neg_error_0_1 ...................................................... X_0 Y_max Value_0_max Pos_error_0_max Neg_error_0_max X_1 Y_0 Value_1_0 Pos_error_1_0 Neg_error_1_0 X_1 Y_1 Value_1_1 Pos_error_1_1 Neg_error_1_1 ...................................................... Ntuples are printed one row per line.
hs::bin_coord $id $axis $number left_edge? Arguments : integer id and number, string axis, boolean left_edge Returns : double Returns the bin coordinate for the given histogram, axis, and bin number. An error is generated if the bin number is out of range. $axis must be one of "x", "y", or "z" (case insensitive). If "left_edge" is true then the command returns the coordinate of the left bin edge. If "left_edge" is false or omitted then the command return the position of the bin center.
hs::bin_number $id $axis $coord Arguments : integer id, string axis, double coord Returns : integer Returns the bin number for the given histogram, axis, and coordinate value. $axis must be one of "x", "y", or "z" (case insensitive). -1 is returned if the coordinate value is out of histogram range.
hs::browse_collection $idlist option? arg? ... Arguments : list of integers idlist, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string This command creates a top level Tk widget which allows for convenient browsing of histograms whose Histo-Scope ids are supplied by the $idlist argument, and returns the name of the new toplevel window. This command accepts the same options as the hs::show_histogram command, please check the hs::show_histogram description for details. The widget's "Search" entry can be used to find the first histogram in the list whose title matches the typed pattern. The match is established using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match" (see the description of hs::lookup_title command for more details). Click on the "ID" or "Title" labels to sort the entries by id or title. Subsequent clicks on the same label change the ordering from increasing to decreasing and back.
hs::calc $argument Arguments : the argument could be either string or integer Returns : see below The hs::calc command has four different forms: 1) hs::calc $id - takes a Histo-Scope histogram id as an arguments and returns a tcl command (also called handle) associated with it. The commands associated with histograms provide a convenient notation for performing various general and/or mathematical manipulations with histograms in tcl scripts. 2) hs::calc purge - frees up the resources taken by histogram handles and temporary histograms produced during calculations with handles. This operation has to be performed from time to time by the application because there is no automatic garbage collector in the hs package. In this form the command returns nothing. 3) hs::calc count - returns the number of histogram handles defined since the last purge operation. 4) hs::calc manual - prints an extended description of the hs::calc command and histogram handle functionality to the standard output. This description can also be found in file hs_calc.txt.
hs::category $id Arguments : integer id Returns : string Returns the category string for a given Histo-Scope id. This function produces an error (which you might want to catch) if an item with this id does not exist.
hs::change_category $id $newcategory Arguments : integer id, string newcategory Returns : nothing Changes the category of an item specified by its Histo-Scope identification number, id. If a Histo-Scope is connected when this routine is called, the Histo-Scope main window will be updated with the new category.
hs::change_title $id $newtitle Arguments : integer id, string newtitle Returns : nothing Changes the title of an item specified by its Histo-Scope identification number, id. If a Histo-Scope is connected when this routine is called, the Histo-Scope main window will be updated with the new title.
hs::change_uid $id $newuid Arguments : integers id, newuid Returns : nothing Changes the user-defined identification number (uid) to new_uid for an item specified by its Histo-Scope identification number, id. If a Histo-Scope is connected when this routine is called, the Histo-Scope main window will be updated with the new uid.
hs::change_uid_and_category $id $new_uid $newcategory Arguments : integers id and new_uid, string newcategory Returns : nothing Changes the user-defined identification number (uid) and the category of an item specified by its Histo-Scope identification number, id. If a Histo-Scope is connected when this routine is called, the Histo-Scope main window will be updated with the new category. This command allows you to change both the uid and the category simultaneously even in those cases when the sequential change of these attributes is impossible because of the conflicts with uids and categories of other items.
hs::check_trigger $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns 1 if the trigger identified by id has been set by a Histo-Scope user. Otherwise 0 is returned. Please note that this routine will return 1 once for each button press by the Histo-Scope user. Thus, if the user has pressed the trigger 5 times, the program must call hs::check_trigger at least 5 times.
hs::clear option? value? ... Arguments : various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing Removes all objects created by the commands hs::draw, hs::comment, hs::latex, and hs::epsf from a Histo-Scope plot. This command supports the following options: -window $Win This option specifies the name of the window to clear. The window named $Win must be created in advance by one the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, hs::expr_plot, etc. The default is to use the window name specified on the most recent occasion when one of these commands was issued with the "-window" option. -row $R This option is used for multiplots to specify the row of the desired window. Default row is 0. -column $C This option is used for multiplots to specify the desired window column. Default column is 0.
hs::close_all_windows Arguments : none Returns : nothing This command instructs Histo-Scope to close all plot windows.
hs::close_window $window_name nocomplain? sync? Arguments : string window_name, boolean nocomplain and sync Returns : nothing This command closes a Histo-Scope window with the given name. The window with this name must be created in advance by one of the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, or hs::multiplot. If set true, the optional boolean argument "nocomplain" instructs Histo-Scope not to produce a warning message in case the window with the given name does not exist or has already been closed. By default, the window is closed by Histo-Scope asynchronously with the running script, and this command returns immediately, before the window disappears from the screen. This behavior may be altered by setting the optional boolean argument "sync" to 1. In this case the command will not return until the window is actually closed. Note that a histogram (or an ntuple) displayed on the window should have at least one data entry, otherwise the Histo-Scope GUI will wait forever until the data arrives.
hs::column_cdfvalues $id $column $coords Arguments : integers id and column, list of doubles coords Returns : list of doubles Calculates and returns a set of percentages (values of the normalized cumulative distribution function multiplied by 100.0) for a given column of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id. The length of the list of coordinates is arbitrary. The returned list of percentages will have the same length. This function is the inverse of hs::column_percentiles.
hs::column_contents $id $column Arguments : integers id and column Returns : binary string Returns the contents of a column of Ntuple data specified by id as a binary string. A column, which can also be called an element or a variable, is the set of values taken by a single Ntuple variable for each entry in the Ntuple.
hs::column_edf $ntuple_id $column reverse_order? Arguments : integers ntuple_id and column, boolean reverse_order Returns : binary string Returns the empirical distribution function values for the given ntuple column, in the same order as ntuple rows are originally filled. If the optional argument "reverse_order" is set to 1, the function values will decrease as values in the column increase.
hs::column_maximum $id $column Arguments : integers id and column Returns : mixed list {row_number max_value} Searches for the maximum value in the given column of the ntuple specified by id. Returns the row in which the maxumum is found and the value itself.
hs::column_minimum $id $column Arguments : integers id and column Returns : mixed list {row_number min_value} Searches for the minimum value in the given column of the ntuple specified by id. Returns the row in which the minumum is found and the value itself.
hs::column_percentiles $id $column $percentages Arguments : integers id and column, list of doubles percentages Returns : list of doubles Calculates and returns a set of percentiles for a given column of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id. The percentage values should be between 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive. The returned list of percentiles will have the same length. This function is the inverse of hs::column_cdfvalues.
hs::column_range $ntuple_id $column_number Arguments : integers ntuple_id and column_number Returns : list of doubles {min max} Finds minimum and maximum values in the specified ntuple column.
hs::column_shape $ntuple_id $column_number Arguments : integers ntuple_id and column_number Returns : list of doubles {n_entries mean stdev skewness kurtosis} Returns the number of ntuple entries, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for the contents of one column in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id. In this particular estimate, the sum of squared deviations is divided by the number of entries (rather than the number of entries minus one) to get the standard deviation estimate.
hs::column_stats $ntuple_id $column_number $suppress_zero Arguments : integers ntuple_id, column_number, and suppress_zero Returns : list of doubles {sum mean stdev min q25 median q75 max} Calculates various statistics on the contents of one column in an ntuple. Zero entries are not used in any calculations if $suppress_zero != 0. The following statistics are returned: sum : sum of all values mean : average of the values stdev : standard deviation min : minimum value q25 : 25th percentile median : median q75 : 75th percentile max : maximum value See also the description of hs::ntuple_c_stats.
hs::comment $text $position option? value? ... Arguments : string text, mixed list position, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command can be used to draw comments and labels on top of Histo-Scope plots. $text specifies the text to draw. The "position" argument specifies the location of the text inside the plot window. $position must be either a two- or a six-element list, same format as in the specifications of object points in the hs::draw command. Please see the hs::draw description for details about the format and the coordinate systems. The following options may be specified in addition to the required arguments: -window $Win This option specifies the name of the window to draw the item in. The window named $Win must be created in advance by one the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, hs::expr_plot, etc. The default is to use the window name specified on the most recent occasion when one of these commands was issued with the "-window" option. -row $R This option is used for multiplots to specify the row of the desired window. Default row is 0. -column $C This option is used for multiplots to specify the desired window column. Default column is 0. -immediate $I Boolean option which specifies whether the comment should be drawn immediately. The default value of this option is 1. It is useful to set this option to 0 if you plan to make a lot of comments or to draw many items so that Histo-Scope redraws the window only when it is complete. The hs::redraw command can be issused at the end to ensure that every item is displayed. -fg $F This option is used to specify the color of the text. -foreground $F The default color is black. -bg $B This option is used to specify the color of the -background $B rectangle placed around the text string. The default value of B is an empty string (means that the rectangle is transparent). -font $Fnt Specifies the font to use to draw the text. Use of this option requires Tk. $Fnt may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Note that not all fonts are supported in PostScript. The default font for plot comments may be set with the hs::config_histoscope command. -coords $S Specifies default coordinate system for the comment position and the reference point. $S must be one of the strings "winabs", "winrel", and "plot". Default is "winrel" (window relative system). -origin $O Specifies default coordinate system origin for the comment position. $O must be one of the letters "o" (use origin) or "r" (use reference point). Capital letters may be used as well. Default is "o". -refpoint $P Specifies reference point which can be used instead of coordinate system origin. $P must be a valid point specification: either two- or six-element list, as discussed in the description of the hs::draw command. By default, reference point and window coordinate system origin coincide (this corresponds to P value of {0 winabs o 0 winabs o}). -border $Brd Set true in order to draw a thin black rectangular border around the comment string. Default is false. -anchor $A Specifies the comment anchor, that is, where in the string is the point whose location is specified by the position argument. Allowed anchor values are "nw" (means north-west), "n", "ne", "w", "center", "c" (also means center), "e", "sw", "s", and "se". When a rectangle is drawn around the text string (that is, when either -bg or -border options are used), the anchor refers to a point in the rectangle corner, in the middle of the border, or in the center. Without a rectangle, the anchor position within a string becomes somewhat less clearly defined and depends on the details of the font implementation. -justify $J Specifies how to justify text in multi-line comments. Allowed option values are "left", "right", and "center". Default is "left". Example ------- Show histogram with Histo-Scope id 1 and draw its title in big bold blue letters at the top of the plot window: set id 1 hs::show_histogram $id -window winname -title "//hs::comment example" hs::comment [hs::title $id] {0 winabs r -10 winabs r} \ -refpoint {0.5 1.0} -fg blue -bg white \ -anchor n -border on -font {Helvetica 24 bold}
hs::complete Arguments : none Returns : nothing Close all connections with Histo-Scope processes and notify them that the program is finished. This routine gives connected Histo-Scope processes a chance to request a last update. This may take a few seconds to accomplish. If you are using HBOOK, this routine should be called before calling hrend, since hs::complete may still access the HBOOK data. Under rare circumstances, an hs::complete call can take up to 1 minute to complete if one or more Histo-Scope(s) are viewing a large amount of data and have somehow fallen behind in receiving the data. This call allows a maximum of one minute for sending all data requested by Histo-Scopes before the hs::complete was called. In order to continue using Histo-Scope library after hs::complete, hs::initialize must be called again.
hs::complete_and_wait Arguments : none Returns : nothing Notify any connected Histo-Scope processes that the program is finished and is waiting for them to exit or disconnect. While any Histo-Scope is connected, this call will not return to the calling program. Instead all Histo-Scope requests, including new connections will be serviced. After all connected Histo-Scopes have disconnected, all data memory is freed and control is returned to the calling program. As noted above, if you are using HBOOK then this routine should be called before hrend.
hs::concat_histograms $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers uid, id1, and id2, strings title and category Returns : integer This command concatenates, side by side, two histograms with Histo-Scope ids $id1 and $id2, and creates a new histogram with specified user id, title, and category. The histograms to be concatenated must have compatible bin sizes and axis limits. The lower limit of one histogram must coincide with the upper limit of the other along one of the coordinate axes. In case of multidimensional histograms, binning and limits for all other axes must be identical. Also, the histograms are required to have the same errors defined. The command returns a Histo-Scope assigned id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error. Example ------- Suppose, we have a 1-d histogram with Histo-Scope id 10 which has 50 bins, and we want to multiply the lower 25 bins by 2. This can be accomplished by the following sequence of commands: set id_low [hs::1d_hist_subrange 1 "" "Tmp" 10 0 24] set id_high [hs::1d_hist_subrange 2 "" "Tmp" 10 25 49] set id_mult [hs::multiply_histograms 3 "" "Tmp" $id_low 0 2] set id_result [hs::concat_histograms 4 [hs::title 10] "Tmp"\ $id_mult $id_high]
hs::config_histoscope option? value? ... Arguments : various options are supplied as strings, the types of their values depend on the option given Returns : nothing This command configures properties of connected Histo-Scopes. Available options are: autoHelp $a Turns on or off automatic plot help. $a must be a boolean. Same functionality is available from the "Preferences" menu of the Histo-Scope GUI. bufferGraphics $b Turns graphics buffering on or off. $b must be a boolean. Same functionality is available from the "Preferences" menu of the Histo-Scope GUI. commentFont $f Sets the default font for comments shown inside the plot windows. $f must be a valid X or Tk font name. Run "xlsfonts" to see the list of available fonts. This option requires Tk. defaultColorScale $c Modifies default color scale used by Histo-Scope. $c must be a valid color scale tag returned by command hs::create_linear_color_scale or hs::create_general_color_scale. minLineWidth $w Sets the minimal line width to be used for histogram drawing in PostScript. $w must be a non-negative double. Histo-Scope default is 0.5. scat3dThicken $t3 Turns on or off default point size increase in three-dimensional scatter plots. $t3 must be a boolean. Points may be drawn thinner or thicker for each individual plot by using the "Thicken Points" item in the plot menu. scatThicken $t2 Turns on or off default point size increase in XY scatter plots. $t2 must be a boolean. Points may be drawn thinner or thicker for each individual plot by using the "Thicken Points" item in the plot menu. updatePeriod $p Sets the Histo-Scopes update frequency -- same functionality is available from the "Preferences" menu of the Histo-Scope GUI. $p is the update period in milliseconds. printTitles $T Turns on or off default printing of window titles in PostScript files. When printing is on, individual titles are not printed if they start with double forward slash, e.g., "//Some title". titleFont $Tf Sets the font for window titles in PostScript files (the screen font will not change). $Tf must be a valid X or Tk font name. This option requires Tk. mplotTitleFont $Mf Sets the PostScript font for plot subtitles in multiplots (the screen font will not change). $Tf must be a valid X or Tk font name. This option requires Tk. printCoords $Pc Turns on or off printing of point coordinates to the standard output when "Grab Coordinates" menu is invoked on a plot window. By default, printing to the standard output is off.
hs::copy_data $id_to $id_from scale_factor? Arguments : integers id_to and id_from, double factor Returns : nothing Copies data and errors from histogram with id $id_from to histogram with id $id_to. The histograms must have the same number of bins but may have different binning structure and even different dimensionality. Overflow bins are discarded. Optional argument "scale_factor" may be used to multiply bin contents and errors of the target histogram by a constant. This command may be used for scaling bin contents and errors of a histogram -- just use its id in place of both id_to and id_from.
hs::copy_hist $id $uid $title $category Arguments : integers id and uid, strings title and category Returns : integer Duplicates a histogram or an ntuple identified by id. New item will have the user id, title, and category specified by the function arguments. The Histo-Scope defined id for the new item is returned.
hs::covar_to_corr $matrix Arguments : list of lists of doubles matrix Returns : list of lists of doubles Converts a square covariance matrix into correlation matrix. Elements in row i and column j (m_ij) are divided by sqrt(m_ii*m_jj).
hs::create_1d_hist $uid $title $category $x_label $y_label $n_bins $min $max Arguments : integer uid, strings title, category, x_label, and y_label, integer n_bins, double min, double max Returns : integer Create (or book) a one-dimensional histogram. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the histogram window when it is displayed. category is an optional string (i.e. can be "") defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category as uncategorized. The histogram axes are given the labels x_label and y_label. n_bins is the number of bins in the histogram. Any values <= min or >= max are collected into underflow and overflow bins. The Histo-Scope defined id for the histogram is returned to the user and is used in later calls to identify the histogram just created. The value of min should be less than max, and n_bins should be greater than 0.
hs::create_2d_hist $uid $title $category $x_label $y_label $z_label \ $x_bins $y_bins $x_min $x_max $y_min $y_max Arguments : integer uid, strings title, category, x_label, y_label, and z_label, integers x_bins and y_bins, doubles x_min, x_max, y_min, and y_max Returns : integer Create (or book) a two-dimensional histogram. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the histogram window when it is displayed. category is an optional (can be "") string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category as uncategorized. The histogram axes are given the labels x_label, y_label, and z_label. x_bins and y_bins are the number of bins for each axis of the histogram. Any values <= min or >= max are collected into overflow bins. The Histo-Scope defined id for the histogram is returned and is used in later calls to identify the histogram just created. The values of x_min and y_min should be less than their corresponding maximums, and x_bin and y_bin should both be greater than 0.
hs::create_3d_hist $uid $title $category $x_label $y_label $z_label \ $q_label $x_bins $y_bins $z_bins $x_min $x_max \ $y_min $y_max $z_min $z_max Arguments : integer uid, strings title, category, x_label, y_label, z_label, and q_label, integers x_bins, y_bins, and z_bins, doubles x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, and z_max Returns : integer Create (or book) a three-dimensional histogram. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the histogram window when it is displayed. category is an optional (can be "") string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category as uncategorized. The histogram axes are given the labels x_label, y_label, z_label, and q_label. x_bins, y_bins, and z_bins are the number of bins for each axis of the histogram. Any values <= min or >= max are collected into overflow bins. The Histo-Scope defined id for the histogram is returned and is used in later calls to identify the histogram just created. The values of x_min, y_min, and z_min should be less than their corresponding maximums. x_bin, y_bin, and z_bin should all be greater than 0.
hs::create_control $uid $title $category $min $max $default_value Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, doubles min, max, and default_value Returns : integer Creates a control. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the control, and category is an optional string (can be "") defining a hierarchical "location" for the control. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the control will appear in the top level category. min and max is the minimum and maximum values for the control. The Histo-Scope user will not be able to set the control outside of this range. The Histo-Scope defined id for the control is returned and is used in later calls to identify the control just created. Note that Tk's "scale" command provides better look and feel in a similar widget.
hs::create_general_color_scale $underflow_color $color_list $overflow_color Arguments : strings underflow_color and overflow_color, list of strings color_list Returns : a string Creates a color scale which can be subsequently used to display color scatter plots and color cell (tartan) plots. Like a histogram axis, a color scale has a set of color bins mapped to a certain range of some variable. It also has underflow and overflow colors used to paint points or bins whose values do not fit into the mapped range. The data mapping into the set of colors is specified when the plot is actually displayed using such commands as hs::show_histogram or hs::overlay. $color_list is a list of color names in any notation acceptable for the X server. For example, "red", "RGBi:1.0/0.0/0.0", "#ffff00000000", and "TekHVC:13.0/52.65/100.0" are all acceptable names for the red color. In addition, color spaces HSV and HLS which are not directly supported by the X Color Management System are also recognized (so that, for example, "HSV:0.0/1.0/1.0" is also a valid name for red). The number of colors in the list should be at least 2. This number should not exceed 50 on displays which use 8 bits per pixel, and 2000 on displays which use more bits. $underflow_color and $overflow_color are colors used to represent underflow and overflow, respectively. The command returns the tag for the new color scale which can be later used by other commands. When the color scale info is no longer needed, the hs::delete_color_scale command may be used to free up some memory. This command needs Tk (which is used to verify correctness of the color names). Please also check the description of hs::create_linear_color_scale command which may be more convenient for creating simple color scales. Example ------- Suppose, we have a 2d histogram with id 10. Then this histogram can be displayed in three colors red, green, and blue like this: set scale [hs::create_general_color_scale black {red green blue} white] hs::show_histogram 10 -mode tartan -colorscale $scale In this case the full Z axis range is divided into three equal parts and mapped into the three colors. To map only a certain Z range to color, use something like hs::show_histogram 10 -mode tartan -colorscale $scale -zmin 0.0 -zmax 1.0 If the color scale is not specified explicitly, a default color scale will be used. You can also modify the colors using the Histo-Scope color editor accessible via the "Adjust Colors..." entry in the plot menu.
hs::create_group $uid $title $category $groupType \ $list_of_ids $list_of_error_types Arguments : integer uid, strings title, category, and groupType, list of integers list_of_ids, list of strings list_of_error_types Returns : integer Creates a group , which is an item that points to other data items, thus grouping them into one addressable entity. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. category is an optional string (can be "") defining a hierarchical "location" for the group. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in Unix file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the group will appear in the top level category. The Histo-Scope-defined id for the group is returned and is used in later calls to identify the group just created. groupType is the group's suggested window type. Allowed values for groupType are "MULTIPLOT", "OVERLAY", and "INDIVIDUAL". list_of_ids is a list of Histo-Scope id numbers for the items in the group. list_of_error_types is a list of strings ("NO_ERROR_BARS", "DATA_ERROR_BARS", or "GAUSSIAN_ERROR_BARS") that corresponds to the list_of_ids and tells Histo-Scope how to display errors for the corresponding histogram (used only when the corresponding data item is a histogram). The number of elements in the list_of_error_types should be equal to the number of elements on the list_of_ids and must not exceed 81.
hs::create_histogram $uid $title $category $qlabel $xlabel $xmin $xmax \ $nxbins ylabel? ymin? ymax? nybins? zlabel? zmin? zmax? nzbins? Arguments : integers uid, nxbins, nybins, and nzbins, strings title, category, qlabel, xlabel, ylabel, and zlabel, doubles xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, and zmax Returns : integer This is a convenience procedure which books 1, 2, or 3d histogram. The histogram dimensionality is inferred from the number of arguments provided (argument "ylabel" and all subsequent arguments are optional). Internally, this procedure calls one of the commands hs::create_1d_hist, hs::create_2d_hist, or hs::create_3d_hist. Argument "uid" defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. "title" defines the title for the histogram window when it is displayed. "category" defines a hierarchical "location" for the histogram (see the description of hs::create_1d_hist command for more details). "qlabel" is the label used for the magnitude of the histogram bins (e.g., vertical axis label for 1d histograms). Arguments "xlabel", "xmin", "xmax", and "nxbins" specify x axis label, histogram minimum and maximum range along the x axis, and the number of x bins, respectively. When provided, other arguments specify parameters of the y and z axes in a similar fashion. This command returns the Histo-Scope defined id of the new histogram.
hs::create_indicator $uid $title $category $min $max Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, doubles min and max Returns : integer Creates an indicator. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the indicator, and category is an optional string (can be "") defining a hierarchical "location" for the indicator. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the indicator will appear in the top level category. min and max is the minimum and maximum values for the indicator. The Histo-Scope defined id for the indicator is returned and is used in later calls to identify the indicator just created. Note that Tk's "scale" command provides better look and feel in a similar widget.
hs::create_linear_color_scale $colorspace $ncolors $underflow_color \ $start_color $end_color $overflow_color Arguments : strings colorspace, underflow_color, start_color, end_color, and overflow_color, integer ncolors Returns : a string Creates a color scale which can be subsequently used to display color scatter plots and color cell (tartan) plots. Like a histogram axis, a color scale has a set of color bins mapped to a certain range of some variable. It also has underflow and overflow colors used to paint points or bins whose values do not fit into the mapped range. The data mapping into the set of colors is specified when the plot is actually displayed using such commands as hs::show_histogram or hs::overlay. Linear color scale is a straight line in the coordinates of the color space specified by the "colorspace" argument. All color spaces supported by the X Color Management System may be used: RGB, RGBi, CIEXYZ, CIEuvY, CIExyY, CIELab, CIELuv, and TekHVC. In addition, two other popular spaces are supported: HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) and HLS (Hue, Luminance, and Saturation). A detailed description of various color spaces is beyond the scope of this simple help. If you need more information, please consult the relevant literature about colorimetry or search the Web for "color space FAQ". In general, you need to have some idea how your favorite color space is related to the RGB space so that the whole color scale stays within the limits imposed by RGB and can be displayed on the computer screen. The starting and ending points of the scale are specified by the "start_color" and "end_color" arguments, respectively. The color names may be given in any notation acceptable for the X server. For example, "red", "RGBi:1.0/0.0/0.0", "#ffff00000000", and "TekHVC:13.0/52.65/100.0" are all acceptable names for the red color. In addition, color names which start with "HSV:" and "HLS:" may be used as well (so that, for example, "HSV:0.0/1.0/1.0" is also a valid name for red). The number of colors in the scale is specified by the "ncolors" argument. This number should be at least 2. The upper limit on the number of colors depends on the screen depth: it is 50 for displays which use 8 bits per pixel and 2000 for displays which use more bits. Arguments "underflow_color" and "overflow_color" specify colors used to represent underflow and overflow. The command returns the tag for the new color scale which can be later used by other commands. When the color scale info is no longer needed, the hs::delete_color_scale command may be used to free up some memory. This command needs Tk (which is used to verify correctness of the color names). Arbitrary non-linear color scales may be created using the hs::create_general_color_scale command. Examples -------- The following command creates a color scale identical to the default Histo-Scope color scale: hs::create_linear_color_scale HSV 100 black HSV:240/1/1 HSV:0/1/1 magenta Suppose, we have a 2d histogram with id 10. Then this histogram can be displayed in a range of RGB colors from blue to red like this: set scale [hs::create_linear_color_scale RGB 50 black blue red magenta] hs::show_histogram 10 -mode tartan -colorscale $scale In this case the full Z axis range is divided into 50 equal parts and mapped into the 50 colors of the scale. To map only a certain Z range to color, use something like hs::show_histogram 10 -mode tartan -colorscale $scale -zmin 0.0 -zmax 1.0 If the color scale is not specified explicitly, a default color scale will be used. You can also modify the colors using the Histo-Scope color editor accessible via the "Adjust Colors..." entry in the plot menu.
hs::create_ntuple $uid $title $category $list_of_names Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, list of strings list_of_names Returns : integer Defines an Ntuple with number of variables equal to [llength $list_of_names]. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the Ntuple, and category is an optional (i.e. can be "") string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "", the Ntuple will appear in the top level category as uncategorized. Each element in the list_of_names is a string naming an Ntuple variable. Storage allocation is automatic: as the Ntuple grows, more space will be allocated. However, Ntuples must fit into virtual memory. The Histo-Scope defined id for the Ntuple is returned and is used in later calls to identify the Ntuple just created. The specified Ntuple variable names should, preferably, be valid C variable names. This allows for subsequent use of fast commands related to ntuple filtering and statistical computations (such as hs::ntuple_c_filter and hs::ntuple_c_stats). A valid C variable name must begin with a letter or underscore, must contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and must not coincide with a reserved C keyword. It may also be a properly formed member of a struct, or an array element with a small non-negative integer index, such as "Kshort[2].Px" or "point[10]". Unlike real C, no spaces should be used inside such names.
hs::create_trigger $uid $title $category Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a trigger. uid defines a user-specified identification number which can later be used along with the category to specify the item created. title defines the title for the trigger, and category is an optional string (can be "") defining a hierarchical "location" for the trigger. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the trigger will appear in the top level category. The Histo-Scope defined id for the trigger is returned and is used in later calls to identify the trigger just created. Note that Tk's "button" command provides better look and feel in a much more versatile widget.
hs::data_to_list $bstring Arguments : binary string bstring Returns : list of doubles Converts binary strings formatted as floating point arrays into tcl lists of doubles. Useful for conversion of return values of such hs commands as hs::1d_hist_bin_contents, hs::1d_hist_errors, etc.
hs::default_latex_packages Arguments : none Returns : list of strings This command returns the default list of packages loaded by LaTeX when the hs::latex command is executed. The users are expected to overwrite this command. For example, the following code makes "amsmath", "amsfonts", and "color" default packages: proc ::hs::default_latex_packages {} { list amsmath amsfonts color }
hs::delete $id Arguments : integer id Returns : nothing Deletes a histogram, Ntuple, indicator, control, or trigger identified by id.
hs::delete_category $category Arguments : string category Returns : nothing Deletes all items in the named category. All data content is lost. The category string must exactly match the category of the item to be deleted unless a trailing "..." is specified as part of the category. When the "..." is specified, data items in the category and all subcategories of the category will be deleted. Specifying "" for category will delete all uncategorized items. For example, specifying a category "HS/..." will delete all items with category "HS" and "HS/Nts" but not "HSNTuples" nor "hs". If just "..." is specified, all items are deleted.
hs::delete_color_scale $tag Arguments : string tag Returns : nothing Deletes a color scale created earlier by one of the commands hs::create_linear_color_scale or hs::create_general_color_scale. hs::delete_color_scale will generate a tcl error if $tag is not a valid color scale tag or if it refers to a color scale which has already been deleted.
hs::delete_items id_list1? id_list2? ... Arguments : lists of integers id_list1, id_list2, ... Returns : nothing Deletes all items identified by ids in the argument lists.
hs::dir $filename Arguments : string filename Returns : list of lists Returns a description of Histo-Scope items saved in the file with given name. The information about each item is returned in the four-element list {uid category title type}. Please check descriptions of commands hs::uid, hs::category, hs::title, and hs::type for more details on the meaning of respective elements. Each of these four-element lists is an element of the result. A typical code which iterates over the the list of items looks like this: foreach item [hs::dir $filename] { foreach {uid category title type} $item {} # Do something useful here with $uid, $category, etc. }
hs::divide_histograms $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 $const Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, integers id1 and id2, double const Returns : integer Create a new histogram (one-dimensional or two-dimensional) whose data is the division, bin by bin, of two histograms specified by id1 and id2. uid is the User Identification for the newly created histogram. title defines the title for the new histogram window when it is displayed. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category. The bin content of the new histogram will be equal to const * bin value of histogram id1 / bin value of histogram id2. If the bin value of histogram id2 is 0, the value 1 is used in the computation. Returns new_id which is the id of a new histogram containing the result of the operation.
hs::draw $item_type $point1 $point2 ... option? value? ... Arguments : string item_type, mixed lists point1, point2, ... various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command can be used to draw simple objects in Histo-Scope plot windows. $item_type specifies an item to draw. Valid item types are "points", "line", "rectangle", "ellipse", and "polygon". Arguments point1, point2, etc. specify the size and location of the object to draw. The meaning of these arguments depends on the item type. Point coordinates may be specified in three different coordinate systems: 1) absolute window system, 2) relative window system, and 3) plot system (2d plots only). The origin of both absolute and relative window systems is at the bottom left corner of the plot window. In the absolute window system the upper right corner of the window has coordinates {width height}, where dimensions are measured in pixels (as in X window geometry). In the relative window system the upper right corner of the window has coordinates {1.0 1.0}. The plot system is defined by the coordinate axes of the histogram or graph displayed in the window. Each of the arguments point1, point2, etc. may be either a two-element list or a six-element list. In the six-element format points are specified like this: {x system_x origin_x y system_y origin_y}. Here, x and y are point coordinates (integers or doubles). system_x specifies the coordinate system to use for x. It must be one of the strings "winabs", "winrel", and "plot". These strings mean absolute window system, relative window system, and plot system, respectively. origin_x is one of the letters "o", "l", or "r" (case insensitive). "O" means that the x coordinate is specified with respect to the coordinate system origin, "l" means that the coordinate is given with respect to the last point already specified (this option can not be used for the first point in the object), and "r" means that the coordinate origin is shifted to a special reference point (this point may be set with the -refpoint option described later). system_y and origin_y have similar meanings for the y coordinate. In the two-element format the list specifies x and y coordinates of the point in the default coordinate system with respect to the default origin. The default coordinate system and origin may be changed using -coords and -origin options. The set of points has the following meaning for different values of the item_type argument: Item type Meaning of the point coordinates ------------- ------------------------------------------------------ "points" Each point specifies a separate point to draw. "line" The program will draw a set of straight line segments passing sequentially through each point. At least two points must be specified. "rectangle" Exactly two points must be specified which define two opposite rectangle corners. "ellipse" Two or three points must be specified. The first two points define the corners of the smallest rectangle which completely encloses the ellipse. If provided, the x coordinate of the third point is used as the correlation coefficient (coordinate system and origin are ignored, and the y coordinate of this point is ignored as well). If the absolute value of the correlation coefficient exceeds 1 then no ellipse will be drawn. If the third point is not provided then the correlation coefficient is assumed to be 0, and the major axes of the ellipse will be parallel to the coordinate axes. "polygon" At least three points must be specified. The program draws a polygon with vertexes in each point (the first and the last point will be connected automatically). If the polygon is filled, the sequential path between the vertexes must not self-intersect. Up to 32 points may be specified in a single command. If any coordinate of any point is specified in the plot coordinate system, the object drawing will be clipped at the plot axes. The hs::draw command supports the following options: -window $Win This option specifies the name of the window to draw the item in. The window named $Win must be created in advance by one the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, hs::expr_plot, etc. The default is to use the window name specified on the most recent occasion when one of these commands was issued with the "-window" option. -row $R This option is used for multiplots to specify the row of the desired window. Default row is 0. -column $C This option is used for multiplots to specify the desired window column. Default column is 0. -immediate $I Boolean option which specifies whether the item should be drawn immediately. The default value of this option is 1. It is useful to set this option to 0 if you plan to draw many items or to make a lot of comments so that Histo-Scope redraws the window only when it is complete. The hs::redraw command can be issused at the end to ensure that every item is displayed. -fg $F This option is used to specify the color of the point -foreground $F and line objects as well as the color of the border for ellipses, rectangles, and polygons. Drawing of the borders may be suppressed by setting foreground color to an empty string. The default color is black. -bg $B This option may be used to specify the fill color -background $B for ellipses, rectangles, and polygons. By default, these objects are not filled (they are transparent). -line $L This option may be used with "line" objects to specify the style of the line to draw. $L must be an integer from 0 to 12, and it corresponds to the standard Histo-Scope line style. Default line style is 1 (thin solid line). -arrow $A This option may be used to draw an arrow at the beginning and/or the end of the "line" object. Valid option values are "forward", "backward", "both", and "none". Default is "none". -coords $S Specifies coordinate system for all object points defined by two-element lists, including the reference point. $S must be one of the strings "winabs", "winrel", and "plot". Default is "winrel" (window relative system). -origin $O Specifies coordinate system origin for all object points defined by two-element lists. $O must be one of the letters "o" (use origin), "l" (last point), or "r" (reference point). Capital letters may be used as well. Default is "o". -refpoint $P Specifies reference point which can be used instead of coordinate system origin. $P must be a valid point specification: either two- or six-element list, as discussed earlier. This point should always be specified with respect to the coordinate system origin. By default, reference point and window coordinate system origin coincide (this corresponds to P value of {0 winabs o 0 winabs o}). Examples -------- Draw a blue filled rectangle proportional to the window size in the lower right corner of the window named "w1": hs::draw rectangle -window w1 {0.8 0} {1.0 0.2} -bg blue Draw a fixed-size red ellipse in the upper right corner. Make a small shift towards the plot center to ensure that no part of the ellipse will be covered by Motif shadows which Histo-Scope draws around each plot: hs::draw ellipse -window w1 -refpoint {1 1} {-5 winabs r -5 winabs r} \ {-100 winabs l -50 winabs l} -bg red Draw a thick red arrow towards some point defined by variables x and y in the plot coordinate system, starting at some fixed distance from the upper right corner of the window. The arrow will follow the point in the plot no matter how the plot is paned or resized: hs::draw line -window w1 -refpoint {1 1} {-50 winabs r -50 winabs r} \ [list $x plot o $y plot o] -arrow forward -fg red -line 12
hs::duplicate_axes $id $uid $title $category Arguments : integers id and uid, strings title and category Returns : integer Duplicates binning structure of the histogram identified by id but does not copy the data. New histogram will have the user id, title, and category as specified by the function arguments. The Histo-Scope defined id for the new item is returned or a tcl error is thrown on failure.
hs::duplicate_ntuple_header $id $uid $title $category Arguments : integers id and uid, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates an empty ntuple whose variables are identical to the variables of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id. New ntuple will have the user id, title, and category as specified by the function arguments. The Histo-Scope defined id for the new item is returned or a tcl error is thrown on failure.
hs::eigen_sym $m reverse_ordering? Arguments : list of lists of doubles m, boolean reverse_ordering Returns : list of lists {eigenvalues eigenvectors} Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix $m. If the argument matrix is not symmetric then it is symmetrized internally. The command returns a two-element list. The first element of this list is the list of eigenvalues in ascending order. The second element is the list of corresponding eigenvectors. Optional argument "reverse_ordering" allows you to reverse the ordering of the eigenvalues (eigenvectors are swapped accordingly). This command uses LAPACK subroutine DSYEV, and it is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::epsf $filename $position option? value? ... Arguments : string filename, mixed list position, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command can be used to display EPS files on top of Histo-Scope plots. $filename specifies the file to use. The "position" argument specifies the location of the imported picture inside the plot window. $position must be either a two- or a six-element list, same format as in the specifications of object points in the hs::draw command. Please see the hs::draw description for details about the format and the coordinate systems. The following options may be specified in addition to the required arguments: -window $Win This option specifies the name of the window to draw the item in. The window named $Win must be created in advance by one the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, hs::expr_plot, etc. The default is to use the window name specified on the most recent occasion when one of these commands was issued with the "-window" option. -row $R This option is used for multiplots to specify the row of the desired window. Default row is 0. -column $C This option is used for multiplots to specify the desired window column. Default column is 0. -ipadx $Xmarg Use these options if you would like to change the -ipady $Ymarg bounding box specified in the EPS file. Option values must be two-element lists of integers: $Xmarg should look like {left right} and $Ymarg as {top bottom}. These options add margins to the bounding box: positive values will increase the bounding box by the specified number of points, and negative will result in clipping of the image. -scale $Mag Specifies magnification factor for the image (must be a positive double). Default is 1.0. -immediate $I Boolean option which specifies whether the image should be drawn immediately. The default value of this option is 1. It is useful to set this option to 0 if you plan to make a lot of comments or to draw many items so that Histo-Scope redraws the window only when it is complete. The hs::redraw command can be issused at the end to ensure that every item is displayed. -bg $B This option may be used to specify the color which -background $B replaces white and transparent pixels in the imported picture. This color should be left at its default value, white, unless you are sure that the imported picture does not have any genuine white paint in it (text and simple drawings usually don't use any white paint). -coords $S Specifies default coordinate system for the comment position and the reference point. $S must be one of the strings "winabs", "winrel", and "plot". Default is "winrel" (window relative system). -origin $O Specifies default coordinate system origin for the comment position. $O must be one of the letters "o" (use origin) or "r" (use reference point). Capital letters may be used as well. Default is "o". -refpoint $P Specifies reference point which can be used instead of coordinate system origin. $P must be a valid point specification: either two- or six-element list, as discussed in the description of the hs::draw command. By default, reference point and window coordinate system origin coincide (this corresponds to P value of {0 winabs o 0 winabs o}). -border $Brd Set true in order to draw a thin rectangular border around the imported picture. Default is true. -bordercolor $Bd This option is used to specify the color of the border. The default color is black. -anchor $A Specifies the picture anchor, that is, where in the surrounding rectangle will be the point whose location is specified by the position argument. Allowed anchor values are "nw" (means north-west), "n", "ne", "w", "center", "c" (also means center), "e", "sw", "s", and "se". This command needs the "gs" (ghostscript) executable, version 7.0 or later, and it only works if the Histo-Scope GUI runs on the same computer as the tcl shell. You can specify the location of the executable by setting the environmental variable GHOSTSCRIPT (specify the full path).
hs::expr_plot $tcl_expression $variable_name $xmin $xmax option? arg? ... Arguments : script tcl_expression, string variable_name, doubles xmin and xmax, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string or nothing This command is used to plot mathematical expressions. $tcl_expression must be a valid tcl script which produces double precision results in the variable context of the calling procedure. $variable_name is the name of the function variable. Values $xmin and $xmax define the limits of the x axis range. The following command line options are supported: -plotpoints $N Specifies the number of points to plot (may not be less than 2). If this option is not present, the function will be plotted using 1000 evaluation points. -id $hs_id Do not plot the function; instead, the command fills a two-variable Histo-Scope ntuple with id $hs_id which has to be created in advance. The first ntuple variable will be filled with plot's x values, and the second variable will be filled with corresponding values of the function. This option may not be used simultaneously with -overlay and -show. -overlay $Oname Specifies the name of the overlayed plot to use for function plotting. If this option is not present, a unique overlay name will be generated automatically. This option may not be used together with -id option. -show $b This boolean option tells the command whether it should display the plot immediately. The default behavior is to display the plot if the -overlay option is not provided. This option may not be used together with -id. -window $Win Specifies the window name for subsequent use with commands hs::comment, hs::generate_ps, etc. This option is meaningful only when the plot is actually displayed by the command. -font $F Specifies font to use for axis labels. Use of this option requires Tk. $F may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Note that not all fonts are supported in PostScript. This option is meaningful only when the plot is actually displayed by the command. -xmin $x0 These options specify the lower and upper limits -xmax $x1 of the horizontal and vertical axes to display. -ymin $y0 By default, the limits are chosen in such a way -ymax $y1 that the whole plot is shown. All these options are meaningful only when the -id option is not used. -xlabel $lx Specifies the x axis label. If this option is not used, a label will be generated automatically. -ylabel $ly Specifies the y axis label. If this option is not used, a label will be generated automatically. -title $title Specifies the window title for the plot. If this option is not used, window title will be generated automatically. -line $n This option specifies the line style. There are 13 distinct line styles numbered from 0 to 12. The default line style is 1 (thin solid line). -color $cl Specifies the line color. The default color is black. -marker $m Specifies the marker style. The value must be either an integer from 0 to 9 or one of the following words: none, square, circle, star, x, triangle, solidsquare, solidcircle, thicksquare, or thickcircle. The default marker style is "none". -markersize $s The value must be an integer from 0 to 3 or one of the following words: tiny, small, medium, and large. The default marker size is "small". This command returns an empty string if it is called with the "-id" option; in all other cases it returns the name of the overlayed plot used to draw the function. Examples -------- Draw the exp(x) function from 0 to 4: hs::expr_plot {expr exp($x)} x 0 2 Draw a family of curves: foreach {a color} {1 red 2 green 3 blue} { hs::expr_plot {expr sin($a*$x)/$x} x -10 10 -color $color -overlay o1 } hs::overlay o1 show -legend off -title "Plots of sin(a*x)/x for a = 1,2,3" Evaluate a script at regular intervals and draw the result: hs::expr_plot { set y [expr {int($x)}] expr {$x - $y} } x -3 3 -plotpoints 13
hs::fill_1d_hist $id $x $weight Arguments : integer id, doubles x and weight Returns : nothing Adds a value (weight) to the one-dimensional histogram identified by id.
hs::fill_2d_hist $id $x $y $weight Arguments : integer id, doubles x, y, and weight Returns : nothing Adds a value (weight) to the two-dimensional histogram identified by id.
hs::fill_3d_hist $id $x $y $z $weight Arguments : integer id, doubles x, y, z, and weight Returns : nothing Adds a value (weight) to the three-dimensional histogram identified by id.
hs::fill_hist_slice $slice_id $parent_id $axis1 $bin1 axis2? bin2? Arguments : integers slice_id, parent_id, bin1, and bin2, strings axis1 and axis2 Returns : nothing Fills a 1d or 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $slice_id using a slice of a histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. The latter histogram must have higher dimensionality than the former. Normally, histogram $slice_id should be created with the aid of hs::slice_histogram command, using the same parent id and slice axes. Valid axis specifications are "x", "y", and "z" (not case sensitive). Only one slice axis can be specified with a 2d parent histogram (omit axis2 and coord2 or use an empty string for axis2). When both axis1 and axis2 are given, $slice_id should refer to a 1d histogram, $parent_id should refer to a 3d histogram, and $axis1 must be different from $axis2. bin1 and (optionally) bin2 specify parent histogram bin numbers along their respective axes at which the slices are made. When a bin number is below 0 or above the allowed limit for the corresponding axis, a tcl error is generated. Similar operation using coordinates rather than bin numbers can be performed by hs::fill_slice command.
hs::fill_histogram $id $values weight? Arguments : integer id, double weight, values may be either a list of doubles or a binary string of floats Returns : nothing Adds one or more entries (weights) to the histogram identified by id. The number of elements in the "values" argument should be divisible by the histogram dimensionality. If weight is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.
hs::fill_ntuple $id $values Arguments : integer id, values may be either a list of doubles or a binary string of floats Returns : integer Adds an array of values, in the order they are named in hs::create_ntuple, to an Ntuple identified by id. The number of elements in the "values" argument must be divisible by the number of ntuple variables. The ntuple id number is returned upon success, or a tcl error is generated in case of failure.
hs::fill_slice $slice_id $parent_id $axis1 $coord1 axis2? coord2? Arguments : integers slice_id and parent_id, strings axis1 and axis2, doubles coord1 and coord2. Returns : nothing Fills a 1d or 2d histogram with Histo-Scope id $slice_id using a slice of a histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. The latter histogram must have higher dimensionality than the former. Normally, histogram $slice_id should be created with the aid of hs::slice_histogram command, using the same parent id and slice axes. Valid axis specifications are "x", "y", and "z" (not case sensitive). Only one slice axis can be specified with a 2d parent histogram (omit axis2 and coord2 or use an empty string for axis2). When both axis1 and axis2 are given, $slice_id should refer to a 1d histogram, $parent_id should refer to a 3d histogram, and $axis1 must be different from $axis2. coord1 and (optionally) coord2 specify the coordinate values (note, not bin numbers) along their respective axes at which the slices are made. When the coordinates are below (or above) the parent histogram range, the slices are made using the first (or last) bin along the corresponding axis. Similar operation using bin numbers rather than coordinates can be performed by hs::fill_hist_slice command. In order to avoid rounding problems in numerical calculations, this command adds a small offset (equal to one hundredth of the relevant bin width) to the argument coordinates. In such a way, coordinates near the left bin edge end up in the correct bin. Coordinates near the right bin edge should not be used with this command.
hs::find_data_mismatch $bs1 $bs2 $eps Arguments : binary strings bs1 and bs2, double eps Returns : integer Treats binary strings $bs1 and $bs2 as arrays of floats and returns the first index for which either the fractional difference between the array values is larger than $eps or one and only one of the arrays goes out of bounds. If no such index exists this command returns -1.
hs::fit $datasets $functions opt1? value1? ... Arguments : mixed list datasets, list of strings functions, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string Creates a new tcl command (also called handle) which can be used for Minuit-based data fitting, and returns the command name. Data fitting may be performed in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. Arbitrary number of datasets may be fitted simultaneously using arbitrary number of parameters, but the number of simultaneously variable parameters may not exceed 50 (this limit may be increased if necessary by recompiling Minuit). The "datasets" argument is a list of dataset specifiers which define the initial set of histograms and/or ntuples to fit. At least one specifier must be provided. Each dataset specifier is itself a list. The first element of this list must be a Histo-Scope id of a histogram or an ntuple, and the rest is switches. The following switches may be used in dataset specifiers which refer to either histograms or ntuples: -weight $W Specifies the dataset weight in the fit ($W should be a non-negative double). The default weight is 1.0. -method $M Specifies the fitting method for this dataset. Possible M values are: "L2" -- L2 distance (least squares, all weights equal) "ls" -- Least squares, errors provided by user "chisq" -- Chi-square (least squares, errors from the fit) "ml" -- Maximum likelihood "eml" -- Extended maximum likelihood If this switch is not provided then the fit default method will be used for this dataset (it will be explained later how to define the fit default method). Note that unbinned fits may be performed only with maximum likelihood methods. Dataset specifiers which refer to ntuples may use the following additional switches: -x, -y, -z, -v, and -e. Values provided after these switches specify ntuple column names used to define x coordinates of the data points, y coordinates, z coordinates, data values, and data errors, respectively. -x switch is required, all other switches are optional. If -v and -e switches are not provided then the fit will be unbinned. The "functions" argument specifies a list of data fitting functions. Each element of this list must be a valid function tag as defined by commands hs::function_import, hs::function_compose, etc. All tags must be distinct. By default, each dataset will be fitted by the sum of all functions. If this is not the desired behavior then use an empty list in place of the "functions" argument -- the fit handle will later allow you to specify different fitting functions for each dataset. The following command options may be used to set various fit properties: -name $cmd Specifies the handle name. A command with the same name must not already exist. -title $T Specifies the fit title which will be used in various printouts. Minuit printouts can only use the first 50 characters of the title string. -description $D Specifies the fit description (an arbitrary string). The default D value is an empty string. -method $M Sets the default fitting method which will be assigned to every dataset which does not explicitly specify its fitting method. The allowed M values are "L2", "ls", "chisq", "ml, and "eml". They have the same meanings as for the dataset-specific "-method" switch. The default M value is "ls". -warnings $Warn If set to "false", instructs Minuit to suppress warning messages about suspicious conditions which may indicate unreliable results. The default is to print such messages. -ignore $Ign If $Ign is "true", the program will not print error messages generated by fitting functions. The default option value is "false". -errdef $UP Sets Minuit value of UP defining parameter errors. Minuit defines parameter errors as the change in the parameter value required to change the minimized function value by $UP. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, leave this option at its default value of 1.0. -precision $Eps Informs Minuit that the relative floating point arithmetic precision is $Eps. The default value of this option is 0.0 which means that the program will use system default for doubles. -minimizer $Min Sets the Minuit minimizer. $Min must be one of the following keywords: "migrad", "simplex", or "mini". Please see Minuit long writeup for the description of these minimization methods. Default is "migrad" which is usually the best method for smooth functions. -minos $Use If $Use is "false", this option instructs the program not to run MINOS after the minimizer. This may be useful for saving time in case a large number of fits is to be performed in the same job. The default is "true" (run MINOS). -strategy $Stra Sets the Minuit strategy to be used in calculating first and second derivatives and in certain minimization methods. Low values of $Stra mean fewer function calls and high values mean more reliable minimization. Currently allowed values are 0, 1 (default), and 2. -verbose $Level Minuit verbose level: -1 -- no output except from SHOW commands 0 -- minimum output (no starting values or intermediate results) 1 -- Minuit "normal" output 2 -- print intermediate results 3 -- show the progress of minimization The default value of this option is 0. -timeout $sec Timeout in seconds for the Minuit main loop. 0 or negative values mean no timeout will be set (this is the default). -parameters $P $P is the list of parameter definitions (can be also supplied later through the fit handle). Each element of this list is itself a five-element list {name init_value step state bounds}. name -- parameter name (a string) init_value -- parameter initial value (a double) step -- initial parameter step/uncertainty (a positive double) state -- one of two keywords: "variable" or "fixed" bounds -- either a list of doubles {min max} which specify minimum and maximum allowed parameter values, or an empty list if the parameter is unbounded. $P may also be an empty list (this is the default) in which case a set of parameters will be created automatically as a union of all function parameters (perhaps, the names will be different if not all function parameter names are unique). To suppress automatic creation of parameters, $P should be set to "none". -mapping $Maplist Specifies the mapping from the fit parameters into the function parameters. $Maplist is either a special keyword or a list of mappings for individual functions. Two special keywords may be used in place of the Maplist argument: "sequential" and "none". Sequential mapping is the default -- it means that one-to-one mapping of the fit parameters into the function parameters will be established using parameter positions in their respective lists. In this case the number of fit parameters should be equal to the total number of parameters in all functions used (this condition will be satisfied automatically if the fit parameters are autogenerated). The keyword "none" may be used if you don't want to specify any parameter mapping at this time -- the mapping will have to be set up later using the fit handle. When $Maplist is actually a list of individual function mappings, each element in this list is itself a two-element list {tag map}. The first element is a tag of a fitting function. The second element is either a string of pseudo-C code or a special keyword which designates a precompiled mapping. In the pseudo-C code the fit parameters should be designated by name or by number and prefixed with the '%' character. The function parameters are referred to by names. Here is an example mapping: { double bin_width = 0.05; area = %nevents * bin_width; mean = %1; sigma = sqrt(%variance); } Besides the special designators for the fit parameters (whose type should not be declared), everything else should be normal C code which can use all the functions provided in the standard C headers. The character '%' itself can be written as the "%%" sequence. The mapping code will be compiled and loaded before the fit is performed. The following keywords may be used instead of a C code map: "sequential", "identical", and "null". Sequential mapping means that one-to-one mapping of the fit parameters into the function parameters will be established using parameter positions in their respective lists. Identical mapping means that this function will be given the full list of fit parameters, and null mapping means that a null pointer will be provided instead of an array of parameters (this can only work for functions without any parameters). If a mapping for some fitting function has not been defined before the minimization step, the code will attempt to use a default mapping. Null mapping is the default for functions without any parameters, and sequential mapping is the default for functions with parameters. The fit handle returned by this command is the main tool for modifying fit properties, performing the actual fitting, and displaying results. A description of the handle functionality is available in file hs_fit.txt which can also be viewed online by executing the command hs::fit_manual. Examples -------- Suppose, we want to fit a histogram with id 5 using Gaussian probability density, and this histogram has its own errors. Then the following code may be used: set myfit [hs::fit 5 gauss] ;# Create the fit handle using ;# the default fitting method "ls". $myfit fit ;# Perform the fit. $myfit show ;# Display the fit plot. Suppose, an ntuple with id 6 has columns named X and Y. A two-dimensional unbinned maximum likelihood fit of the data contained in these columns with bivariate Gaussian distribution can be set up like this: set nfit [hs::fit {6 -x X -y Y} bivar_gauss -method ml] In the maximum likelihood method users are supposed to fix the function normalization before the fit: $nfit parameter volume configure -state fixed $nfit fit For more examples please read the file hs_fit.txt.
hs::fit_manual Arguments : none Returns : nothing Prints a detailed description of the hs extension data fitting procedures to the standard output.
hs::function $tag $option $arg ... Arguments : strings tag and option, further arguments depend on the option used Returns : return type depends on the option used Manipulates mathematical functions used for data fitting. The tag argument specifies the identification string assigned to the given function by the hs::function_import command. The following command options are supported: "exists", "info", "configure", "cget", "copy", "rename", "eval", "scan", "integrate", "invcdf", "random, "and "moments". These options are used as follows: * hs::function $tag exists Returns 1 if $tag is a valid function identification string, 0 otherwise. * hs::function $tag info Returns info about the function specified by $tag in the form of a list {dlltoken name description ndim composite mode refcount npars npars_min npars_max parlist init_fun fit_fun grad_fun cleanup_fun}. Most list elements have the same meaning as in the hs::function_import command. The additional elements are: composite Boolean element which is set true in case the function is a composition of other functions (created by one of the commands hs::function_sum, hs::function_divide, hs::function_multiply, or hs::function_compose). refcount Reference counter which shows how many fits are using this function. The function "mode" parameter can only be changed when the reference counter is 0, and the function is not composite. npars The current number of function parameters in case npars_min != npars_max. * hs::function $tag configure ?attr1? ?value1? ?attr2? ?value2? ... Changes function attributes. The following attributes can be changed: "name", "description", "mode", and "parameters". Optionally, attribute names may be preceded by the "-" sign, like in Tk. Example ------- hs::function gauss configure -name "Gaussian pdf" \ -parameters {area mean sigma} When invoked without any attribute values, the command returns the list of all configurable function attributes with their current values. * hs::function $tag cget $attr Returns the value of the given attribute. The following attribute names can be specified: "dll", "name", "description", "ndim", "composite", "mode", "refcount", "npars", "npars_min", "npars_max", "usedpars", "parameters", and "functions". Optionally, attribute names may be preceded by the "-" sign, like in Tk. With the "usedpars" attribute, the command returns the list of parameters currently used by the function which may be different from the full list of parameter names returned for the "parameters" attribute. * hs::function $tag copy ?newtag? Copies the fitting function. Optional newtag argument specifies the identification string (tag) for the copy. In this form, the command returns the tag of the copied function. Function copies are used when the fit needs more than one function of the same type (for example, two Gaussians with different means and/or standard deviations). * hs::function $tag delete Deletes the fitting function with the given tag. This operation will succeed only if the function reference counter is 0. * hs::function $tag rename $newtag Changes the identification tag of the fitting function or deletes it in case the newtag argument is an empty string. A function can be renamed or deleted only when its reference counter is 0. * hs::function $tag eval {name1 value1} ... {nameN valueN} Evaluates the function identified by $tag at a point. The values of all variables and parameters should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs which follow the "eval" keyword. Example ------- hs::function gauss eval {x 0.5} {area 1} {mean 0} {sigma 1} The parsing of the name-value pairs makes this form rather slow for the purpose of multiple repetitive function evaluation. Consider using the "scan" or "listeval" options when multiple evaluations are necessary. * hs::function $tag listeval {name1 {val1_0 val1_1 ...}} ... {nameN valN} Similar to "eval" but the function is evaluated for a sequence of values provided for the first parameter or variable. This sequence can be either a list or a binary string of floats. The result is returned in the same form: either a list or a binary string of the same length and in the corresponding order. Example ------- hs::function gauss listeval {x {0.5 1.1}} {area 1} {mean 0} {sigma 1} * hs::function $tag scan $result_specifier {name1 value1} ... Evaluates the function identified by $tag at a set of points. $result_specifier is a list whose first element is the Histo-Scope id. This id may refer to a histogram or Ntuple, and tells the command where to store the calculated function values. Subsequent elements of the list specify the variables or parameters which should be scanned and, in case of Ntuples, the scan ranges: {id name} id refers to a 1d histogram {id name1 name2} id refers to a 2d histogram {id name1 name2 name3} id refers to a 3d histogram {id {name1 min1 max1 npoints1}} id refers to an Ntuple, 1d scan {id {name1 min1 max1 npoints1} {name2 min2 max2 npoints2}} 2d scan {id {name1 min1 max1 npoints1} {name2 min2 max2 npoints2}\ {name3 min3 max3 npoints3}} 3d scan The number of variables in the result ntuple must be equal to the dimensionality of the scan plus one. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs which follow the result specifier. Examples -------- set id1 [hs::create_2d_hist 1 "Gauss Scan" "Tmp" \ Mean Sigma Gauss(x=0) 50 50 -5 5 0.5 3] hs::function gauss scan [list $id1 mean sigma] {x 0} {area 1} hs::show_histogram $id1 set id2 [hs::create_ntuple 2 "Example Ntuple" "Tmp" {x Gauss(0,1)}] hs::function gauss scan [list $id2 {x -5 5 1000}] \ {area 1} {mean 0} {sigma 1} hs::overlay ov show add $id2 xy -x x -y Gauss(0,1) -color blue * hs::function $tag integrate ... $range_specifier ... {name1 value1} ... Performs numerical integration (1, 2, or 3d) of the function identified by $tag. The integration ranges are specified by four-element lists {varname min max n_intervals}. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs (the order of name-value pairs and range specifiers is arbitrary). The command returns the value of the integral. Example ------- hs::function gauss integrate {x -1 1 100} {area 1} {mean 0} {sigma 1} * hs::function $tag moments ... $range_specifier ... {name1 value1} ... Numerically evaluates statistical moments of the function identified by $tag using the Simpson integration rule. The variable or parameter range is specified by a four-element list {varname min max n_intervals}. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs (the order of name-value pairs and the range specifier is arbitrary). The function must not be negative anywhere inside the integration range. The command returns five-element list {area mean standard_deviation skewness kurtosis}. Example ------- hs::function gauss moments {x 0} {area 1} {mean -5 5 100} {sigma 1} * hs::function $tag cdf {x1 x2 ...} ... $range_specifier ... \ {name1 value1} ... Calculates cumulative distribution function values for coordinate values x1, x2, etc. The returned values will be between 0 and 1. The variable or parameter for which the cdf is evaluated is specified by a four-element list {varname min max n_intervals}. The cdf is built numerically in the specified range. On each of the intervals the function is approximated by a second order polynomial. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs (the order of name-value pairs and the range specifier is arbitrary). The function must not be negative anywhere inside the specified range. The command returns the list of cdf values which correspond to given values of variable or parameter. * hs::function $tag invcdf {cdf1 cdf2 ...} ... $range_specifier ... \ {name1 value1} ... Calculates inverse cumulative distribution function values for cdf values cdf1, cdf2, etc. Each cdf value must be between 0 and 1. The variable or parameter for which the inverse cdf is evaluated is specified by a four-element list {varname min max n_intervals}. The inverse cdf is built numerically in the specified range. On each of the intervals the function is approximated by a second order polynomial. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs (the order of name-value pairs and the range specifier is arbitrary). The function must not be negative anywhere inside the specified range. The command returns the list of variable or parameter values which correspond to given cdf values. * hs::function $tag invcdf_lin {cdf1 cdf2 ...} ... $range_specifier ... \ {name1 value1} ... Same as "invcdf" option except that linear function approximation is used on each interval instead of quadratic. This option works better than "invcdf" for functions which have a very small magnitude of the second derivative. * hs::function $tag random $n ... $range_specifier ... {name1 value1} ... Generates $n random numbers according to the given function. The variable or parameter for which random numbers are generated is specified by a four-element list {varname min max n_intervals}. The random numbers are generated by numerically building inverse cumulative density function in the specified range. On each of the intervals the function is approximated by a second order polynomial. The values of fixed parameters and/or variables should be provided in the lists of name-value pairs (the order of name-value pairs and the range specifier is arbitrary). The function must not be negative anywhere inside the integration range. The command returns the list of generated random numbers. Example ------- The following code snippet will fill a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id 1 with 10000 random numbers from the Cauchy distribution: hs::fill_histogram 1 [hs::function cauchy random 10000 {x -5 5 200} \ {area 1} {peak 0} {hwhm 1}]
hs::function_browser option? arg? ... Arguments : various options supplied as strings Returns : string This command creates a top level Tk widget which allows for convenient browsing and shape exploration of one dimensional data fitting functions. Possible options are -histo, -function, -plotpoints, -xmin, -xmax, -line, -color, -fill, -fillcolor, -marker, and -markersize. The "-histo" option is used with a boolean value which specifies whether function plots will be drawn as histograms or as ntuple xy plots (the latter is the default, it corresponds to option value "false"). The "-function" option can be used to specify the identification tag of the initial function. This must be one of the existing tags, present in the list returned by the hs::function_list command. The "-plotpoints" option can be used to specify the number of points to plot (may not be less than 2). The meaning of the remaining options is the same as in the hs::overlay command, please check its description for details. When a function is chosen, a set of scales is added to the GUI, one for each function parameter. Parameter values can be modified by moving the sliders, by clicking inside the scale troughs, or by typing desired values into the corresponding entries (hit "Enter" when done typing). The range of a scale is expanded automatically if the number typed into the corresponding entry is outside the scale limits. Use small "[" and "]" buttons to reduce the scale ranges when necessary. The "X min", "X max", and "Points" entries can be used to adjust the axis range and the number of points used by the plots, either before the plot is created (for histograms) or while the plot is being displayed (for ntuple xy plots). Since the information about valid parameter ranges is not available for user functions, for every such function you'll need to adjust the scale ranges first and then hit the "New plot" button in order to view the curve. The command returns the name of the new toplevel window.
hs::function_compile $tag $name $code $parlist ndim? Arguments : strings tag, name, and code, list of strings parlist, integer ndim Returns : string This command is useful for compiling simple mathematical expressions for use in data fitting (complicated user functions are better handled by the hs::function_template command). The arguments are as follows: tag Unique function identification string which will be used later by other commands related to data fitting functions. name Arbitrary string which names the function. code Pseudo-C code which must result in a double value. As variables, it may only use "x", "y", "z", "mode", and parameter names listed in $parlist. It may use functions from the standard C headers. parlist List of parameter names. All parameters of the same function should have different names, and each parameter name must be a valid C variable name (must contain only letters, digits, and underscores, start with a letter or an underscore, and must not coincide with a reserved C keyword). ndim This optional argument may be used to override the heuristic used to determine the dimensionality of the variable space. For example, if $code looks like "x*y" then by default the function will be defined in 2d space. To define "x*y" function in 3d space, use ndim value of 3. The command returns the tag of the new data fitting function (just $tag if everything goes well). Example ------- hs::function_compile cos "Cosine Function" {A*cos(w*x+phase)} {A w phase}
hs::function_compose ?-result newtag? $tag1 $a $tag2 $b Arguments : strings newtag, tag1 and tag2, doubles a and b Returns : string Defines a new data fitting function which is a composition of functions f1 and f2 identified by strings $tag1 and $tag2, respectively. The resulting function is f1($a * f2(...) + $b, ...), where the sum $a * f2(...) + $b is used in place of the first f1 variable. When the optional "-result" switch is used, the newtag argument specifies the identification string (tag) for the resulting function. Without the switch, the tag is generated automatically. The command returns the tag of the composite function. Name, description, and the parameter names of the resulting function are assigned automatically, and can later be changed using "configure" option of the hs::function command. The parameter names will be set to "Pn" where n varies from 0 to the total number of parameters minus one. P0 corresponds to the first parameter of the f1 function.
hs::function_divide ?-result newtag? $c $tag1 $tag2 Arguments : strings newtag, tag1 and tag2, double c Returns : string Defines a new data fitting function which is a ratio of the fitting functions identified by strings $tag1 and $tag2 multiplied by the constant value $c. When the optional "-result" switch is used, the newtag argument specifies the identification string (tag) for the resulting function. Without the switch, the tag is generated automatically. The command returns the tag of the composite function. Name, description, and the parameter names of the resulting function are assigned automatically, and can later be changed using "configure" option of the hs::function command. The parameter names will be set to "Pn" where n varies from 0 to the total number of parameters minus one. P0 corresponds to the first parameter of the function identified by $tag1.
hs::function_import $tag $dlltoken $name $description $ndim $default_mode \ $npars_min $npars_max $parlist $init_fun $fit_fun \ $grad_fun $cleanup_fun Arguments : strings tag, name, description, init_fun, fit_fun, grad_fun, and cleanup_fun, list of strings parlist, integers dlltoken, ndim, default_mode, npars_min, and npars_max. Returns : string This command sets up mathematical functions used for data fitting. Each fitting function is actually a collection of up to four C or FORTRAN functions in which specific functions can be used for initialization, cleanup, actual function evaluation, and precise calculation of the function gradient over parameters. The arguments are as follows: tag Unique function identification string which will be used later by other commands related to data fitting functions (for example, hs::function). dlltoken Shared library token which must be obtained earlier with the hs::sharedlib command. name Arbitrary strings which are supposed to provide basic description information about the function. ndim Specifies the number of function variables (1, 2, or 3). default_mode Each data fitting function has a special integer parameter (called "mode") which can be inspected and modified from tcl but isn't changed during the fitting process. This parameter can be optionally used to alter the function behavior, for example, change degree of a polynomial, provide an index into some array of data structures known to the function, etc. The default_mode argument specifies the initial value of this parameter. npars_min Minimum allowed number of function parameters. npars_max Maximum allowed number of function parameters. When npars_min != npars_max (like in the polynomial function), it is assumed that the number of parameters is given by function mode. parlist List of parameter names. Must have npars_max names. If the number of names in the list is less than npars_max, the missing parameter names will be set to "Pn" where n is a number from 0 to npars_max-1. All parameters of the same function should have different names, and each parameter name must be a valid C variable name (contain only letters, digits, and underscores, and start with a letter or an underscore). init_fun The C or FORTRAN name of the function which will be called once when the function is first used for data fitting. The compiled code of the function is supposed to reside in the shared library specified by the dlltoken argument. The C prototype of this function looks like this: int cfun(const int *pmode); pmode is a pointer to an integer parameter which will not be modified during the fitting process. The *pmode value can be used to modify the function behavior as necessary. The corresponding FORTRAN function looks like this: integer function ffun(mode) integer mode The initialization function should return 0 when everything is OK. The init_fun argument can be an empty string which indicates that no special initialization is needed. fit_fun The C or FORTRAN name of the function which will be evaluated for each data point during fitting. The C function names should not end with an underscore, otherwise they may be confused with FORTRAN names. The C function prototype looks like this: double cfun(double x, double y, double z, int mode, const double *pars, int *ierr); and the FORTRAN implementation should look like this: double precision function ffun(x, y, z, mode, pars, ierr) double precision x, y, z, pars(*) integer mode, ierr In both cases, x is the first function variable, y is the second variable (may be ignored by the function if the function is one-dimensional), z is the third variable (may be ignored), mode is the operation mode parameter (may be ignored), pars is the array of parameters, and ierr is the error status (should be set to 0 on exit if everything is OK). The length of the pars array will be equal npars_min in case npars_min == npars_max or to the value of mode in case npars_min != npars_max. grad_fun The C or FORTRAN name of the function which calculates the gradient of the fitting function over parameters. The explicit gradient calculation is not necessary but may be used to speed up the fitting. The C function prototype looks like this: int cfun(double x, double y, double z, int mode, const double *pars, double *grad); where x, y, z, mode, and pars arguments have the same meanings as in the fitting functions, and grad is a pointer into an array which on exit should be filled by the values of partial derivatives over corresponding parameters. The function should return 0 when everything is OK. The FORTRAN function looks like this: integer function ffun(x, y, z, mode, pars, grad) double precision x, y, z, pars(*), grad(*) integer mode The grad_fun argument may be specified as an empty string in which case the gradient will be evaluated internally using the fitting function itself. cleanup_fun The C or FORTRAN name of the function which will be called once when the fitting function no longer used in any fits. The function prototype is the same as for init_fun. This argument can be an empty string when no special cleanup is needed. This command returns the function tag in case all the relevant code has been successfully located in the shared library, or throws a tcl error in case of a problem.
hs::function_list pattern? Arguments : string pattern Returns : list of strings Returns the list of identification strings (tags) for currently defined data fitting functions. If optional argument "pattern" is specified then only tags matching the pattern are returned. The match is established using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match".
hs::function_multiply ?-result newtag? $c $tag1 $tag2 Arguments : strings newtag, tag1 and tag2, double c Returns : string Defines a new data fitting function which is a product of the fitting functions identified by strings $tag1 and $tag2 multiplied by the constant value $c. When the optional "-result" switch is used, the newtag argument specifies the identification string (tag) for the resulting function. Without the switch, the tag is generated automatically. The command returns the tag of the composite function. Name, description, and the parameter names of the resulting function are assigned automatically, and can later be changed using "configure" option of the hs::function command. The parameter names will be set to "Pn" where n varies from 0 to the total number of parameters minus one. P0 corresponds to the first parameter of the function identified by $tag1.
hs::function_plot $tag $varname $min $max option? arg? ... {name1 value1} ... Arguments : strings tag and varname, doubles min and max, string name1, double value1, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string or nothing This command can be used to draw data fitting functions. $tag must be a valid function identification string (as in the hs::function_import command). $varname is the name of a function variable or parameter. $min and $max define the limits of the parameter range. The values of fixed parameters and variables must be defined using two-element lists of name-value pairs as in {name1 value1}. This command accepts the same options as the hs::expr_plot command. Please check the hs::expr_plot description for details. The return value of this command is an empty string if it is called with the "-id" option; in all other cases it returns the name of the overlayed plot used to draw the curve. Example ------- hs::function_plot gauss x -3 3 {area 1} {mean 1} {sigma 1} -color blue
hs::function_sum ?-result newtag? $c1 $tag1 $c2 $tag2 Arguments : strings newtag, tag1 and tag2, doubles c1 and c2 Returns : string Defines a new data fitting function which is a sum of the fitting functions identified by strings $tag1 and $tag2 with weights $c1 and $c2. When the optional "-result" switch is used, the newtag argument specifies the identification string (tag) for the resulting function. Without the switch, the tag is generated automatically. The command returns the tag of the composite function. Name, description, and the parameter names of the resulting function are assigned automatically, and can later be changed using "configure" option of the hs::function command. The parameter names will be set to "Pn" where n varies from 0 to the total number of parameters minus one. P0 corresponds to the first parameter of the function identified by $tag1.
hs::function_template $filename option? arg? ... Arguments : string filename, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing Generates a template file named $filename for a user-developed data fitting function. Note that the file will be overwritten if it already exists. The template code can then be edited, compiled, dynamically loaded into the running program, and the function can be added to the set of standard fitting functions. The following command line options are supported: -lang $L Specifies the programming language. "C" stands for C, "f" or "fortran" stands for FORTRAN (capitalization is ignored). By default, the programming language is figured out automatically from the file extension: FORTRAN will be used with extensions .f, .for, .FOR, .F, .fpp, .FPP, and C will be used in all other cases. -init $Iname Specifies the name of the initialization function. Default value of this option is an empty string (no initialization needed). -fname $Fname Specifies the name of the data fitting function. Default value of this option is "myfit". Note that functions may not be named as standard C keywords. -grad $Gname Specifies the name of the gradient function. Default value of this option is an empty string (do not perform explicit gradient calculation). -cleanup $Cname Specifies the name of the cleanup function. Default value of this option is an empty string (no cleanup needed). Instead of the normal "histoscope.h" file, the C templates include the file "histoscope_stub.h". This file declares the "stub" API to Histo-Scope. When a shared object is loaded, the calls to the original statically compiled Histo-Scope functions may or may not be resolved, depending on the system implementation. The "stub" API functions are resolved on all UNIX platforms. This portability, however, is achieved by using an additional level of indirection per function call. If your code has to be very efficient and you do not care about portability, you can try to include "histoscope.h" instead of "histoscope_stub.h". This works, for example, on Linux (but fails on IRIX).
hs::gauss_random $mean $stdev num_points? Arguments : doubles mean and stdev, integer num_points Returns : double or list of doubles Generates random numbers according to the Gaussian distribution with given mean and standard deviation. If optional argument num_points is specified then this procedure returns a list of $num_points random numbers, otherwise just one number is returned. This command is available only if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::generate_ps $window_name $filename sync? Arguments : strings window_name and filename, boolean sync Returns : nothing This command makes a PostScript file for a Histo-Scope window with the given name. The window with this name must be created in advance by one of the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, etc. The file with given name will be overwritten if it already exists. To avoid confusions, this command works only when there is just a single Histo-Scope connected to the process. By default, the file is generated by Histo-Scope asynchronously with the running script, and this command returns immediately (a warning message is later printed to stderr in case of subsequent failure). This behavior may be changed by setting the optional boolean argument "sync" to 1. In this case the command will not return before the file is actually created and will generate a tcl error on failure. Note that a histogram (or an ntuple) displayed on the window should have at least one data entry, otherwise the Histo-Scope GUI will wait forever until the data arrives.
hs::globcc $matrix $i n_events? Arguments : list of lists of doubles matrix, integers i and n_events Returns : either a double or a two-element list of doubles Calculates global correlation coefficient (also known as "coefficient of determination" or R-squared) for the $i th column of a symmetric positive definite matrix $matrix (presumably, this is a covariance matrix produced by hs::ntuple_c_covar or another similar method). This coefficient corresponds to the strongest correlation between variable number $i and a linear combination of all other variables. When optional argument n_events is provided, the command also calculates the adjusted global correlation coefficient which takes into account the number of degrees of freedom in the problem. In this case, both standard and adjusted coefficients are returned in a two-element list of doubles. The adjusted coefficient is an approximate quantity, and may be 0 even if the $i th variable is not completely uncorrelated with other variables. The adjusted coefficient can be used to judge whether an addition of a new variable results in a better prediction for a response variable in a linear regression procedure (the standard coefficient can never decrease when a new variable is added). This command is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::have_cernlib Arguments : none Returns : boolean Returns 1 or 0 if the tcl API was compiled with or without CERNLIB. Several API functions use CERNLIB in their implementation. These functions will not be available if the API was compiled without CERNLIB support.
hs::help $name Arguments : string name (or none) Returns : nothing Prints a help message about the Histo-Scope tcl API command which matches string $name. Matching is determined using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match". If there is more than one match then the command prints a message that the string is ambiguous and shows all matches. The command interprets the following characters in a special way: * Matches any sequence of characters in $name, including a null string. ? Matches any single character in $name. [chars] Matches any character in the set given by chars. If a sequence of the form x-y appears in chars then any character between x and y, inclusive, will match. \x Matches the single character x. This provides a way of avoiding the special interpretation of the characters *?[]\ An introductory help message is printed if the argument is not specified.
hs::hist_bin_width $id Arguments : integer id Returns : double Returns bin width (1d case), area (2d case), or volume (3d case) for the histogram with given id.
hs::hist_error_status $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the information about the presence of error data for a histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. The command returns one of the following codes: -1 Means that the item with id $id doesn't exist or not a histogram. 0 No errors defined for this histogram. 1 This histogram has positive errors only. 2 This histogram has both positive and negative errors.
hs::hist_function_chisq $id $tag $scan_variables {name1 value1} ... Arguments : integer id, string tag, list of strings scan_variables, mixed lists {name1 value1} ... Returns : three-element mixed list {cl chisquare ndof} Performs a chi-square test of the histogram with id $id against the function specified by $tag. See the description of hs::function command for a detailed description of the tag argument. The histogram must have errors defined. Negative errors are meaningful. If defined, negative errors are used in case the histogram bin value is higher than the function value calculated at the coordinates of this bin. "scan_variables" is the list of function variables and/or parameters which will be varied when histogram bin coordinates are scanned. The size of this list must be equal to the histogram dimensionality. The first element corresponds to the histogram x axis, the second (if provided) to the y axis, etc. Pairs {name1 value1} ... should provide values of all function variables and/or parameters which stay constant during the scan. This command returns the triple {cl chisquare ndof} which contains the calculated test confidence level, chi-square value, and the number of degrees of freedom. Only bins whose errors are larger than zero are used in the test and counted as degrees of freedom. When testing results of a probaility density fit, please use the chi-square test built into the fitter rather than this command. The fitter uses a better method for calculating function area for each histogram bin. Example ------- Suppose, we have a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id 1 and want to test its contents against the linear function y = 3*x + 2. The following command will perform the chi-square test: hs::hist_function_chisq 1 linear_1d {x} {a 3} {b 2}
hs::hist_integral $id Arguments : integer id Returns : double Calculates the integral (the sum of the bin contents * bin width) of the bin data in a histogram. Overflow data is not counted.
hs::hist_l1_norm $id Arguments : integer id Returns : double Calculates the L1 norm (the sum of absolute bin values * bin width) of the bin data in a histogram. Overflow data is not counted.
hs::hist_l2_norm $id Arguments : integer id Returns : double Calculates the L2 norm (the sum of squared bin values * bin width) of the bin data in a histogram. Overflow data is not counted.
hs::hist_num_bins $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the total number of bins in the histogram with given id.
hs::hist_random $id $num_points Arguments : integers id and num_points Returns : list of doubles Generates random points according to the given histogram. Returns a flat list of doubles. Number of elements in the list will be equal $num_points times histogram dimensionality. For example, for a 3-d histogram the elements of the list will be {x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 ...}. This command is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::hist_scale_data $id $scale Arguments : integer id, double scale Returns : nothing Scales the data of a histogram with given id by $scale. The scale factor must not be zero. The errors are not changed. See also the descriptions of hs::copy_data, hs::hist_scale_errors.
hs::hist_scale_errors $id $scale Arguments : integer id, double scale Returns : nothing Scales the errors of a histogram with given id by $scale. The histogram must have errors defined, and the scale factor must be positive.
hs::hist_set_error_range $id $min $max Arguments : integer id, doubles min and max Returns : nothing Trims positive errors of the histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. After this operation the smallest error will be equal $min and the largest will be equal $max. All errors are set to $min if the errors were undefined. $min must not be negative, and must not exceed $max. $max may be specified as an empty string in which case the errors will not be trimmed from above.
hs::hist_set_gauss_errors $id Arguments : integer id Returns : nothing Calculate and store Gaussian errors in a histogram. Any positive and negative errors stored previously will be disregarded. The new errors will be stored in the "positive" error array. The errors are computed assuming the central limit theorem: they are equal to the square root of the bin contents. If one or more bin value is negative, no errors are created or changed, and an error message is printed. If the item referred by id is not a histogram, no action is taken besides printing an error message.
hs::hist_set_slice $id $bin0 $stride $data Arguments : integers id, bin0, and stride, binary string or list of doubles data Returns : nothing Replaces some or all bin values in a histogram identified by id with provided data. Histogram contents are treated as a linear sequence of bins. In this sequence, the bin number along the Z axis changes most frequently (Z axis corresponds to the last C array index), and the bin number along the X axis is the slowest to change. $bin0 specifies the number of the first replaced bin in the sequence. If $bin0 is less than 0 or larger than the number of the last bin in the sequence then the command has no effect. $stride sets the distance between replaced bins (may be negative).
hs::hist_set_slice_errors $id $bin0 $stride $positive_errors negative_errors? Arguments : integers id, bin0, and stride, binary strings or lists of doubles positive_errors and negative_errors Returns : nothing Replaces some or all error values in a histogram identified by id with provided errors. Histogram contents are treated as a linear sequence of bins. In this sequence, the bin number along the Z axis changes most frequently (Z axis corresponds to the last C array index), and the bin number along the X axis is the slowest to change. $bin0 specifies the number of the first bin in the sequence whose errors are replaced. If $bin0 is less than 0 or larger than the number of the last bin in the sequence then the command has no effect. $stride sets the distance between replaced bins (may be negative). If the negative_errors argument is omitted or specified as an empty string then negative errors are not changed. positive_errors argument may be specified as an empty string in order to modify just the negative errors.
hs::histo_with_config $return_immediately $config_file Arguments : boolean return_immediately, string config_file Returns : nothing For users who want to build Histo-Scope into their program and have it automatically display plots. hs::histo_with_config invokes Histo-Scope as a sub-process and displays the plots specified in the configuration file config_file. The scope process is pre-connected to display the data generated in the user process. The routine can either start the Histo-Scope and return immediately if $return_immediately is true, or it can start it and return after the user closes the Histo-Scope window if $return_immediately is false.
hs::histoscope $return_immediately Arguments : boolean return_immediately Returns : nothing For users who want to build Histo-Scope into their program rather than using it separately as an inspection tool. hs::histoscope invokes Histo-Scope as a sub-process. The scope process is pre-connected to display the data generated in the user process. The routine can either start the Histo-Scope and return immediately in case $return_immediately is true, or it can start it and return after the user closes the Histo-Scope window if $return_immediately is false.
hs::histoscope_hidden Arguments : none Returns : nothing For users who want to build Histo-Scope into their program rather than using it separately as an inspection tool. hs::histoscope_hidden invokes Histo-Scope as a sub-process. The scope process is pre-connected to display the data generated in the user process. The Histo-Scope GUI interface does not appear on the display. All configuration operations must be performed by hs::load_config_string, hs::load_config_file, hs::overlay, or other similar commands.
hs::hs_update Arguments : none Returns : nothing This routine must be called periodically to keep the Histo-Scope display up to date and to accept connections from Histo-Scopes. You may call this as often as you like with no adverse impact on CPU usage. It will only transmit the data for the items that are currently displayed, and only as frequently as requested by the user of the Histo-Scope process, even if you call hs::hs_update very often. See also the description of hs::periodic_update.
hs::html_manual $filename Arguments : string filename Returns : nothing Generates hs extension manual using HTML format and saves it in file named $filename. Warning: if a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
hs::id $uid $category Arguments : integer uid, string category Returns : integer Returns the Histo-Scope id for a specified uid and category pair, or -1 if a match was not found. uid is the user-specified identification number which was specified when the item was created. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the indicator also specified when the item was created. The Histo-Scope defined id is returned.
hs::id_from_title $title $category Arguments : strings title and category Returns : integer Returns the Histo-Scope id for a specified item title and category pair, or -1 if a match was not found. title is the title specified for the item when it was created. category is the string specified at item creation defining a hierarchical "location" for the item.
hs::import_ntuple_data $filename $id strict_columns? Arguments : string filename, integer id, boolean strict_columns Returns : integer Reads columns of floating point numbers from a text file with given name into an ntuple with given id. Empty lines and lines which start with "#" (perhaps, preceded by white space) are ignored. If the "strict_columns" argument is set to 1 or omitted then the number of columns in the file must coincide with the number of variables in the ntuple. If the "strict_columns" argument is set to 0 then the number of columns in the input file can be arbitrary, and not necessarily the same from one line to another. If a line has more columns than the number of ntuple variables then columns at the end of the line will be ignored. If the number of columns in a line is smaller than the number of ntuple variables then missing values will be filled with zeros. This command returns the number of rows added to the ntuple.
hs::initialize $identity_string Arguments : string identity_string Returns : nothing Initialize the Histo-Scope connection software and set up a potential connection to a Histo-Scope process. The identity string identifies the process in the Histo-Scope connection panel and may be up to 40 characters long. This routine should be called before any other Histo-Scope routine.
hs::item_info $idlist Arguments : list of integers idlist Returns : nothing Prints type, user id, category, and title for the items whose Histo-Scope ids are in the list $idlist. If the idlist argument is omitted then the information is printed for all Histo-Scope items.
hs::item_properties $id Arguments : integer id Returns : mixed list Returns user id, category, title, and type for a Histo-Scope item with given id in a four-element list {uid category title type}. If the item with given id doesn't exist then the type will be set to "HS_NONE" and all other elements will be empty strings.
hs::join_entries $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 $keys $vlist1 $vlist2 Arguments : integers uid, id1, and id2, strings title and category, lists of strings keys, vlist1, and vlist2 Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple by joining the data of two existing Ntuples in a special way (similar to SQL inner joins). Arguments uid, title, and category define user id, title, and a hierarchical "location" for the new ntuple. $id1 and $id2 specify the ids of existing ntuples to join. $keys is the list of names which define ntuple columns whose data must match during the join. This list must have an even number of items. Each sequential pair of elements is treated as the names of matching columns in the first and the second ntuple. For the second ntuple, the set of values in the key columns must be unique for every ntuple row. $vlist1 specifies the mapping of columns from the first ntuple into the columns of the new ntuple, and $vlist2 specifies the mapping of columns from the second ntuple into the columns of the new ntuple. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 1 and variables {run1 event ntracks} and an ntuple with id 2 and variables {run2 event trigger energy}. Suppose also that in each row of the ntuple with id 2 the pair of data values {run2 event} is unique. Then we can create an ntuple with variables {run evt ntrk trig enrg} as follows: hs::join_entries 10 "Join Example" "Tmp" 1 2 {run1 run2 event event} \ {run1 run event evt ntracks ntrk} {trigger trig energy enrg} The new ntuple will have entries for those values of {run1 event} which are present in both ntuples. The {run evt} values will not necessarily be unique in the new ntuple if the {run1 event} values were not unique in the ntuple with id 1.
hs::kernel_density_1d $ntuple_id $variable $bandwidth $result_id \ xmin? xmax? npoints? option? value1? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id, result_id, and npoints, string variable, doubles bandwidth, xmin, and xmax, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command creates a one-dimensional kernel probability density estimate for a set of points from ntuple with id $ntuple_id. $variable is the name of the ntuple variable whose density is to be estimated. $bandwidth is the global bandwidth to use. $result_id is the id of an existing 1d histogram or a two-variable ntuple used to store the density estimate. If $result_id refers to an ntuple then arguments xmin, xmax, and npoints must specify the interval and the number of equidistant points in the estimate. This command supports the following options: -kernel $K $K is the name of the kernel function to use. Valid names are "gaussian", "uniform", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "triweight", and "quadweight". The default kernel is "gaussian". All kernels are normalized so that their area is 1 and their interquartile range is equal to that of the Gaussian kernel. -weight $W $W is the name of the variable in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id which will be used as a data point weight. If this option is not specified, all weights are taken to be 1. -localbw $Lb $Lb is the name of the variable in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id which will be used a local kernel bandwidth multiplier. The bandwidth for each data point is the product of this multiplier and the global bandwidth.
hs::kernel_density_2d $ntuple_id $x_variable $y_variable $bandwidth_matrix \ $result_id xmin? xmax? nxpoints? ymin? ymax? nypoints? \ option? value1? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id, result_id, nxpoints, and nypoints, strings x_variable and y_variable, doubles xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax, list of lists of doubles bandwidth_matrix, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command creates a two-dimensional kernel probability density estimate for a set of points from ntuple with id $ntuple_id. $x_variable and $y_variable are the names of the ntuple variables respectively used as the data point x and y coordinates. $bandwidth_matrix specifies the global bandwidth matrix to use (please see the "-transform" option description for full explanation). $result_id is the id of an existing 2d histogram or a three-variable ntuple used to store the density estimate. If $result_id refers to an ntuple then arguments xmin, xmax, nxpoints, ymin, ymax, and nypoints must be provided. These arguments specify the grid of points for which the density is estimated. This command supports the following options: -kernel $K $K is the name of the kernel function to use. Valid names are "gaussian", "uniform", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "triweight", and "quadweight". The default kernel is "gaussian". All kernels are normalized so that their volume is 1 and the radius of the sphere which includes 1/2 of the volume is equal to that of the Gaussian kernel. -weight $W $W is the name of the variable in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id which will be used as the data point weight. If this option is not specified, all weights are taken to be 1. -transform $T $T is a boolean value which may be used to modify the meaning of the bandwidth_matrix argument. By default, bandwidth matrix, B, is treated as the measurement covariance matrix (inverse metric). In this case the bilinear form used to calculate the distance between the points looks like this: r^2 = x_t*B^(-1)*x. If $T is set to 1 then the bandwidth matrix is treated instead as the coordinate transformation matrix: r^2 = y_t*y, y = B*x. -sxsq $SXX These options can be used to specify the names of the -sysq $SYY variables in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id to be used -sxsy $SXY as the local estimate of the bandwidth covariance matrix, S (usually, this covariance matrix is determined by the precision of the measurement). When these options are specified, the distances between the points are calculated as follows: r^2 = x_t*A_t*S^(-1)*A*x. When $T == 0 (default), A is the inverse square root of the global bandwidth matrix: A_t*A*B = I, A_t = A (B must be symmetric in this case). When $T == 1, A = B. Option -sxsy may be omitted in which case $SXY is assumed to be 0 for every point (this means that the measurement errors are uncorrelated).
hs::kill_histoscope Arguments : none Returns : nothing This routine allows you to "kill" any Histo-Scope processes started via the hs::histoscope or hs::histo_with_config calls. The "kill" is accomplished through a message request to the Histo-Scope process for it to exit.
hs::latex $latext $position option? value? .. Arguments : string latext, mixed list position, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command can be used to draw simple latex expressions on top of Histo-Scope plots. $latext specifies the text to draw in LaTeX notation. The "position" argument specifies the location of the text inside the plot window. $position must be either a two- or a six-element list, same format as in the specifications of object points in the hs::draw command. Please see the hs::draw description for details about the format and the coordinate systems. The following options may be specified in addition to the required arguments: -bordercolor, -scale, -bg, -background, -row, -column, -ipadx, -ipady, -refpoint, -coord, -coords, -origin, -border, -anchor, -window, -immediate, -complete, -rotate, -packages, and -interact. All options except the last four have the same meaning as in the hs::epsf command. Please see the hs::epsf description for more details. The last four options have the following meaning: -complete $B This boolean option specifies whether the latex expression should be treated as a complete document. By default $B is "false", and the "hs" extension generates the necessary \documentclass, \begin{document}, \end{document}, etc., declarations for you. You can write your own document header and footer instead, and then set the -complete option to "true" so that nothing is added to your latex code. Make sure though that your latex generates not more than one page (the result must be EPS-compatible). -rotate $dir This option allows to perform basic rotation of LaTeX output. Possible option values are integers divisible by 90 (rotation angles) or keywords "none", "left", "right", and "around". Default is "none". -packages $Plist Specifies the list of additional packages used by LaTeX to process your input. These packages will be used together with those returned by the hs::default_latex_packages command. This option is ignored when the value of "-complete" oprion is "true". -interact $I Specifies LaTeX interactive level. Possible values are "batch", "nonstop", and "errorstop". Default is "batch". This command uses "latex", "dvips", and "gs" executables, and it only works if the Histo-Scope GUI runs on the same computer as the tcl shell. Example ------- Show histogram with Histo-Scope id 1 and draw a latex label in the middle of the window: hs::show_histogram 1 -window w hs::latex -window w -ipadx {3 3} -ipady {3 3} -anchor c -scale 2 { $$ \textcolor{red}{F(s) = \int_{0}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-st} dt} $$ } {0.5 0.5}
hs::list_items $title $category $match_flag Arguments : strings title and category, integer match_flag Returns : list of integers Fills a list of Histo-Scope id numbers. These ids are returned in the order in which the histograms were created, or read in from a file. Title specifies the title of the data item(s) to list. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the indicator. Optionally, the category can include a trailing "..." which will return the id numbers for items in subcategories of the specified category. For example, "HS/..." matches "HS" and "HS/Nts" but not "HSNTuples", "HSNTuples" nor "hs". If the category parameter is specified as "..." all categories will match including uncategorized items. match_flag specifies exact or inexact matches for the title string specified. If {$match_flag == 0} then all id's returned will exactly match the title specified. If {$match_flag != 0} then leading spaces are ignored and id's containing the specified title are returned. Specifying "" for title and an inexact match for match_flag will match all titles. Specifying "" for category will match uncategorized items.
hs::list_plot $value_list option? arg? ... Arguments : list of doubles value_list, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string or nothing This command is used to plot a set of points. $value_list is a list of doubles containing pairs of elements. The first element in each pair defines the x coordinate of a point, and the second defines the y coordinate. This command accepts the same options as the hs::expr_plot command. Please check the hs::expr_plot description for details. The return value of this command is an empty string if it is called with the "-id" option; in all other cases it returns the name of the overlayed plot used to draw the set of points. Example ------- hs::list_plot {0 0 1 0 1.5 1 1 2 0 2 -0.5 1 0.5 1} \ -line 0 -color blue -marker solidcircle -markersize large
hs::list_to_data $numlist Arguments : list of tcl numbers numlist (integers or doubles or mixed) Returns : binary string Converts a tcl list into a binary string of floats.
hs::load_config_file $config_file Arguments : string config_file Returns : nothing Calling hs::load_config_file causes all connected Histo-Scopes to read the configuration file specified by config_file and execute all of the commands to display plots in the file.
hs::load_config_string $config_string Arguments : string config_string Returns : nothing Calling hs::load_config_string causes all connected Histo-Scopes to execute all of the commands to display plots in the string specified by config_string.
hs::lookup_title ?-nocase? $pattern $category Arguments : strings pattern and category Returns : list of integers Returns a list of Histo-Scope items whose titles match string $pattern. Matching is determined using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match". The command interprets the following characters in a special way: * Matches any sequence of characters in the title, including a null string. ? Matches any single character. [chars] Matches any character in the set given by chars. If a sequence of the form x-y appears in chars then any character between x and y, inclusive, will match. \x Matches the single character x. This provides a way of avoiding the special interpretation of the characters *?[]\ If the "-nocase" option is specified then the pattern is matched against the titles in a case-insensitive manner. The category argument may be omitted in which case all categories will be searched. Optionally, the category can include a trailing "/..." which will return the id numbers for matching items in the specified category and all its subcategories.
hs::merge_entries $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers uid, id1, and id2, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new Ntuple consisting of two existing Ntuples, specified by $id1 and $id2. These two Ntuples must have an identical number of variables. $uid is the User Identification number for the newly created Ntuple. $title defines the title for the new Ntuple. $category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the Ntuple. Returns the Histo-Scope id of the newly created Ntuple, or throws tcl error if the Ntuples referred by $id1 or $id2 don't exist or have different numbers of variables. The variable names are taken from $id1, and are assumed to be identical to those of $id2.
hs::multinomial_random $sum $problist Arguments : integer sum, list of doubles problist Returns : list of integers Generates random numbers according to the multinomial distribution. The problist argument defines all multinomial probabilities except one (the last probability is calculated from the condition that probabilities should sum up to 1). The number of elements in the returned result list will be larger by one than the number of elements in $problist, and the sum of result elements will be equal to $sum. This command is available only if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::multiplot $name option? arg? ... Arguments : string name, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string or nothing This command creates a configuration string requesting connected Histo-Scopes to draw several plots side by side in a multiple-plot window. The whole string does not have to be created in a single execution of the command, thus permitting incremental construction of multiplots. $name is an arbitrary string used to identify the multiplot. The following command line options are allowed: -title $Title Specifies window title. If this option is not present, the window title will be "Untitled". Use a string which starts with double forward slash if you intend to suppress the title in the window PostScript output. -window $Win Specifies the window name for subsequent use with commands hs::comment, hs::generate_ps, etc. -geometry $G Specifies window geometry using the standard X11 geometry specification string, for example 600x500+100+50. If this option is omitted then multiplot cells will be drawn using 4x3 aspect ratio and the window size will be the largest rectangle which fits into 800x600 pixels. -legend $OnOff This boolean option can be used to override the legend behavior of individual overlays in the multiplot. Specify $OnOff as an empty string (this is the default) if you would like to set the legend behavior for each overlay separately. -font $F Specifies font to use for axis labels. This option overrides fonts defined for individual overlays. $F may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Set $F to an empty string (this is the default) if you would like to specify axis font for each overlay separately. add $ids $cell args... Adds one or more histograms and/or plots of ntuple data and/or overlayed plots to a multiplot window. This option may appear many times in a single command. Each element in the list $ids must be either a valid Histo-Scope item id or a name of an existing overlayed plot. In the latter case an overlayed plot with this name should be created beforehand using hs::overlay command. Each item in the $ids list is processed sequentially with the same options, so that the notation "add [list $id1 $id2] $cell opt $value ..." is equivalent to "add $id1 $cell opt $value ... add $id2 $cell opt $value ...". $cell is the multiplot window cell identifier which consists of two non-negative integers separated by a comma. The first integer is the column number and the second integer is the row number. The identifier 0,0 refers to the top left cell in the multiplot. When all items in the $ids list are Histo-Scope ids, the optional arguments may specify axis limits, line color, style, histogram fill, marker size and style, etc. The options are the same as in the hs::overlay "add" command, so please refer to the hs::overlay description for details. If, instead, the $ids list contains one or more names of overlayed plots then the available argument options are -xlabel, -ylabel, -font, -xmin, -xmax, -ymin, -ymax, -zmin, -zmax, -ipadx, -ipady, -xscale, -yscale, -zscale, -colorscale, -style, and -legend which can be used to specify axis labels, axis font, limits, plot margins, scale types, color scale, overlay style, and legend behavior in the same fashion as inside the hs::overlay command. getconfig If this option is specified, the command will return the configuration string needed to build the multiplot window. This option is mutually exclusive with the "getcell" option. getcell $cell If this option is specified, the command will return the name of the overlayed plot in cell identified by $cell or an empty string if that cell is unused. This option is incompatible with the "getconfig" option. When neither "getconfig" nor "getcell" options are specified the command returns an empty string. show Send the configuration string to the connected Histo-Scopes so that they display the plot on the computer screen. The number of cells in the multiplot window will be calculated automatically based on the cell identifiers used with the "add" option. clear Clear the structures used to build the multiplot with given name. After this command the name can be reused to create another multiplot. The order in which the options appear on the command line doesn't matter. Example ------- Suppose, we want to display histograms with Histo-Scope ids 1 through 5 in a two-cell multiplot window. Histograms 1 through 4 are to be shown overlayed in the same cell using different colors. This can be accomplished with the following command: hs::multiplot multi1 show \ add 1 0,0 -color red \ add 2 0,0 -color green2 \ add 3 0,0 -color blue \ add 4 0,0 -color magenta \ add 5 1,0 Here is another way to do the same thing: hs::overlay tmp add 1 -color red add 2 -color green2 add 3 -color blue hs::multiplot multi2 show \ add tmp 0,0 \ add 4 0,0 -color magenta \ add 5 1,0
hs::multiply_histograms $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 $const Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, integers id1 and id2, double const Returns : integer Creates a new histogram (one-dimensional or two-dimensional) whose data is the multiplication, bin by bin, of two histograms specified by id1 and id2. The bin content of the new histogram will be equal to const * bin value of histogram id1 * bin value of histogram id2. If one of the id's is specified as 0, the other histogram will just be multiplied by the constant. uid is the User Identification for the newly created histogram. title defines the title for the new histogram. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category. Returns the id of the new histogram containing the result of the operation, or throws a tcl error if the operation could not be performed. Both histograms specified should be of the same type and have the same number of bins and bin edges.
hs::next_category_uid $category Arguments : string category Returns : integer Returns the next available user id for a given category.
hs::ntuple_add_variables $ntuple_id $uid $title $category $tcl_filter_expr \ name1? definition1? name2? definition2? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings title and category, script tcl_filter_expr, variable names and definitions are provided as strings Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple command for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. Names $name1, $name2, etc. will be appended to the set of variables in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id to form the set of variables of the new ntuple. $definition1, $definition2, etc. must be valid tcl expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables. The resulting ntuple gets filled for a given ntuple entry only when $tcl_filter_expr evaluates to "true" for the given entry. The command returns Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error. This command is implemented in pure tcl. For big ntuples, use hs::ntuple_c_add_variables. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_add_variables 5 1 "New ntuple" "Example category" \ {expr $A > 0} D {expr $B + $C} E {expr $B - $C} creates a new ntuple with user id 1 and title "New ntuple" in category "Example category". The new ntuple variables are A, B, C, D, and E. Variable D is defined as the sum of variables B and C, and variable E is defined as their difference. Only entries for which A > 0 will contribute to the new ntuple.
hs::ntuple_bit_histo $uid $title $category $ntuple_id $varname Arguments : integers uid and ntuple_id, strings title and category, string varname Returns : integer Creates a 1-d histogram with given uid, title, and category. Please see the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The varname argument specifies a variable of the ntuple with id $ntuple_id which is treated as a collection of bits. The resulting histogram shows the frequency of various bits in the $varname column.
hs::ntuple_block_fill $ntuple_id $data Arguments : integer ntuple_id, data may be either a list of doubles or a binary string of floats Returns : nothing Replaces the accumulated data in the ntuple with id $ntuple_id with the data provided in $data. The elements in $data should be arranged row-by-row, and the total number of elements should be divisible by the number of variables in the ntuple.
hs::ntuple_c_add_variables ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code? \ ?-cflags flags? $ntuple_id $uid $title $category $c_filter_expr \ name1? definition1? name2? definition2? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, flags, title, category, and c_filter_expr, variable names and definitions are provided as strings Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple command for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. Names $name1, $name2, etc. will be appended to the set of variables in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id to form the set of variables of the new ntuple. $definition1, $definition2, etc. must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables. The resulting ntuple gets filled for a given ntuple entry only when $c_filter_expr does not evaluate to 0 for this entry. The command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be used inside c_filter_expr, definition1, definition2, etc. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before definition1, definition2, etc. are calcuated (but after the filter). The "-cflags" option can be used to specify additional compilation flags. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_c_add_variables 5 1 "New ntuple" "Example category" \ {A > 0.f} D {B + C} E {B - C} creates a new ntuple with user id 1 and title "New ntuple" in category "Example category". The new ntuple variables are A, B, C, D, and E. Variable D is defined as the sum of variables B and C, and variable E is defined as their difference. Only entries for which A > 0 will contribute to the new ntuple.
hs::ntuple_c_count ?-unique expression_list? ?-include c_utility_code? \ ?-eval optional_c_code? $ntuple_id $c_filter_expr Arguments : integer ntuple_id, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, and c_filter_expr, list of strings expression_list Returns : integer Counts the number of ntuple rows which satisfy the condition specified by $c_filter_expr. A row is counted if $c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this row. If the "-unique" option is provided with a non-empty expression_list then only those rows are counted for which evaluation of expression_list results in a unique vector of values. $c_filter_expr and every element of $expression_list must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr and expression_list. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before expression_list is calcuated (but after the filter). The "-eval" option is ignored in case "-unique" option is not provided. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_c_count 5 {A + B > C} -unique [hs::ntuple_variable_list 5] returns the number of unique rows which satisfy the condition A + B > C.
hs::ntuple_c_covar ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code? \ $ntuple_id $c_filter_expr $c_weight_expr $expression_list Arguments : integer ntuple_id, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, c_filter_expr, and c_weight_expr, list of strings expression_list Returns : list of lists {list_of_averages covariance_matrix} Calculates averages and covariance matrix for quantities specified in the expression_list. Together with c_filter_expr and c_weight_expr, these quantities must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. Each ntuple row will be included in the calculation of the statistics with weight given by c_weight_expr only when c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this row. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, and expression_list. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before c_weight_expr and expression_list are calcuated (but after the filter). This command returns a two-element list. The first element of this list is the list of averages, with the same length as expression_list and in corresponding order. The second element is the covariance matrix which is represented as a list of rows (or columns since this matrix is symmetrical). Each row has the same length as expression_list, and the order of elements in it also corresponds to expression_list. Example ------- Suppose, ntuple with id 5 contains data for variables X, V, and T. We can calculate covariance between X and V*T using the following command: hs::ntuple_c_covar 5 1 1 [list X V*T]
hs::ntuple_c_filter ?-include c_utility_code? $ntuple_id $uid $title \ $category $c_filter_expr Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings c_utility_code, title, category, and c_filter_expr Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The set of variables in the new ntuple is the same as in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id. The data in the new ntuple is a subset of ntuple $ntuple_id data. $c_filter_expr must be a valid C integer expression which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. An entry from ntuple $ntuple_id is copied to the new ntuple only when $c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this entry. The command returns Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error. This command uses gcc internally to compile the filter expression, so gcc must be installed before this command can be used. For small ntuples, it may be faster to use hs::ntuple_filter command instead. Note that every variable name in the ntuple must be a valid C variable name. This constraint limits the applicability of the hs::ntuple_c_filter command. For example, this command may not be used with ntuples whose variable names contain spaces. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr. Examples -------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_c_filter 5 1 "New ntuple" "Example category" {A + B > 0.f} creates a new ntuple with user id 1 and title "New ntuple" in the category "Example category". Only entries for which A+B > 0 will be copied to the new ntuple from ntuple 5. Same thing can be done with a utility function like this: hs::ntuple_c_filter -include { static float plus(float x, float y) { return x+y; } } 5 1 "New ntuple" "Example category" {plus(A,B) > 0.f} The command hs::ntuple_c_filter 5 2 "Copy ntuple" "Example category" {1} creates a new ntuple which is a copy of ntuple 5.
hs::ntuple_c_linear_regress ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code?\ $ntuple_id $c_filter_expr $c_weight_expr $c_response_expr \ $predictor_list Arguments : integer ntuple_id, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, and c_response_expr, list of strings predictor_list Returns : mixed list {regression_coefficients covariance_matrix residual_chisquare ndof globcc adjusted_globcc} Performs multiple linear regression on the quantity specified in $c_response_expr using elements of $predictor_list as predictor variables (constant term is automatically included, and it should not be specified as one of the predictors). $c_filter_expr, $c_weight_expr, $c_response_expr, and all elements of $predictor_list must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using variables of ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id represented as floats. An ntuple entry is used in the regression procedure with weight $c_weight_expr only when $c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this entry. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr, c_weight_expr, etc. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before c_weight_expr, etc. are calcuated (but after the filter). This command returns a six-element list. The first element of the result is the list of estimated regression coefficients. Their order corresponds to the order of elements in predictor_list, and the constant term is appended at the end. The second element of the result is the covariance matrix of the regression coefficients (represented as a list of lists of doubles). The third element is the sum of squared differences between predicted and observed values of the response quantity. The fourth element is the number of degrees of freedom in the problem (which is the number of ntuple entries minus the number of predictor variables and minus one for the constant term). The fifth and sixth elements are, correspondingly, standard and adjusted correlation coefficient between the response quantity and its prediction (often called "global correlation coefficient" or "coefficient of determination" -- see the description of hs::globcc command for more detail). This command is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB. Note that at this time weighted regression has not been extensively tested yet, and for now it is recommended to use 1 as c_weight_expr.
hs::ntuple_c_project ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code? \ ?-cflags flags? $ntuple_id $proj_id $c_filter_expr $c_expr_0 c_expr_1? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and proj_id, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, flags, and c_filter_expr, various C expressions are supplied as strings Returns : nothing Fills a histogram or an ntuple with id $proj_id with data from ntuple with id $ntuple_id. c_filter_expr, c_expr_0, c_expr_1, etc. must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. The projection histogram or ntuple gets filled for a given ntuple entry only when c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this entry. If $proj_id refers to an ntuple then the number of expressions provided after the filter must be equal to the number of columns in this ntuple. If $proj_id refers to a 1d histogram then c_expr_0 is treated as a weight and c_expr_1 as the x coordinate. One additional expression, c_expr_2, must be provided when $proj_id refers to a 2d histogram. This additional expression specifies the y coordinate. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr, c_expr_0, etc. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before c_expr_0, etc. are calcuated (but after the filter). The "-cflags" option can be used to specify additional compilation flags. Note that the projection histogram or ntuple is not reset before filling. Example ------- Suppose, we have the following (empty) items: 1. ntuple with id 5 contains data for variables T, A, M, and V 2. histogram with id 6 is a 1d histogram 3. histogram with id 7 is a 2d histogram 4. ntuple with id 8 has three columns We can histogram variable A as follows: hs::ntuple_c_project 5 6 1 1 A We can build 2d distributions of various combinations of variables like this: hs::ntuple_c_project 5 7 {T > 5.f} M {T*A-V} {T*A+V} The above expression builds a 2-d distribution of X,Y entries where X = T*A-V, Y = T*A+V. Each entry contributes weight M but only if T > 5. We can fill another ntuple with various combinations of variables: hs::ntuple_c_project 5 8 1 M {T*A-V} {T*A+V} Same operation using a utility function: hs::ntuple_c_project -include { static float speed(float t, float a, float v) { return t*a+v; } } 5 8 1 M {T*A-V} {speed(T,A,V)}
hs::ntuple_c_replace_variables ?-project yesno? ?-include c_utility_code? \ ?-cflags flags? ?-eval optional_c_code? $ntuple_id $uid $title \ $category $c_filter_expr oldname1? newname1? definition1? \ oldname2? newname2? definition2? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, boolean yesno, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, flags, title, category, and c_filter_expr, variable names and definitions are provided as strings Returns : integer In the list of columns from the ntuple with id $ntuple_id variables named $oldname1, $oldname2, etc. will be substituted by variables named $newname1, $newname2, etc. and defined by $definition1, $definition2, etc. New variable definitions must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using old ntuple variables. If the value of -project option is 0 (or the option is omitted) then a new ntuple is created with user id, title, category, and variables specified. If the value of -project option is 1 then it is assumed that $uid and $category refer to an existing ntuple whose variables are named in a compatible manner (title argument is irrelevant in this case). The resulting ntuple gets filled for a given ntuple entry only when $c_filter_expr does not evaluate to 0 for this entry. The command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or, when -project option value is 1, the id of the ntuple onto which the projection is made. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be used inside c_filter_expr, definition1, definition2, etc. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before definition1, definition2, etc. are calcuated (but after the filter). The "-cflags" option can be used to specify additional compilation flags.
hs::ntuple_c_search ?-unique expression_list? ?-include c_utility_code? \ ?-reverse r? ?-eval optional_c_code? $ntuple_id $c_filter_expr Arguments : integer ntuple_id, boolean r, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, and c_filter_expr, list of strings expression_list Returns : list of integers Returns the list of ntuple rows which satisfy the condition specified by $c_filter_expr. Row number is included in the list if $c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this row. If the "-unique" option is provided with a non-empty expression_list then only those rows are included for which evaluation of expression_list results in a unique vector of values. When "-reverse" option is set "true" then the last row among non-unique rows is selected; otherwise it is the first row. $c_filter_expr and every element of $expression_list must be valid C expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr and expression_list. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before expression_list is calcuated (but after the filter). The "-eval" option is ignored in case "-unique" option is not provided. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_c_search 5 {A + B > C} -unique [hs::ntuple_variable_list 5] returns the list of unique rows which satisfy the condition A + B > C.
hs::ntuple_c_stats ?-include c_utility_code? ?-eval optional_c_code? \ $ntuple_id $c_filter_expr $c_expr Arguments : integer ntuple_id, strings c_utility_code, optional_c_code, c_filter_expr, and c_expr Returns : list of doubles {sum mean stdev min q25 median q75 max} Calculates various statistics for an arbitrary C expression c_expr which can be evaluated using ntuple rows. c_filter_expr must also be a valid C expression which can be evaluated using ntuple variables represented as floats. The value of c_expr for a given ntuple entry is included in the set for calculation of the statistics only when c_filter_expr is not evaluated to 0 for this entry. The following statistics are returned: sum : sum of all values mean : average of the values stdev : standard deviation min : minimum value q25 : 25th percentile median : median q75 : 75th percentile max : maximum value Optionally, an arbitrary set of C utility functions may be defined using the "-include" option. These functions may be called inside c_filter_expr and c_expr. Optional C code provided using the "-eval" option will be called just before c_expr is calcuated (but after the filter). See also the description of hs::column_stats.
hs::ntuple_contents $id Arguments : integer id Returns : binary string Returns all of the data in an Ntuple, specified by id, in the form of a binary string. In this string the Ntuple contents are arranged row-by-row.
hs::ntuple_creation_template $filename $varlist Arguments : string filename, list of strings varlist Returns : nothing Generates a template C file named $filename for a user-developed ntuple creation and filling code. Note that the file will be overwritten if it already exists. $varlist specifies the list of ntuple column names. All these names must be valid C variable names.
hs::ntuple_dll_scan ?-reverse r? $ntuple_id $dlltoken some_string? Arguments : integer ntuple_id and dlltoken, boolean r, string some_string Returns : may return anything, depending on the C code used This command facilitates scanning of large ntuples using C code. $ntuple_id is a Histo-Scope id of an ntuple. $dlltoken must be a shared library token obtained earlier with the hs::sharedlib command. The library must define a function named "hs_ntuple_scan_function" with the following C prototype: int hs_ntuple_scan_function(Tcl_Interp *interp, const float *row_data); This function is called for every ntuple row. Optionally, the library may also define functions int hs_ntuple_scan_init(Tcl_Interp *interp, int ntuple_id, const char *some_string); int hs_ntuple_scan_conclude(Tcl_Interp *interp, int ntuple_id, const char *some_string); which will be called before and after the row scan, respectively. All functions must return either TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. The interpreter passed to the functions can be used to store the result of the scan. The optional command argument "some_string" may be used to pass an arbitrary string to the init and conclude functions (the location of the string will persist throughout the scan). If this argument is not specified or specified as an empty string, the init and conclude functions will get a NULL pointer. The "-reverse" option may be set "true" to change the order in which ntuple rows are presented to the scanning function. By default, this option is "false", and rows are scanned starting with number 0. A template C file with the skeleton code for the above functions can be generated using the hs::ntuple_scan_template command. Loading and unloading of the shared library can be performed together with the ntuple scan in one step using the hs::ntuple_so_scan command.
hs::ntuple_filter $ntuple_id $uid $title $category $tcl_filter_expr Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings title and category, script tcl_filter_expr Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple command for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The set of variables in the new ntuple is the same as in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id. The data in the new ntuple is a subset of ntuple $ntuple_id data. $tcl_filter_expr must be a valid tcl boolean expression which can be evaluated using ntuple variables. An entry from ntuple $ntuple_id is copied to the new ntuple only when $tcl_filter_expr is true for this entry. The command returns Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error. This command is implemented in pure tcl. To filter big ntuples, use hs::ntuple_c_filter or hs::ntuple_so_filter. Example ------- Suppose, we have an ntuple with id 5 and variables A, B, and C. Then hs::ntuple_filter 5 1 "New ntuple" "Example category" {expr $A+$B > 0} creates a new ntuple with user id 1 and title "New ntuple" in category "Example category". Only entries for which A+B > 0 will be copied to the new ntuple from ntuple 5. The command hs::ntuple_filter 5 2 "Copy ntuple" "Example category" {expr 1} creates a new ntuple which is a copy of ntuple 5.
hs::ntuple_histo_fill $ntuple_id $histo_id Arguments : integers ntuple_id and histo_id Returns : nothing Fills an ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id using contents of a histogram with Histo-Scope id $histo_id. If the histogram is one-dimensional then the ntuple may have two to four columns which are filled as follows: column 0 is filled with coordinates of the histogram bin centers, column 1 is filled with bin values, column 2 (if exists) is filled with positive errors (or zeros if the histogram has no errors defined), and column 3 (if exists) is filled with negative errors (or zeros if the histogram has no negative errors). If the histogram is two-dimensional then the ntuple may have three to five columns which are filled in the following order: x coordinates of bin centers, y coordinates of bin centers, bin values, positive errors, and negative errors. Three-dimensional histograms are mapped into the ntuple columns in the following order: x, y, and z coordinates of bin centers, bin values, positive errors, and negative errors (four to six columns allowed).
hs::ntuple_paste $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 Arguments : integers uid, id1, and id2 strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple consisting of two existing ntuples, specified by $id1 and $id2. These two ntuples must have an identical number of rows. uid, title, and category arguments define user identification number, title, and hierarchical "location" for the new ntuple (the description of hs::create_ntuple command provides more details about these arguments). The columns of the new ntuple will be formed by concatenation of columns from ntuples with ids $id1 and $id2. Note that all column names must be distinct, and the command will fail if some column name is present in both ntuples.
hs::ntuple_poly_fit $id $xcol $ycol $n reverse_ordering? Arguments : integers id, xcol, ycol, n, boolean reverse_ordering Returns : two_element list {coeff sigma}. coeff is itself a list of doubles {a_0 ... a_n} which represent the fitted coefficients of the polynomial, and sigma is the estimate of the standard deviation of the fit residuals. Fits a polynomial of degree $n (not higher than 20) to a set of equally-weighted data points whose coordinates are taken from the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id. The xcol argument specifies ntuple column number used as the x coordinate, and the ycol argument specifies column number for the y coordinate. reverse_ordering is an optional argument which allows you to reverse the ordering of the polynomial coefficients returned. The default value of this argument is 0 in which case the coefficients are returned in the order of increasing degree. This function uses CERNLIB least squares polynomial fitting algorithm RLSQPM (CERNLIB entry E201), and it is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::ntuple_project $ntuple_id $proj_id $filter_expr $expr_0 expr_1? ... Arguments : integers ntuple_id and proj_id, string filter_expr, various tcl expressions are supplied as strings Returns : nothing Fills a histogram or an ntuple with id $proj_id with data from ntuple with id $ntuple_id. filter_expr, expr_0, expr_1, etc. must be valid tcl expressions which can be evaluated using ntuple variables. filter_expr must result in a boolean value. The projection histogram or ntuple gets filled for a given ntuple entry only when filter_expr is true. If $proj_id refers to an ntuple then the number of expressions provided after the filter must be equal to the number of columns in this ntuple. If $proj_id refers to a 1d histogram then expr_0 is treated as a weight and expr_1 as the x coordinate. One additional expression, expr_2, must be provided when $proj_id refers to a 2d histogram. This additional expression specifies the y coordinate. The results of expr_0, expr_1, etc. will be converted to doubles. If such a conversion is not possible then the command will throw a tcl error. Note that the projection histogram or ntuple is not reset before filling. This command is implemented in pure tcl. To project big ntuples, use hs::ntuple_c_project. Example ------- Suppose, we have the following (empty) items: 1. ntuple with id 5 contains data for variables T, A, M, and V 2. histogram with id 6 is a 1d histogram 3. histogram with id 7 is a 2d histogram 4. ntuple with id 8 has three columns We can histogram variable A as follows: hs::ntuple_project 5 6 {expr 1} {expr 1} {expr $A} We can build 2d distributions of various combinations of variables like this: hs::ntuple_project 5 7 {expr $T > 5} {expr $M} \ {expr $T*$A-$V} {expr $T*$A+$V} The above expression builds a 2-d distribution of X,Y entries where X = T*A-V, Y = T*A+V. Each entry contributes weight M but only if T > 5. We can fill another ntuple with various combinations of variables: hs::ntuple_project 5 8 {expr 1} {expr $M} {expr $T*$A-$V} {expr $T*$A+$V}
hs::ntuple_scan_template $ntuple_id $filename Arguments : integer ntuple_id, string filename Returns : nothing Generates a template C file named $filename for a user-developed ntuple scanning code. Note that the file will be overwritten if it already exists. The template code can then be edited, compiled, and executed using the hs::ntuple_so_scan command. $ntuple_id is the Histo-Scope id of the ntuple to scan. This command will work only when every ntuple column name is a valid C variable name.
hs::ntuple_so_filter $ntuple_id $uid $title $category $so_file Arguments : integers ntuple_id and uid, strings title and category, string so_file Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The set of variables in the new ntuple is the same as in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id. The data in the new ntuple is a subset of ntuple $ntuple_id data. $so_file must be a full path of an existing shared library which must define function "hs_ntuple_filter_function" with the following C prototype: int hs_ntuple_filter_function(const float *row_data). A row from ntuple $ntuple_id is copied to the new ntuple only when hs_ntuple_filter_function is not evaluated to 0 for this row. The command returns Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple or throws a tcl error. See also descriptions of commands hs::ntuple_filter, hs::ntuple_c_filter.
hs::ntuple_so_scan ?-reverse r? $ntuple_id $so_file some_string? Arguments : integer ntuple_id, boolean r, strings so_file and some_string Returns : may return anything, depending on the C code used This command facilitates scanning of large ntuples using C code. $ntuple_id is a Histo-Scope id of an ntuple. $so_file must be a full path of an existing shared library which must define function "hs_ntuple_scan_function" with the following C prototype: int hs_ntuple_scan_function(Tcl_Interp *interp, const float *row_data); This function is called for every ntuple row. Optionally, the library may also define functions int hs_ntuple_scan_init(Tcl_Interp *interp, int ntuple_id, const char *some_string); int hs_ntuple_scan_conclude(Tcl_Interp *interp, int ntuple_id, const char *some_string); which will be called before and after the row scan, respectively. All functions must return either TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. The interpreter passed to the functions can be used to store the result of the scan. The optional command argument "some_string" may be used to pass an arbitrary string to the init and conclude functions (the location of the string will persist throughout the scan). If this argument is not specified or specified as an empty string, the init and conclude functions will get a NULL pointer. The "-reverse" option may be set "true" to change the order in which ntuple rows are presented to the scanning function. By default, this option is "false", and rows are scanned starting with number 0. A template C file with the skeleton code for the above functions can be generated using the hs::ntuple_scan_template command. If you plan to use the same shared library to scan many ntuples, consider using the hs::ntuple_dll_scan command.
hs::ntuple_subrange $uid $title $category $ntuple_id $first_row $last_row Arguments : integers uid, ntuple_id, first_row, and last_row, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The variables of the new ntuple are identical to the variables of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id, and the contents of the new ntuple are copied from ntuple $ntuple_id rows between $first_row and $last_row (including both limits). If $last_row < 0, or $first_row > $last_row, or $first_row is equal to or exceeds the number of entries in the parent ntuple then the new ntuple will be empty. This command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple.
hs::ntuple_subset $uid $title $category $ntuple_id $list_of_names Arguments : integers uid and ntuple_id, strings title and category, list of strings list_of_names Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with user id, title, and category specified. See the description of hs::create_ntuple for a full explanation of uid, title, and category arguments. The set of variables in the new ntuple is a subset of variables in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $ntuple_id. The selected variables and their new ordering are specified by the list_of_names argument. The data for these variables is copied from the ntuple with id $ntuple_id. This command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple.
hs::ntuple_value $id $row $column Arguments : integers id, row, and column Returns : double Returns the value in an Ntuple at a specified row and column index. value is undefined (-1.0 is returned) if id does not exist or refers to an item other than an Ntuple.
hs::ntuple_variable_list $id pattern? Arguments : integer id, string pattern. Returns : list of strings Returns the list of variables for the ntuple specified by id whose names match the given pattern. The match is established using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match". The ordering of columns is preserved. If the pattern is omitted, all ntuple variables are returned.
hs::num_connected_scopes Arguments : none Returns : integer Returns the number of connected Histo-Scopes. This routine is useful for checking that a Histo-Scope created with hs::histoscope has successfully begun executing and is connected to its client program. Since this takes some time, it is suggested that hs::num_connected_scopes be called to check that a scope is connected before calling hs::load_config_file or hs::load_config_string.
hs::num_entries $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the number of fill operations that have been performed on the histogram or ntuple referred to by id, or -1 if the id does not refer to a histogram or ntuple item.
hs::num_items Arguments : none Returns : integer Returns the number of Histo-Scope data items defined so far.
hs::num_variables $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the number of variables in the Ntuple specified by id or throws tcl error if the id is not valid or does not refer to an Ntuple.
hs::overlay $name option? arg? ... Arguments : string name, various options are supplied as strings Returns : a string, or a list of integers, or nothing This command creates a configuration string requesting connected Histo-Scopes to draw several histograms or plots of ntuple data in the same window. The whole string does not have to be created in a single execution of the command, thus permitting incremental construction of overlayed plots. $name is an (almost) arbitrary string used to identify the plot. This string must not be an integer and it must not contain special characters *?,[]. The following command line options are supported: -title $Title Specifies window title. If this option is not given, the title of the first histogram in the overlayed plot will become the window title. Use a string which starts with double forward slash if you intend to suppress the title in the window PostScript output. -window $Win Specifies the window name for subsequent use with commands hs::comment, hs::generate_ps, etc. -geometry $G Specifies window geometry using the standard X11 geometry specification string, for example 500x300+150-300. If this option is omitted then the default geometry 400x300+0+0 will be used (400 pixels horizontally by 300 pixels vertically in the top left corner of the screen). -font $F Specifies font to use for axis labels. Use of this option requires Tk. $F may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Note that not all fonts are supported in PostScript. -legend $onoff Turns the legend on or off in case the overlay contains more than one plot. Valid values of the $onoff string are "on" and "off". The default value is "on". -xlabel $xl These options allow you to specify axis labels. By -ylabel $yl default, overlays with just one plot will use axis labels of the plotted item and overlays with more than one plot will have no labels. These options are used only by overlays which contain 1d plots of ntuple data and/or 1d histograms, other overlays ignore them. -xmin $xmin These options define drawing limits for the plot axes. -xmax $xmax By default, all items in the overlay are displayed -ymin $xmin so that their full range is visible. When both limits -ymax $xmax are specified for the same axis, the lower limit value -zmin $xmin must be less than the upper limit value. -zmax $xmax It is a responsibility of the user to ensure that the specified limits actually overlap with the range of the displayed items. The limits can be set to their default values by using an empty string as the option value. Options -zmin and -zmax are ignored for 1d plots. -ipadx $Xmarg This option specifies additional horizontal margins for drawing the histogram inside its window. $Xmarg must be a two-element list of integers. The first element specifies the number of pixels added to the left margin and the second specifies the number of pixels added to the right margin. Negative values are ignored. Default Xmarg value is {0 0}. -ipady $Ymarg This option specifies additional vertical margins for drawing the histogram inside its window. $Ymarg must be a two-element list of integers. The first element specifies the number of pixels added to the top margin and the second specifies the number of pixels added to the bottom margin. Negative values are ignored. Default Ymarg value is {0 0}. -xscale $xs These options specify the type of the corresponding -yscale $ys axis scale. Valid option values are "log" and "linear". -zscale $zs The default type for all scales is "linear". Option -zscale is ignored for 1d plots. -colorscale $C Specifies the color scale to use for tartan plots of 2d histograms and color scatter plots of ntuples. The color scale tag $C must be obtained beforehand using commands hs::create_linear_color_scale or hs::create_general_color_scale. If the color scale is not specified, the default Histo-Scope color scale is used. -style $Style Specifies how different histograms will be drawn inside the plot window. The following overlay styles are currently supported: user -- use histogram line and fill styles specified by the user when histograms are added to the overlay. plain -- use thin solid black line, no fill for all histograms. color1 -- draw histograms using thin solid line of different color for each histogram. rainbow -- draw histograms using solid line and solid fill of different color for each histogram. quilt -- draw histograms with a thin solid black line. Use different fill style for each subsequent plot. histo -- draw histograms using different line styles. This simulates the default behavior of the Histo-Scope GUI. histocolor -- draw histograms using different line styles and different colors. The default overlay style is "user". add $ids args... Adds one or more histograms or plots of ntuple data to an overlayed plot. This option may appear many times in a single command. Each element in the list $ids must be either a Histo-Scope id of an item to plot or a name of another existing overlayed plot. Each item in the $ids list is processed sequentially with the same options, so that the notation "add [list $id1 $id2] opt $value ..." is equivalent to "add $id1 opt $value ... add $id2 opt $value ...". The options should be provided in agreement with the type of the element being added to the plot. * Adding a Histogram The optional arguments specify line color, style, and histogram fill to use when the histogram is displayed. Supported argument options are -mode, -errors, -line, -color, -fill, and -fillcolor. They have the same meaning as in the hs::show_histogram command. Option "-owner" may be used with a boolean argument to specify that the overlay "owns" the histogram. Such a histogram will be automatically deleted when it is no longer used by any overlay. If a Histo-Scope id refers to a histogram already present in the overlay, this histogram will not be added another time but the drawing options will be changed according to the supplied set of arguments. 2d histograms cannot be overlayed, but you can make an overlay with a single 2d histogram in it. * Adding a Plot of Ntuple Data The first argument after the ntuple id must specify the plot type. The following plot types are supported: Specifier Meaning Mandatory Options --------- ------------------ ----------------- ts Time Series Plot -y tse TS Plot with Errors -y xy XY Plot -x -y xye XY Plot with Errors -x -y xys Sorted XY Plot -x -y xyse Sorted XY Plot with Errors -x -y scat2 XY Scatter Plot -x -y scat3 XYZ Scatter Plot -x -y -z h1 Histogram -x -nbins h1a Adaptive Histogram -x h2 2D Histogram -x -y h2a Adaptive 2D Histogram -x -y cell 2D Cell Plot -x -y cscat2 Color XY Scatter Plot -x -y -z tartan Color Cell Plot -x -y Please refer to the original Histo-Scope documentation at http://cepa.fnal.gov/CPD/histo_doc/v4_0/histo_ntupl.html for a detailed description of the first 13 plot types. The "Color XY Scatter Plot" displays the variable or expression specified with the -z option using a color scale. The "Color Cell Plot" displays the number of events in each 2D histogram bin using color. Both plot types use the color scale specified by the -colorscale option. Options -zmin, -zmax, and -zscale may be used to specify how the data should be mapped into colors. If neither -zmin nor -zmax option is specified, the color mapping into data is dynamic. In this case the color scale always covers the full range of the data. The rest of the arguments must follow as a sequence of option and value pairs. With the exception of the integer-valued option -nbins, all mandatory options must be followed by a name of one of the ntuple variables. The following options may be specified in addition to the mandatory ones: -owner This option expects a boolean value. 1 means that the overlay "owns" the plotted ntuple. The ntuple will be automatically deleted when it is no longer displayed on any plot. The default value of this option is 0. -snapshot This option expects a boolean value. 1 means that a temporary ntuple copy will be created, and the plot will no longer change when the original ntuple is filled. This option implies "-owner 0" because the overlay automatically owns the copy but not the original ntuple. The default value of this option is 0. -lang Specifies the language ("tcl", "C", or "none") which will be used to interpret the expressions provided with options -x, -y, -z, -ex, -ey, -ex+, -ex-, -ey+, -ey-, and -filter. The default is "none" which means that options -x, -y, etc. must be specified as valid ntuple variable names, and filter must be an empty string. When tcl or C are used, this option implies "-owner 0 -snapshot 1". -filter Specifies the filter which will be applied to the ntuple before the plot is made. The default value of this option is an empty string (means all rows pass). In case a non-empty filter expression is used, the -lang option must be provided in order to specify the language which will be used to evaluate this expression. Non-empty filter implies "-owner 0 -snapshot 1". -line This option specifies the line style (1d plots only). There are 18 distinct line styles for h1 and h1a histograms (as in the hs::show_histogram command) numbered from 0 to 17. Only the first 13 of these are available for ts- and xy-like plots. The default line style is 1 (thin solid line). -color Specifies the line color. The default color is black. -fill, These options specify 1d histogram (h1 and -fillcolor h1a) fill style and color. Please see the description of hs::show_histogram command for the list of available fill styles. The default fill style is "none". -marker Specifies the marker style for ts- and xy-like plots. The value must be either an integer from 0 to 9 or one of the following designated names: none, square, circle, star, x, triangle, solidsquare, solidcircle, thicksquare, or thickcircle. The default marker style is "none". -markersize The value must be an integer from 0 to 3 or one of the following words: tiny, small, medium, and large. The default marker size is "small". This option is only available for ts- and xy-like plots (same as -marker). -sliders This option is available for all histograms, scatter plots, and cell plots. The expected value is a list of ntuple variable names which can be later used to change the set of points used to build the plot. Please refer to the original Histo-Scope documentation for details. The default value of this option is an empty list. -binlimit Available for adaptive 1d histograms only. Specifies the maximum number of points in a single bin (a positive integer). The default value of this option is 20. -nxbins These options may be used to specify -nybins the initial binning for h2, cell, and tartan plots. When the plot is shown on the screen, the number of bins may be adjusted interactively using rebin sliders (available in the plot menu). -ey, These options specify ntuple variables -ey+, or expressions to use for drawing vertical -ey- plot errors. These options are available for tse, xye, and xyse plots. -ex, These options specify ntuple variables -ex+, or expressions to use for drawing -ex- horizontal plot errors. These options are available for xye plots only. * Adding Another Overlayed Plot No additional options allowed. All items from the overlayed plot with the given name will be added to the current plot. In case of duplicates the configuration options (such as line color, style, etc.) will be updated but a new copy of an item will not be added. The overlayed plots will be checked for compatibility. Only the plots which both contain 1d plots of ntuple data and/or 1d histograms can be combined. getconfig If this option is specified, the command will return the configuration string needed to build the overlayed plot. This option is mutually exclusive with the "getids" option. getids If this option is specified, the command will return the list of ids of Histo-Scope items used in this plot. This option is incompatible with the "getconfig" option. When neither "getconfig" nor "getids" options are specified the command returns an empty string. show Send the configuration string to the connected Histo-Scopes so that they display the plot on the computer screen. clear Clear the structures used to build the overlayed plot with given name. After this command the name can be reused to create another overlayed plot. The order in which the options appear on the command line doesn't matter. Examples -------- Suppose, we want to display 1d histograms with Histo-Scope ids 3 and 4 in the same window using different colors. This can be achieved by the following command: hs::overlay ov1 show clear add 3 -color red add 4 -color blue The same thing can be accomplished incrementally: hs::overlay ov1 add 3 -color red hs::overlay ov1 add 4 -color blue show clear Show the same histograms in two different predefined styles: hs::overlay ov1 show -style color1 add [list 3 4] hs::overlay ov1 show -style histo -geometry 400x300+400+0 Suppose, in addition to the above histograms we also have an ntuple with Histo-Scope id 1 and variables named A, B, C, and D. The following commands will show histograms of all these variables on one plot: foreach {variable color} {A red B green C blue D magenta} { hs::overlay ov2 add 1 h1 -x $variable -nbins 50 -color $color } hs::overlay ov2 show Combine these two overlays and show all six histograms together: hs::overlay ov2 add ov1 show Add the A vs. B plot: hs::overlay ov2 add 1 xy -x B -y A -color cyan show
hs::pack_item $id Arguments : integer id Returns : binary string Returns a binary string which contains XDR-encoded Histo-Scope item with given id. The item can be restored (perhaps, after a transfer to a different computer) using the hs::unpack_item command. This command can pack histograms, ntuples, controls, and indicators.
hs::pack_ntuple_row $id $row Arguments : integers id and row Returns : binary string Encodes the contents of a row (or entry) of Ntuple data specified by id in a binary string. This binary string can be portably transferred to another computer and unpacked with hs::unpack_ntuple_row command.
hs::parametric_plot $x_expr $y_expr $param_name $pmin $pmax option? arg? ... Arguments : scripts x_expr and y_expr, string param_name, doubles pmin and pmax, various options are supplied as strings Returns : string or nothing This command is used to draw parametric curves. $x_expr and $y_expr must be valid tcl scripts which produce double precision results in the variable context of the calling procedure. $variable_name is the name of the parameter. Values $pmin and $pmax define the limits of the parameter range. This command can be used with all the options accepted by the hs::expr_plot command. Please check the hs::expr_plot description for details. In addition, there is a new boolean option called "-hardzoom". If this option's value is true then the plot ntuples will be filled only by points lying withing limits specified by the options "-xmin", "-xmax", "-ymin", and "-ymax" (any or all of these options may be absent in which case the corresponding limit is not applied). The default value of the "-hardzoom" option is false. This command returns an empty string if it is called with the "-id" option; in all other cases it returns the name of the overlayed plot used to draw the curve. Examples -------- Draw a circle: set r 1.0 hs::parametric_plot {expr $r*cos($phi)} {expr $r*sin($phi)} phi 0 6.283 Draw an epicycloid: set a 8.0 set b 5.0 hs::parametric_plot {expr {($a+$b)*cos($t) - $b*cos(($a/$b+1)*$t)}}\ {expr {($a+$b)*sin($t) - $b*sin(($a/$b+1)*$t)}} t 0 [expr 6.2832*$b]\ -color blue
hs::periodic_update $msec Arguments : integer msec (or strings "stop", "period") Returns : integer or nothing This command sets up periodic calls to hs::hs_update. The user needs to call hs::periodic_update only once. All subsequent calls will be made by the tcl/Tk event loop in $msec millisecond intervals. 100 msec seems to be a convenient update period. To change the update rate call hs::periodic_update again with another period. To find out the current update period use hs::periodic_update period This will return 0 if periodic updates are not set up. To stop client updates, use hs::periodic_update stop This command relies on the presence of the tcl/Tk event loop. If you are running plain tcl without Tk, you need to take care of the event loop yourself if necessary.
hs::pick_random_rows $id $npick $uid1 $title1 $category1 uid2? \ title2? category2? Arguments : integers id, npick, uid1, and uid2, strings title1, category1, title2, and category2 Returns : an integer or a list of two integers This command picks $npick random rows from the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id and puts them into a new ntuple. The new ntuple will have user id, title, and category as specified by the uid1, title1, and category1 arguments. Please see the description of hs::create_ntuple command for more details about user id, title, and category. The new ntuple will have the same variables as the parent ntuple. The Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple is returned. If optional arguments uid1, title2, and category2 are present then this command creates one more ntuple which holds remaining rows from the ntuple with id $id. In this case the command returns a two-element list {id1 id2} which holds Histo-Scope ids of both new ntuples. This command is only available if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::poisson_random $mean num_points? Arguments : double mean, integer num_points Returns : integer or list of integers Generates random numbers according to the Poisson distribution with given mean. If optional argument num_points is specified then this procedure returns a list of $num_points random numbers, otherwise just one number is returned. This command is available only if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::project_2d_histogram $uid $title $category $id $axis $proj_type \ $suppress_zero Arguments : integers uid and id, boolean suppress_zero, strings title, category, axis, and proj_type Returns : integer Creates a new 1-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. The contents of the new histogram are created by calculating some statistical property over the columns or rows of the 2-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. The property to calculate is defined by the proj_type argument. Valid values of this argument are: sum : sum of all bin values in a row or column mean : row or column average of bin values (note, not coordinates) stdev : standard deviation of bin values distmean : average of bin coordinates weighed by bin values diststdev : standard deviation of bin coordinates weighed by bin values min : minimum bin value max : maximum bin value median : median of bin values range : (75th percentile - 25th percentile) * 0.7413 for bin values distmedian : median of bin coordinates weighed by bin values distrange : (75th percentile - 25th percentile) * 0.7413 for bin coordinates weighed by bin values The axis onto which the projection is made is defined by the $axis argument. Valid values of the axis argument are X (or x) : project onto X axis Y (or y) : project onto Y axis If $suppress_zero is true then only non-zero bin entries are used to create the projection. In all calculations, only histogram bin values are used, bin errors are ignored. hs::project_2d_histogram returns the Histo-Scope id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error. Example ------- hs::project_2d_histogram 1 "New Title" "New Category" 5 Y mean 0 The above command creates a new histogram with user id 1, title "New Title" in the category "New Category" provided that a 2-d histogram with Histo-Scope id 5 exists. The x axis binning of the new histogram will be the same as the y axis binning of the histogram with id 5. The bin contents of the new histogram will be averages of histogram 5 x bins for each given y bin.
hs::project_3d_histogram $uid $title $category $id $axis1 $axis2 \ $proj_type $suppress_zero Arguments : integers uid and id, boolean suppress_zero, strings title, category, axis1, axis2, and proj_type Returns : integer Creates a new 1-d or 2-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. Arguments axis1 and axis2 specify the axes onto which the projection is made. Valid values of these arguments are X (or x) : project onto X axis Y (or y) : project onto Y axis Z (or z) : project onto Z axis empty string : do not use this argument, make a 1-d projection onto the axis specified by the other axis argument Values of axis1 and axis2 must be distinct. The axis order doesn't matter. Bins of the 3-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id which have the same coordinates in the projection plane (or on the projection axis) are grouped into subsets. The contents of the new histogram are created by calculating some statistical property over such bin subsets. The property to calculate is defined by the proj_type argument. Valid values of this argument are: sum : sum of all bin values in a subset mean : average of bin values in a subset (note, not coordinates) stdev : standard deviation of bin values distmean : average of bin coordinates in the direction orthogonal to the projection plane, weighed by bin values (this property can only be used with 2-d projections) diststdev : standard deviation of orthogonal coordinates weighed by bin values (2-d projections only) min : minimum bin value max : maximum bin value median : median of bin values range : (75th percentile - 25th percentile) * 0.7413 for bin values in a subset distmedian : median of orthogonal bin coordinates weighed by bin values (used with 2-d projections only) distrange : (75th percentile - 25th percentile) * 0.7413 for orthogonal bin coordinates weighed by bin values (2-d projections only) If $suppress_zero is true then only non-zero bin entries are used to create the projection. In all calculations, only histogram bin values are used, bin errors are ignored. hs::project_3d_histogram returns the Histo-Scope id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error. Example ------- hs::project_3d_histogram 1 "New Title" "New Category" 5 Y "" mean 0 The above command creates a new 1-d histogram with user id 1, title "New Title" in the category "New Category" provided that a 3-d histogram with Histo-Scope id 5 exists. The x axis binning of the new histogram will be the same as the y axis binning of the histogram with id 5. The bin contents of the new histogram will be averages of histogram 5 xz bins for each given y bin.
hs::random $n Arguments : positive integer n Returns : list of doubles Returns a list of $n pseudo-random numbers between 0 and 1. This command uses a high quality uniform random number generator if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB, otherwise it uses the tcl built-in generator.
hs::random_get_state Arguments : none Returns : mixed list Returns the state of the hs extension random number generator. The state can be later restored using the hs::random_set_state command, and the generator will repeat the sequence. The hs::random_get_state and hs::random_set_state commands are available only if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::random_init $seed Arguments : integer seed Returns : nothing Sets the seed of the hs extension random number generator to $seed.
hs::random_set_state $state Arguments : mixed list state Returns : nothing Sets the state of the hs extension random number generator. It is assumed that the value of the command argument has been obtained earlier using the hs::random_get_state command. The hs::random_get_state and hs::random_set_state commands are available only if the extension has been compiled with CERNLIB.
hs::read_control $id Arguments : integer id Returns : double Returns the current value of a control.
hs::read_file $filename $prefix Arguments : strings filename and prefix Returns : integer Reads all of the items from the Histo-Scope formatted file specified by filename. All category strings will be prefixed by a new top level category specified in prefix. This may be "" or omitted, meaning no prefix is added. Returns the number of items read; otherwise returns -1 and prints an error message.
hs::read_file_items $filename $prefix $category $uids Arguments : strings filename, prefix, and category, list of integers uids Returns : integer Selectively reads items from a specific category and all its subcategories that match a list of uids from the Histo-Scope formatted file specified by filename. All category strings read from the file will be prefixed by a new top level category specified in $prefix. This may be specified as "", meaning that no prefix should be added. If an item with the same (prefixed) category and uid already exists, the item in the file will not be read and a message will be printed to inform the user. The list uids specifies the user ids of items to read from the file. If uids is "" then all items in the specified category and its subcategories will be read. Returns the number of items read, or -1 if an error occurred. For example, if "HS" is specified for category and "Run1" for prefix, items read from the file with category "HS" will become "Run1/HS" and items read from the file with category "HS/Ntuples" will become "Run1/HS/Ntuples". The new (prefixed) category must be less than 255 characters in length, or the item will not be read from the file. To read non-selectively regardless of the category, specify "" as category. See the description of hs::dir command for help about obtaining the listing of items saved in a Histo-Scope file.
hs::read_items_bytitle ?-nocase? $filename $prefix $title_pattern \ $category_pattern Arguments : strings filename, prefix, title_pattern, and category_pattern Returns : integer Selectively reads items whose titles match string $title_pattern and categories match string $category_pattern from the specified file into memory and returns the number of items read. The match is determined using the same rules as for the tcl command "string match" (see the description of hs::lookup_title command for more details). If the "-nocase" option is specified then the pattern match is performed in a case-insensitive manner. The category_pattern argument may be omitted in which case all categories will be searched. All category strings read from the file will be prefixed by a new top level category specified in $prefix. This may be specified as "", meaning that no prefix should be added. If an item with the same (prefixed) category and uid already exists, the item in the file will not be read and a message will be printed to inform the user.
hs::redraw option? value? ... Arguments : various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command can be used to force window update after hs::draw or hs::comment commands were used with the "-immediate" option set to 0. This command supports the following options: -window $Win This option specifies the name of the window to draw the item in. The window named $Win must be created in advance by one the commands hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::multiplot, hs::expr_plot, etc. The default is to use the window name specified on the most recent occasion when one of these commands was issued with the "-window" option. -row $R This option is used for multiplots to specify the row of the desired window. Default row is 0. -column $C This option is used for multiplots to specify the desired window column. Default column is 0. Example ------- Save some time by not redrawing every item separately: foreach {pt1 pt2} {{0.8 0} {1.0 0.2} {0 0} {0.2 0.2}} { hs::draw rectangle -window w1 $pt1 $pt2 -bg blue -immediate 0 } hs::redraw -window w1
hs::replace_color_scale $old_tag $new_tag Arguments : strings old_tag and new_tag Returns : nothing Replaces the colors in the color scale specified by $old_tag with the colors in the color scale specified by $new_tag. $old_tag and $new_tag must be obtained earlier using commands hs::create_general_color_scale or hs::create_linear_color_scale. If color scale $old_tag has already been sent to Histo-Scope with the hs::use_color_scale command then plots which use this color scale are repainted with new colors.
hs::replace_column_contents $id $col $values Arguments : integers id and col, values may be either a list of doubles or a binary string of floats Returns : nothing Replaces the contents of column number $col in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id with provided list or binary string of values. The number of elements in the provided data must coincide with the number of rows in the ntuple.
hs::reset $id Arguments : integer id Returns : nothing Resets the data item. For histograms, all of the bins and overflows are set to 0. For Ntuples all of the data is removed. Indicators are set to *not set*. Controls are set to their default value. For triggers, any pending trigger presses are cleared. For groups, all the data items in the group are reset.
hs::reset_const $id $const Arguments : integer id, double const Returns : nothing Resets histograms. All histogram bins are set to const, and overflows are set to 0.
hs::row_contents $id $row Arguments : integers id and row Returns : binary string Returns the contents of a row (or entry) of Ntuple data specified by id as a binary string. A row is the collection of values in a particular Ntuple entry, one value for each variable (A variable could also be called a column or an element).
hs::save_file $filename Arguments : string filename Returns : integer Saves all current histograms, Ntuples, indicators, and controls created by Histo-Scope library routines or read from Histo-Scope formatted files to a Histo-Scope-format file. Triggers are not written to the file. The number of items written is returned, or -1 if an error occurred. The named file is open for writing ("w"), discarding previous contents, if any.
hs::save_file_byids $filename $idlist Arguments : string filename, list of integers idlist Returns : integer Saves the histograms, Ntuples, indicators, and controls specified in the list of Histo-Scope ids to a Histo-Scope format file. The number of items written is returned, or -1 if an error occurs. The file named is open for writing ("w"), discarding previous contents, if any. This command is only enabled when the Histo-Scope distribution is patched (see the tcl API README file for more details).
hs::save_file_items $filename $category $uids Arguments : strings filename and category, list of integers uids Returns : integer Selectively saves the histograms, Ntuples, indicators, and controls in a specified category that match a list of uids to a Histo-Scope format file filename. Items will be written only when they match the specified category exactly. Specify "" as the category to save only uncategorized items. uids is a list of user id values specifying which items to write. If uids is "" then all items in the category specified are saved. The number of items written is returned, or -1 if an error occurs. The named file is open for writing ("w"), discarding previous contents, if any.
hs::server_port Arguments : none Returns : integer Returns the port number of the Histo-Scope server process, or -1 in case Histo-Scope has not been initialized. The port number can be used by the patched "histo" executable (via the -port command line switch) to establish a remote TCP/IP connection.
hs::set_1d_errors $id $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of doubles pos_errors and neg_errors Returns : nothing Same as hs::1d_hist_block_fill, except that this command allows to change histogram errors without changing data. Omit the neg_errors argument to change positive errors only. This command also allows to change negative errors only when positive errors already exist. Specify $pos_errors as "" if this is desired.
hs::set_2d_errors $id $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of doubles pos_errors and neg_errors Returns : nothing Same as hs::2d_hist_block_fill, except that this command allows to change histogram errors without changing data. Omit the neg_errors argument to change positive errors only. This command also allows to change negative errors only when positive errors already exist. Specify $pos_errors as "" if this is desired.
hs::set_3d_errors $id $pos_errors $neg_errors Arguments : integer id, binary strings or lists of doubles pos_errors and neg_errors Returns : nothing Same as hs::3d_hist_block_fill, except that this command allows to change histogram errors without changing data. Omit the neg_errors argument to change positive errors only. This command also allows to change negative errors only when positive errors already exist. Specify $pos_errors as "" if this is desired.
hs::set_indicator $id $value Arguments : integer id, double value Returns : nothing Sets the value of an indicator to value. The value should be within the range specified for the indicator. However the indicator is set even if the value is out of range.
hs::sharedlib $option arg? Arguments : string option, arg may be a string, an integer, or absent, depending on the option Returns : return type depends on the option used Manages shared libraries which contain mathematical functions used for data fitting (or some other code). The command may be used with the following options: "open", "close", "list", and "name". * hs::sharedlib open ?-export_globals? $filename Loads a shared library named $filename and returns an integer token which can later be used with hs::function_import command and other hs::sharedlib options. If the library exports a function named "_hs_init" then this function is called. If present, this function must have the following prototype: int _hs_init(Tcl_Interp *interp). _hs_init should return TCL_OK on success, and TCL_ERROR on failure. If "-export_globals" switch is specified then global symbols exported by the library will be made available to subsequently loaded libraries. * hs::sharedlib close $token Unloads a shared library. The token argument must be an integer obtained from an "hs::sharedlib open" call. The library will not be unloaded if some functions from the library are still used for data fitting. An attempt to use a wrong token or to unload the same library more than once will result in a tcl error. Returns an empty string. If the library exports a function named "_hs_fini" then this function is called. _hs_fini prototype is "void _hs_fini(void)". * hs::sharedlib list Returns the list of tokens for shared libraries currently loaded. * hs::sharedlib name $token Returns the name of the file from which the library was loaded. The token argument must be an integer obtained from a previous "hs::sharedlib open" call.
hs::sharedlib_compile $file_list $sharedlib_name option? arg? ... Arguments : list of strings file_list, string sharedlib_name, various options supplied as strings Returns : nothing Compiles shared library named $sharedlib_name using source files whose names are listed in $file_list. The source code must be written in either C or FORTRAN. Files with extensions .f, .for, .FOR, .F, .fpp, and .FPP are assumed to be FORTRAN files, all other files are assumed to be C files. The shared library can be subsequently loaded into a running program using hs::sharedlib or hs::ntuple_so_scan commands. If you library doesn't compile with default settings, it may be helpful to provide additional compiler and linker flags using options -cflags, -fflags, and -linkflags. Each option value should be a list which specifies additional flags passed, respectively, to C compiler, FORTRAN compiler, and linker.
hs::show_histogram $id option? arg? ... Arguments : integer id, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing This command creates a configuration string requesting connected Histo-Scopes to display the histogram with id $id in a separate window. The configuration string is sent to the scopes by means of calling hs::load_config_string. The following options are supported: -title $Title Specifies window title. If this option is not given, the histogram title will become the window title. Use a string which starts with double forward slash if you intend to suppress the title in the window PostScript output. -window $Win Specifies the window name for subsequent use with commands hs::comment, hs::generate_ps, etc. -geometry $G Specifies window geometry using the standard X11 geometry specification string, for example 500x300+150-300. If this option is omitted then the default geometry 400x300+0+0 will be used (400 pixels horizontally by 300 pixels vertically in the top left corner of the screen). -font $F Specifies font to use for axis labels. Use of this option requires Tk. $F may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Note that not all fonts are supported in PostScript. -mode $M Specifies the drawing mode for 2d histograms. Valid modes are: lego builds a 3d plot using rectangular bars whose height is proportional to the bin value. This is the default mode. cell builds a 2d plot using rectangular cells whose area is proportional to the bin value. tartan builds a 2d color plot using rectangles whose color depends on the bin value. The dependence may be completely specified using options -colorscale, -zmin, -zmax, and -zscale. When Z axis limits are not specified, the mapping from data into colors is dynamic, and it is adjusted to cover the full Z axis range as the histogram bins grow. This option is ignored for 1d histograms. -colorscale $C Specifies the color scale to use for tartan plots of 2d histograms. The color scale tag $C must be obtained beforehand using commands hs::create_linear_color_scale or hs::create_general_color_scale. If the color scale is not specified, the default Histo-Scope color scale is used. This option is ignored for 1d histograms. -xmin $xmin These options define drawing limits for the histogram -xmax $xmax axes. The default values of these limits are the axis -ymin $xmin limits specified when the histogram was created. When -ymax $xmax both limits are specified for the same axis, the lower -zmin $xmin limit value must be less than the upper limit value. -zmax $xmax It is a responsibility of the user to ensure that the specified limits actually overlap with the range of the displayed histogram. Options -zmin and -zmax are ignored for 1d histograms. If an empty string is specified as an option value, this option has no effect, and the default limit is used. -xscale $xs These options specify the type of the corresponding -yscale $ys axis scale. Valid option values are "log" and "linear". -zscale $zs The default type for all scales is "linear". Option -zscale is ignored for 1d histograms. -ipadx $Xmarg This option specifies additional horizontal margins for drawing the histogram inside its window. $Xmarg must be a two-element list of integers. The first element specifies the number of pixels added to the left margin and the second specifies the number of pixels added to the right margin. Negative values are ignored. Default Xmarg value is {0 0}. -ipady $Ymarg This option specifies additional vertical margins for drawing the histogram inside its window. $Ymarg must be a two-element list of integers. The first element specifies the number of pixels added to the top margin and the second specifies the number of pixels added to the bottom margin. Negative values are ignored. Default Ymarg value is {0 0}. -errors $onoff Boolean value $onoff specifies whether the histogram errors should be displayed. The default $onoff value is 0 (errors not shown). This option is ignored if the histogram has no error data. -line $n Histo-Scope line style number. Valid line styles are 0 (invisible) through 17 (solid circle). The default line style is 1 (thin solid line). The appearance of all line styles can be viewed in the "Histogram Style" interactive panel which can be created for any histogram by clicking on its plot window with the right mouse button and invoking the "Set Histogram Style..." menu. -color $cl Line color (red, green, blue, etc.). Run "showrgb" program to see the list of available colors on your computer. The default line color is black. -fill $Fstyle Specifies Histo-Scope histogram fill style. The fill style may be specified either as a number from 0 through 38 or as a string. The recognized fill style strings are: none, solid, fineHoriz, coarseHoriz, fineVert, coarseVert, fineGrid, coarseGrid, fineX, coarseX, fine45deg, med45deg, coarse45deg, fine30deg, coarse30deg, fine60deg, coarse60deg, rFine45deg, rMed45deg, rCoarse45deg, rFine30deg, rCoarse30deg, rFine60deg, rCoarse60deg, lFineHoriz, lCoarseHoriz, lFineVert, lCoarseVert, lFineGrid, lCoarseGrid, lFineX, lCoarseX, lFine45deg, lMed45deg, lCoarse45deg, lFine30deg, lCoarse30deg, lFine60deg, lCoarse60deg. The default fill style is 0 (no fill). The fill appearance can be viewed in the "Histogram Style" interactive panel. -fillcolor $cf Histogram fill color. The default fill color is the histogram line color. The last four options (-style, -color, -fill, and -fillcolor) only work for 1d histograms. They are ignored for 2d histograms.
hs::slice_contents $parent_id $result_specifier $axis1 $bin1 axis2? bin2? Arguments : integers parent_id, bin1, and bin2, strings axis1 and axis2, list of strings result_specifier Returns : list of binary strings Returns contents of a slice of a 2d or 3d histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id. $result_specifier is a list whose components must be strings "d" (for data), "p" (for positive errors), or "n" (for negative errors). The returned list of binary strings will have the same number of elements, and they will be arranged in the requested order. If errors of a certain type are requested and the histogram has no such errors, the relevant binary string will be empty. Valid axis specifications are "x", "y", and "z". When both axis1 and axis2 are given, $parent_id should refer to a 3d histogram and $axis1 must be different from $axis2. bin1 and (optionally) bin2 specify parent histogram bin numbers along their respective axes at which the slices are made. When a bin number is below 0 or above the allowed limit for the corresponding axis, a tcl error is generated. Example ------- Print data and positive errors from a 3d histogram with Histo-Scope id 1 for all x values in the first bin of y and z: foreach {data errors} [hs::slice_contents 1 {d p} y 0 z 0] {} puts "Data are [hs::data_to_list $data]" puts "Errors are [hs::data_to_list $errors]"
hs::slice_histogram $uid $title $category $parent_id $axis1 $bin1 axis2? bin2? Arguments : integers uid, parent_id, bin1, and bin2, strings title, category, axis1, and axis2 Returns : integer Creates a new 1d or 2d histogram with specified user id, title, and category. See the description of hs::create_1d_hist for a detailed description of uid, title, and category arguments. The contents of the new histogram are created by slicing the histogram with Histo-Scope id $parent_id at bin numbers and axes specified. Only 2d and 3d histograms can be sliced. Valid values of the axis1 and axis2 arguments are X (or x) : slice with fixed X bin number Y (or y) : slice with fixed Y bin number Z (or z) : slice with fixed Z bin number Only one slice axis can be specified with a 2d parent histogram (omit axis2 and bin2 or use an empty string for axis2). When both axis1 and axis2 are given, $parent_id should refer to a 3d histogram and $axis1 must be different from $axis2. This command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new histogram if the slice is successfully created, or throws a tcl error on failure. Out-of-range bin numbers will result in error. When a slice is created, it can be efficiently refilled with the parent data from different bin numbers using commands hs::fill_hist_slice and hs::fill_slice.
hs::slice_slider $parent_id $axis1 axis2? Arguments : integer parent_id, strings axis1 and axis2 Returns : two-element list {window_name slice_id} Creates a histogram plot and a top level Tk widget which allow for convenient interactive slicing of 2d and 3d histograms. Works only if you have Tk version 8.3 or newer. $parent_id is the Histo-Scope id of a 2d or 3d histogram to slice. Valid values of the axis arguments are: X (or x) : widget controls which X coordinates to use in the slices Y (or y) : widget controls which Y coordinates to use in the slices Z (or z) : widget controls which Z coordinates to use in the slices Only one slice axis can be specified with a 2d parent histogram (use an empty string for axis2 or omit it). When both axis1 and axis2 are given, $parent_id should refer to a 3d histogram and $axis1 must be different from $axis2. This command returns a two-element list. The first element of this list is the name of the new toplevel slider window (a string), and the second element is the Histo-Scope id of the slice histogram (an integer). The Histo-Scope plot window will be named "sliceslide_$slice_id". This plot window name can later be used with commands like hs::draw and hs::comment.
hs::socket_status Arguments : none Returns : boolean Returns 1 if the socket used for communication with the Histo-Scope GUI is currently blocked, 0 if not. When more than one GUI is connected the result is undefined.
hs::sort_ntuple $ntuple_id $column_names reverse_order? Arguments : integer ntuple_id, list of strings column_names, boolean reverse_order Returns : nothing Sorts the ntuple rows by the values in the given columns. The first column in the list is the most significant. The second column in the list will be taken into account to determine the order of two rows if the first column values are the same for these rows. The third column will be used if the second column is the same, and so on. By default, the sorting is performed in the increasing order of given column values. If the optional argument "reverse_order" is set to 1 then the sorting order is reversed.
hs::special_percentiles $id $suppress_zero $percentages Arguments : integers id and suppress_zero, list of doubles percentages Returns : list of doubles Calculates percentiles for a set of 1d or 2d histogram bin values (note, not bin positions!). $id is the histogram Histo-Scope id. Zero bins are removed from the set if $suppress_zero != 0. The percentage values should be be between 0.0 and 100.0, inclusive. The length of the list of percentages is arbitrary. The returned list of percentiles will have the same length.
hs::special_stats $id_source $suppress_zero Arguments : integers id_source and suppress_zero Returns : list of doubles {sum mean stdev min q25 median q75 max} Calculates various statistics on histogram bin values (not bin positions!). Zero entries are not used in any calculations if $suppress_zero != 0. The following statistics are returned: sum : sum of all bin values mean : average of the bin values stdev : standard deviation min : minimum bin value q25 : 25th percentile median : median q75 : 75th percentile max : maximum bin value The functions which treat 1d histograms as probability distributions and calculate various statistics for bin positions are called hs::1d_hist_stats, hs::1d_hist_shape, and hs::1d_hist_percentiles.
hs::stats_histogram $id_source $suppress_zero $id_fill $weight Arguments : integers id_source, suppress_zero, and id_fill, double weight Returns : nothing Fills 1-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id_fill using only bin values but not bin positions of the histogram $id_source. If $suppress_zero != 0 then only non-zero entries from $id_source are used. $weight becomes the weight argument for hs::fill_1d_hist. weight argument may also be omitted in which case 1.0 is used as the weight.
hs::sum_category $category1 $category2 $result_category Arguments : strings category1, category2, and result_category Returns : nothing Create a collection of new histograms (one-dimensional or two-dimensional), and/or Ntuples, based on two existing categories of data items. All such items within these categories are considered, and it is assumed that the categories have parallel category trees below a top prefix (e.g. from a hs::read_file call) and that the uids/subcategories and binning properties are identical. Items with $uid == 0 are skipped. For instance, category1 can be specified as "run23", category2 as "run25", result_category as "run23_25". Then, if a histogram exists both in "run23/tracking" and in "run25/tracking" with identical uids and static properties, a new histogram with the same uid will be created which is the sum, bin by bin, and with category "run23_25/tracking". Since this routine is intended to accumulate statistics, no arbitrary constant is provided. category1 and category2 are the top level categories of the categories to be summed. These can be neither "" nor contain "...". result_category is the top category for the newly created category.
hs::sum_file $filename $category $result_category Arguments : strings filename, category, and result_category Returns : nothing Read all of the items from file, sum histograms and/or merge Ntuples with those existing under the top category specified by category and store all newly created items in a category specified by result_category. This can be the same as category. Thus, to sum a bunch a files, one can read the first one by calling hs::read_file $file_1 "allsum" and loop over the others, calling repetitively hs::sum_file $file_n "allsum" "allsum" The items read from the file will not be kept in memory. A known deficiency of this routine is that it assumes that there is no top category already named "tmp_sum_file" or "tmp_sum_result". Example ------- To sum three files with names file1.hs, file2.hs, and file3.hs do: hs::initialize "Example" hs::read_file "file1.hs" "allsum" hs::sum_file "file2.hs" "allsum" "allsum" hs::sum_file "file3.hs" "allsum" "allsum"
hs::sum_histograms $uid $title $category $id1 $id2 $const1 $const2 Arguments : integer uid, strings title and category, integers id1 and id2, doubles const1 and const2 Returns : integer Creates a new histogram (one-dimensional or two-dimensional) whose data is the sum, bin by bin, of two histograms specified by Histo-Scope identification numbers id1 and id2. Each bin value of the new histogram will be equal to const1 * bin value of histogram id1 + const2 * bin value of histogram id2. const1 or const2 can be 0., or one of the id's can also be set to 0, in which case the corresponding histogram will not be referenced and the new histogram will simply be the other histogram multiplied by its constant. The resulting histogram has number of fills set to number of bins. Errors are propagated assuming that these errors are Gaussian (i.e. "negative" errors are ignored). uid is the User Identification for the newly created histogram. title defines the title for the new histogram. category is a string defining a hierarchical "location" for the histogram. Subcategories can be specified using the "/" character as in UNIX file specifications. If a category or subcategory does not exist, it is created. If the category argument is "" then the histogram will appear in the top level category. Returns the id of the new histogram containing the sum of the two histograms, or throws a tcl error if the operation could not be performed. An error is thrown if, for example, both histograms do not exist, the histogram types are different, or the number of bins or low/upper edges are inconsistent.
hs::sum_ntuple_columns $id_result $id1 $column1 $id2 $column2 ... Arguments : integers id_result, id1, column1, id2, column2, ... Returns : nothing Sums ntuple columns specified by the ntuple ids and column numbers given, and writes the result into the ntuple with id $id_result. The ntuples with ids $id1, $id2, etc. must all have the same number of entries. The number of columns to sum must be at least 1. The sum is calculated separately for each row (columns are added as vectors). The result ntuple must contain a single column. Previous contents of the result ntuple will be deleted.
hs::swap_data_errors $id $errtype Arguments : integer id, string errtype Returns : nothing Swaps data and errors of the histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. The overflow bins are reset. The argument $errtype controls which errors are swapped. The allowed values for $errtype are "pos" and "neg". If the histogram has no errors of the requested type then the data bins are filled with zeros.
hs::tcl_api_version Arguments : none Returns : string Returns the tcl API version, for example "1.1". If after the version number is says "original" that means that the Histo-Scope distribution hasn't been patched when the API was compiled. See the tcl API README file for more details about the patch.
hs::tcl_command_template $command $filename Arguments : strings command and filename Returns : nothing Generates a template C file named $filename for a tcl command named $command implemented in C. Note that the file will be overwritten if it already exists. The file can later be compiled, loaded, and unloaded dynamically using the hs::sharedlib_compile and hs::sharedlib commands.
hs::tempdir Arguments : none Returns : a string Returns the name of a directory where the hs extension writes temporary files and compiles shared libraries (by default, it is "/tmp"). For security reasons, it is recommended that users overwrite this procedure so that it returns the name of a directory writable only by the user. For example, namespace eval ::hs:: { proc tempdir {} { return "/home/joe/tmp" } }
hs::tempfile $prefix $suffix Arguments : strings prefix and suffix Returns : two-element list of strings {filename channel} Opens a file named ${prefix}XXXXXXXXXX$suffix where each X is replaced by a random letter or digit. The command checks that a file with this name does not exist in the file system before opening it. Because of a potential race condition and for other security reasons the file is open with attributes RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC and read-write permission for the user only. This command returns a list {filename channel} whose first element is the name of the new file and the second element is the tcl channel identifier.
hs::title $id Arguments : integer id Returns : string Returns the title string for a given Histo-Scope id. This function produces an error (which you might want to catch) if an item with this id does not exist.
hs::transpose_histogram $uid $title $category $id Arguments : integers uid and id, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new 2-d histogram with specified user id, title, and category by swapping X and Y axes of the 2-d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id. See the description of hs::create_2d_hist command for the detailed info about uid, title, and category arguments. The appearance of the new histogram is a mirror image of the original one. This command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new histogram or throws a tcl error.
hs::transpose_ntuple $uid $title $category $id Arguments : integers uid and id, strings title and category Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple with specified user id, title, and category by swapping rows and columns of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id. See the description of hs::create_ntuple command for the detailed info about uid, title, and category arguments. The variables of the new ntuple will be named "r0", "r1", "r2", ..., and the number of variables will be equal to the number of rows in the ntuple with id $id. This command returns the Histo-Scope id of the new ntuple.
hs::type $id Arguments : integer id Returns : string Returns the type of the item referred to by id. Valid types are: "HS_1D_HISTOGRAM" "HS_2D_HISTOGRAM" "HS_3D_HISTOGRAM" "HS_NTUPLE" "HS_INDICATOR" "HS_CONTROL" "HS_TRIGGER" "HS_NONE" "HS_NONE" refers to a non-existent item.
hs::uid $id Arguments : integer id Returns : integer Returns the user-specified identification number (uid) value for a given Histo-Scope id, or 0 if id was invalid or not found.
hs::unbinned_ks_test $id1 $varname1 $id2 $varname2 Arguments : integers id1 and id2, strings varname1 and varname2 Returns : two-element list of doubles {cl distance} Performs the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the data from column named $varname1 in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id1 and the data from column named $varname2 in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id2. Returns the test confidence level and the Kolmogorov distance between the two samples.
hs::undo Arguments : none Returns : nothing Deletes objects created by the commands hs::draw, hs::comment, hs::epsf, and hs::latex in the reverse order of their creation. Up to 100 most recent objects may be deleted.
hs::uniform_random_fill $id $num_points option? value? ... Arguments : integers id and num_points, various options are supplied as strings Returns : nothing Fills a histogram or an ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id with uniformly distributed random points. Ntuples are filled so that each variable is uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. $num_points rows are added to the ntuple. By default, histograms are filled uniformly over their ranges, $num_points entries added with unit weight. This behavior can be modified using optional switches. The following switches are supported: -weight $W Double. Can be used to modify the weight used for histogram filling. -xmin $Xmin -xmax $Xmax All these option take double values. They -ymin $Ymin -ymax $Ymax can be used to modify the range in which -zmin $Zmin -zmax $Zmax the random numbers are produced.
hs::unique_rows $uid $title $category $id $variable_names Arguments : integers uid and id, strings title and category, list of strings variables_names Returns : integer Creates a new ntuple whose variables are identical to the variables of the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id and fills it with a subset of data from the original ntuple. In this subset, the combination of values in the columns specified by the variable_names argument will be unique. If $variable_names is an empty list then the new ntuple will be just a copy of the old one. The new ntuple will have the user id, title, and category as specified by the function arguments. The Histo-Scope defined id for the new item is returned or a tcl error is thrown on failure.
hs::unpack_item $prefix $bstring Arguments : string prefix, binary string bstring Returns : integer Unpacks a Histo-Scope item previously encoded with the hs::pack_item command. If the "prefix" argument is not an empty string then the item category string will be prefixed accordingly. This command returns the id of the unpacked item.
hs::unpack_ntuple_row $id $packed Arguments : integer id, binary string packed Returns : nothing Decodes a binary string created earlier with hs::pack_ntuple_row command and fills the ntuple with id $id using decoded row contents. The number of columns in the ntuple whose row is being decoded must coincide with the number of columns in the ntuple with id $id.
hs::use_color_scale $tag Arguments : string tag Returns : nothing Sends the color scale information to Histo-Scope which remembers it and allocates pixels on the screen. When this is done, the information about the scale contents is no longer sent together with data plotting requests. This speeds up the program communications. The down side is that this color scale uses up available colors on the screen. This may be important for older displays which use only 8 bits per pixel. $tag must be a valid color scale tag returned by one of the commands hs::create_general_color_scale or hs::create_linear_color_scale.
hs::variable_index $id $name Arguments : integer id, string name Returns : integer Returns the index (the column number in the Ntuple) corresponding to a given variable specified by its mnemonic name, for a given Ntuple specified by id. An exact match is required between name and one of the variable's names defined in the Ntuple. If no match is found, returns -1. This routine does not check for multiple matches, it successfully completes at the first occurrence of name.
hs::variable_name $id $column Arguments : integers id and column Returns : string Returns the name of a given variable for the Ntuple specified by id. column is the variable index (column number) and name is the mnemonic name of this variable in the Ntuple.
hs::wait_num_scopes $operator $number Arguments : operator $operator, integer $number Returns : nothing This command waits until a certain condition is true about the number of connected Histo-Scope programs. For example, when you use "hs::histoscope 1" command in your application, you should wait until the client is connected before sending any configuration strings to the GUI. This can be accomplished by using hs::wait_num_scopes > 0 Allowed values for the $operator argument are >, <, >=, <=, ==, != This command will time out if after 1 min of waiting the condition is still not satisfied.
hs::weighted_column_stats $ntuple_id $column_number $weight_column_number Arguments : integers ntuple_id, column_number, and weight_column_number Returns : list of doubles {sum mean stdev min q25 median q75 max} Calculates various statistics on the contents of one column in an ntuple weighted by the values of another column. All weights are required to be non-negative. The following statistics are returned: sum : sum of all weights mean : average of the weighted values stdev : standard deviation min : minimum value q25 : 25th percentile median : median q75 : 75th percentile max : maximum value
hs::weighted_unbinned_ks_test $id1 $xvar1 $weightvar1 $neff1 \ $id2 $xvar2 $weightvar2 $neff2 Arguments : integers id1, neff1, id2, and neff2, strings xvar1, weightvar1, xvar2, and weightvar2 Returns : two-element list of doubles {cl distance} Performs the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the data from column named $xvar1 weighted by column $weightvar1 in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id1 and the data from column named $xvar2 weighted by column $weightvar2 in the ntuple with Histo-Scope id $id2. Weight column names may be specified as empty strings in which case all corresponding weights are set so 1. $neff1 and $neff2 are the effective numbers of points to use for this test. Returns the test confidence level and the Kolmogorov distance between the two samples.
hs::window_names_distinct $onoff Arguments : boolean onoff Returns : nothing Turns on or off checking that the names of all simultaneously displayed windows are distinct. This checking affects the behavior of various commands which use window names such as hs::show_histogram, hs::overlay, hs::close_window, or hs::comment. When checking is on, the hs extension remembers which windows are open and which are closed, and generates error messages when, for example, an attempt is made to display two windows with the same name or to draw a label in a window which has already been closed. However, this mechanism is not reliable during interactive sessions when the users can open and close windows using the Histo-Scope GUI and the window manager (the hs extension is not aware of these events). Therefore, default is to use this checking in batch mode (when the value of global variable "tcl_interactive" is 0) and to turn it off in interactive mode.
The hs::calc command -------------------- The "hs::calc" command has four different forms: hs::calc id Returns the name of a Tcl handle associated with the Histo-Scope histogram identified by id. A new handle is created if it does not exist and id refers to a histogram. "Handle" is a Tcl jargon for a command associated with some data structure. In this case the data structure is the Histo-Scope histogram. The handle name always starts with "hs::calc_". If you are using hs::calc, do not create your own Tcl commands or procedures whose names start with "hs::calc_". hs::calc purge Deletes all existing Tcl handles associated with Histo-Scope histograms. If a histogram is associated with a Tcl handle and belongs to the Histo-Scope category "Hs_calc_tmp" then it is also deleted. Use "hs::change_category" command if you want to preserve some of these histograms. hs::calc count Returns the number of Histo-Scope histogram handles created after the last purge operation. hs::calc manual Prints this description to the standard output. Usage of histogram handles -------------------------- In the explanations below it is assumed that variables h1 and h2 have been created as follows: set h1 [hs::calc $id1] set h2 [hs::calc $id2] where $id1 and $id2 are some valid Histo-Scope histogram ids. $h1 returns the name of the handle $h1 id returns id of the associated histogram $h1 type returns type of the associated histogram (HS_1D_HISTOGRAM, HS_2D_HISTOGRAM, or HS_3D_HISTOGRAM) $h1 uid returns user id of the associated histogram $h1 title returns histogram title $h1 categ returns histogram category $h1 bin returns binning information for the associated histogram. The info is returned as {xmin, xmax, nbins} list for a 1d histogram, as {xmin, xmax, n_x_bins, ymin, ymax, n_y_bins} list for a 2d histogram, and as {xmin, xmax, n_x_bins, ymin, ymax, n_y_bins, zmin, zmax, n_z_bins} list for a 3d histogram. $h1 stats returns statistics for the associated histogram. The info is returned as {mean, std_dev} list for a 1d histogram, as {x_mean, y_mean, x_std_dev, y_std_dev} list for a 2d histogram, and as {x_mean, y_mean, z_mean, x_std_dev, y_std_dev, z_std_dev} list for a 3d histogram. $h1 sum returns the sum of all histogram bins $h1 integ returns the associated histogram integral (sum of all bins multiplied by the bin size). $h1 min returns info for the lowest value bin. {bin_coord, bin_number, bin_value} list is returned for a 1d histogram. {x_bin_coord, y_bin_coord, x_bin_number, y_bin_number, bin_value} list is returned for a 2d histogram. {x_bin_coord, y_bin_coord, z_bin_coord, x_bin_number, y_bin_number, z_bin_number, bin_value} list is returned for a 3d histogram. $h1 max returns info for the highest value bin. The order of the elements in the returned list is the same as for the "min" operation. $h1 print dumps histogram data to the standard output $h1 show displays the histogram in a separate window $h1 del deletes the handle. The associated histogram is deleted if it is in the "Hs_calc_tmp" category. Unary mathematical operations ----------------------------- All unary operations return a handle for the new histogram which is created by applying, bin-by-bin, some unary operation to the bin contents of the associated histogram. The new histogram is placed in the "Hs_calc_tmp" category, and it has no title. No attempt was made to ensure the correct propagation of errors in all these operations, so don't assume that the errors in the new histograms are correct. Overflow bins are discarded. $h1 /-/ unary minus $h1 /+/ unary plus (histogram copy) $h1 deriv derivative (the histogram associated with handle $h1 must be one-dimensional). $h1 ~ logical NOT $h1 abs absolute value $h1 sign "sign". The "sign" operation returns 1 for positive argument, -1 for negative argument, and 0 for zero argument. $h1 sqrt square root $h1 ssqrt "safe square root". The "safe square root" returns square root for positive arguments and 0 for non-positive. $h1 exp exponent $h1 log logarithm $h1 slog "safe logarithm". Returns logarithm for positive arguments and -1000.f for non-positive. $h1 erf error function $h1 gerf Gaussian cumulative distribution function with mean 0 and width 1. $h1 trans transpose. Works with 2d histograms only. Binary mathematical operations ------------------------------ All binary operations return a handle for the new histogram which is created by applying, bin-by-bin, some binary operation to the bin contents of two histograms or to the bin contents of one histogram and to a constant. The new histogram is placed in the "Hs_calc_tmp" category, and it has no title. The usage is as follows: $h1 operator $h2 or $h1 operator const where "operator" is one of the following: +, -, *, /, <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==, **, ^, |, &, ||, &&, @, min, max, hypot Both ** and ^ mean power. | and & mean bitwise OR and AND, respectively (arguments are converted to integers before the operation is performed, and the result is converted back to float). It is the responsibility of a user to ensure that bitwise operations make sense. || means logical OR, && means logical AND, @ means concatenate histograms side by side (the histograms will be tested for bin-compatibility first). When the first form (with two handles) is used, the operation will result in error if the associated histograms are not bin-compatible. When the second form (with constant) is used, a temporary histogram is created and deleted in the "Hs_calc_tmp" category as a side effect. The operators must be separated by spaces from both first and second arguments. No attempt was made to ensure the correct propagation of errors in all these operations, so don't assume that the errors in the new histograms are correct. Overflow bins are discarded. Special histogram operations ---------------------------- -- Get a value of a particular bin in a 1d histogram: $h1 value bin $x_bin_num $h1 value coord $x -- Extract a part of a 1d histogram: $h1 subrange $x_bin_min $x_bin_max -- Get a value of a particular bin in a 2d histogram: $h1 value bin $x_bin_num $y_bin_num $h1 value coord $x $y -- Create a 2d histogram slice: $h1 slice bin x $x_bin_num $h1 slice bin y $y_bin_num $h1 slice coord x $x_value $h1 slice coord y $y_value -- Extract a part of a 2d histogram: $h1 subrange x $x_bin_min $x_bin_max $h1 subrange y $y_bin_min $y_bin_max -- Create a 2d histogram projection: $h1 project x $projection_type (projects onto x axis) $h1 project y $projection_type (projects onto y axis) where $projection_type is one of the following: "min", "max", "sum", "mean", or "median". Example ------- [[[hs::calc 14] + [hs::calc 17]] / 2] id returns an id of the new histogram which is an average of histograms 14 and 17 (provided that these histograms exist and have identical bin structure).
Introduction ------------ To fit your data to a model, you will need to construct the fit using the hs::fit command and, possibly, the fit handle command returned by hs::fit. The following information has to be provided: -- A complete list of datasets which will be fitted (histograms or ntuples, in case ntuples are fitted one has to specify the columns used). An arbitrary number of datasets can be fitted simultaneously. -- A set of functions to use in the fit. -- Function assignments to datasets. Each dataset may be fitted with several functions (the functions are simply added), and the same function may be assigned to more than one dataset. The latter is useful when, for example, a function is used to fit the background shape in a sample which contains a signal, and the same function is used to fit a background-only control sample. -- A set of parameters for your model. -- A mapping from the model parameters into the parameters of fitting functions. -- The choice of the fitting method (least-squares, maximum likelihood, etc). -- Optionally, one can provide dataset filters (these can be used to make exclusion regions). In reality, the fit construction is usually much simpler than the above description sounds because very often you can rely on the defaults built into the hs extension. A Simple Fitting Example ------------------------ Here is a simple example. Suppose, one wants to fit a Gaussian distribution to a 1d histogram with Histo-Scope id $id, and this histogram has its own errors. This can be accomplished as follows: # Let's create an example histogram here set id [hs::create_1d_hist 1 "Example histogram" "Tmp" "X" "Y" 20 -2 4] hs::1d_hist_block_fill $id [hs::list_to_data {0 2 1 2 8 6 14 19 18 20 \ 22 26 21 10 13 8 6 3 0 1}] [hs::list_to_data {1 1.4 1 1.4 2.8 2.4 \ 3.7 4.4 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.1 4.6 3.2 3.6 2.8 2.4 1.7 1 1}] # Fit this histogram using the Gaussian distribution set fit [hs::fit $id gauss] ;# Create the fit handle. $fit fit ;# Perform the fit. $fit show ;# Plot the fitted curve on top of the data. $fit print ;# Print various information, including fitted ;# parameter values, their errors, and chi-square ;# goodness-of-fit test confidence level. In this example, the command which specifies all necessary fitting information is "hs::fit $id gauss". The first arguments of the hs::fit command provides the list of fitted datasets. In our example, this list consists of just one element, and this element is the Histo-Scope id of the fitted histogram. The second argument of the hs::fit command is the list of functions which will be applied to every dataset listed in the first argument. Each element of this list must be a valid function tag as defined by hs extension commands hs::function_import, hs::function_compose, etc. "gauss" is the tag assigned to the Gaussian probability density function by the code which initializes the hs extension. In the above example the creation of model parameters happens automatically. By default, the model parameters are the combined parameters of all functions used in the hs::fit command, and they are mapped one-to-one to the function parameters. The fitting method is not specified explicitly, therefore the default procedure is used (least squares minimization). No dataset filters have been provided, consequently all histogram bins are used in the fit. Fitting Methods --------------- The fitting method may be specified either globally, for all fitted datasets, using the "-method" option of the hs::fit command, or for each dataset separately, using the "-method" option in each dataset specification (this takes precedence over the global method). For example, the fit in the above example can be changed to use extended maximum likelihood if the "hs::fit $id gauss" command is modified as follows: hs::fit $id gauss -method eml The following fitting methods are supported by the hs extension: 1) "L2" -- minimizes the distance between the data and the fit in the L2 norm (equivalent to least squares with all weights equal). This method is usually used to fit one dataset at a time when error estimates for the data points are not available. Fitting more than one dataset is not recommended whenever L2 method is used because different datasets often have dissimilar error scales. 2) "ls" -- least squares minimization, errors are provided by the user either as histogram error data or as an ntuple column. This is the default fitting method. 3) "chisq" -- least squares minimization, errors are assumed to be equal to the square root of the number of events predicted by the fit (so-called Pearson's chi-square minimization). 4) "ml" -- maximum likelihood method. In this method the user is supposed to take care of the function normalization, usually by fixing the relevant fit parameter. 5) "eml" -- extended maximum likelihood. The function normalization is taken care of automatically, but in case of an unbinned fit the user is supposed to define a grid which will be used to calculate the fit area numerically. Note that unbinned fits may be performed only with methods 4) and 5). Dataset Specifications ---------------------- The hs::fit command takes the list of datasets to fit as its first argument. Each element of this list is itself a list which specifies one dataset. All individual dataset specifications must look like this: {id ?opt1 value1? ?opt2 value2? ...} The first element is the Histo-Scope id of an item to fit (a positive integer). This item must be either a histogram (1d or 2d) or an ntuple. All other elements come as option-value pairs. The following options may be used: -weight $W Specifies the dataset weight in the fit ($W should be a non-negative double). The default weight is 1. It may be useful to change a weight of some dataset to 0 when several datasets are fitted simultaneously in order to study the effect of this particular dataset on the fitted parameter values. -method $M Specifies the fitting method for this dataset. Possible M values are "L2", "ls", "chisq", "ml", and "eml". If this switch is not provided then the fit default method will be used for this dataset. This switch should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary because the interpretation of parameter errors in the mixed-method fit is less clear. When the fitted item is an ntuple, each ntuple row represents one data point. In this case, the following additional options may be used: -x $Xcol Specifies the ntuple column name used to define x coordinates of the data points. This option is required for ntuple fits. -y $Ycol The ntuple column which defines y coordinates. This option is needed for 2d and 3d datasets only. -z $Zcol The ntuple column which defines z coordinates. This option is needed for 3d datasets only. -v $Vcol The ntuple column which defines data values for the given coordinates. -e $Ecol The ntuple column which defines data errors. If the -v switch is not provided for an ntuple then the fit is unbinned, otherwise the fit is said to be binned even though the positions of the data points are arbitrary. Note that it is not necessary to include all datasets at once into the hs::fit command. More datasets can be added later, using the fit handle. Here is an example fit which uses an ntuple as a dataset: set id [hs::create_ntuple 2 "Example ntuple" "Tmp" {x data error random}] for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} { set random [expr 2*([join [hs::random 12] +] - 6.0)] set data [expr {$i*$i + $random}] hs::fill_ntuple $id [list $i $data 2 $random] } set fit [hs::fit [list $id -x x -v data -e error] poly_1d] $fit parameter x0 configure -value 0 -state fixed $fit fit $fit show Another example makes an unbinned fit using the same ntuple: set fit [hs::fit [list $id -x random] gauss -method ml] $fit parameter area configure -value 10 -state fixed $fit fit $fit show Fit Functions ------------- The second argument to the hs::fit command is the list of functions used to fit every dataset. Each function tag in the fit must be distinct. This is because the tags correspond not only to the functions themselves but also to the mappings from the model parameters into the function parameters. Therefore, in order to include the same function more than once (e.g., fit some data with a sum of two Gaussians) one has to duplicate the function first. This can be done using the "copy" operation of the hs::function command. Example: hs::function gauss copy gauss1 hs::fit $id {gauss gauss1} It is not necessary to provide the list of all functions used in the fit as the argument to the hs::fit command. In fact, when more than one dataset is fitted simultaneously, this argument is usually an empty list because the cases when the same function with the same set of parameters can be usefully employed to fit different datasets are not very common. Fit Handles ----------- The hs::fit command returns a handle (sometimes called an "object command" by tcl programmers) which can be used to perform various operations, set and examine fit parameters, configure fitting options, plot the results, etc. The handles may be invoked with the following options: $handle When invoked without any additional arguments, the handle command returns its own name. $handle id Returns the unique fit id. This id stays the same even if the handle command is renamed. $handle copy ?newhandle? Creates a copy of the fit data and returns a new handle. The name of the new handle may be specified as the optional string argument "newhandle". Without this argument, a new unique command name is generated automatically. $handle delete Deletes the fit and the associated handle. $handle configure ?option1 value1? ?option2 value2? ... Configures various fit options. The following options are available: -title $T Specifies the fit title which will be used in various printouts. Minuit printouts can only use the first 50 characters of the title string. -description $D Specifies the fit description (an arbitrary string). The default D value is an empty string. -method $M Sets the default fitting method which will be assigned to every dataset which does not explicitly specify its fitting method. The allowed M values are "ls", "L2", "chisq", "ml", and "eml". The default M value is "ls". -warnings $Warn If set to "false", instructs Minuit to suppress warning messages about suspicious conditions which may indicate unreliable results. The default is to print such messages. -status $Stat Specifies the fit status. $Stat must be either "ok" or "error". The default value is "ok". This option affects the internal behavior of the fitting code, and should not normally be set by the application. -gradient $G $G is a boolean value which specifies whether Minuit should use an external procedure to calculate the function gradient over parameters. Right now, this option should be left at its default value of 0. -ignore $Ign If $Ign is set "true", the program will not print error messages generated by fitting functions. The default Ign value is "false". -errdef $UP Sets Minuit value of UP defining parameter errors. Minuit defines parameter errors as the change in the parameter value required to change the function value by $UP. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, leave this option at its default value of 1.0. -precision $Eps Informs Minuit that the relative floating point arithmetic precision is $Eps. The default value of this option is 0.0 which means that the program will use the system default for doubles. -strategy $Stra Sets the Minuit strategy to be used in calculating first and second derivatives and in certain minimization methods. Low values of $Stra mean fewer function calls and high values mean more reliable minimization. Currently allowed values are 0, 1 (default), and 2. -minimizer $Min Sets the Minuit minimization method. $Min must be one of the keywords "migrad", "mini", or "simplex". Default is "migrad". -minos $Use If $Use is false, instructs the program _not_ to run MINOS after the minimizer. The default is "true". -verbose $Level Minuit verbose level: -1 -- no output except from SHOW commands 0 -- minimum output (no starting values or intermediate results) 1 -- Minuit "normal" output 2 -- print intermediate results 3 -- show the progress of minimization The default value of this option is 0. -timeout $sec Timeout in seconds for the Minuit main loop. 0 or negative values mean no timeout will be set (this is the default). Note that timeout does not immediately stop the main loop since Minuit is not capable of receiving status information from the fitted function. Instead, the code modifies the total number of function calls allowed. As a consequence, Minuit prints somewhat misleading message to the standard output that the call limit is exceeded, but the interpreter result contains the correct diagnostics. $handle cget $option This command can be used to examine various fit properties. The following options are supported: -compiled, -complete, -description, -errdef, -gradient, -method, -precision, -strategy, -title, -epars, -emat, -verbose, -ignore, -warnings, -psync, -osync, -dlls, -ministat, -minos, -minimizer, -wpoints, -timeout, and -status. Most switches have the same meaning as in the "$handle configure" command. Additional switches are: -compiled With this switch, the command returns 1 if all parameter mappings and dataset filters have been compiled, and 0 otherwise. -complete Returns 0 if there were parameter or mapping changes since the last minimization run or if the minimization has never been performed, otherwise returns 1. -epars Returns the list of parameters for which the error matrix has been estimated, or an empty list if the matrix has never been calculated. -emat Returns the error matrix as a list whose elements are the matrix rows, or an empty list if the matrix has never been calculated. -osync Returns 1 if the fitting options have been passed to Minuit since the last change, 0 otherwise. -psync Returns 1 if the fit parameters have been synchronized with Minuit, 0 otherwise. -dlls Returns the list of shared libraries which may be unloaded when the fit is deleted. -ministat Returns the minimization status as a list {fmin fedm errdef npari nparx istat}. See the description of the Minuit subroutine MNSTAT for the meaning of the list elements. This will be an empty list if the minimization has not been performed yet after the last configuration change. -wpoints Returns the combined total weighed number of points in all datasets used to calculate the minimization statistics during the most recent FCN call. These additional switches correspond to the fit properties which can be examined from tcl but can not be set explicitly using "configure". $handle subset opt1? value1? ... This command manipulates the fit datasets. The following forms may be used: * $handle subset add $dataset_specifier opt? value? ... Adds a new dataset to the fit and returns the dataset id (an integer). dataset_specifier is a list which specifies Histo-Scope histogram or ntuple to fit. The structure of this list has already been described in the "Dataset Specifications" section. The following options are supported: -filter $filter_code Specifies the filter expression (in C notation) which will be applied to all dataset points before they are fitted. The filter code can only depend on the data point coordinates but not on the point values. It can use variables x, y, and z, and must result in an integer value. A point will be accepted if the result of the filter expression on the point coordinates is not 0. For example, the expression {x < 1 || x > 2} defines an exclusion region [1, 2]. The C code generated from such filter expression looks like this: int filter(double x, double y, double z) { return ( x < 1 || x > 2 ); } The default filter_code value is an empty string which means that all data points will be used in the fit. You can use all functions defined in the standard C headers inside your filter expression. -functions $fun_list Specifies the list of tags of the functions which will be used to fit the dataset. All these functions will be summed in the fit. -normregion $descr Specifies the region to use for calculation of the fit normalization. This option may be used with unbinned fits only. The descr argument is a flat list which contains 3 numbers for every dimension of the dataset: min, max, and number of intervals to use. For example, this is how $descr may look like for a 2d fit: {-5.0 5.0 50 -10.0 10.0 100}. $descr may be an empty list in which case the normalization region becomes undefined. * $handle subset count Returns the upper limit for the dataset ids in the fit. Note that this number is not necessarily equal to the total number of datasets since their ids are not required to be contiguous. * $handle subset list Returns the list of ids of datasets used in the fit. * $handle subset $id $subcommand opt1? value1? ... Manipulates the dataset identified by $id in the fit. The following subcommands are supported: exists Returns 1 if dataset identified by $id exists in the fit, 0 otherwise. delete Removes the dataset identified by $id from the fit. Also, removes functions which were used to fit just this particular dataset (note that in such a case fit parameters may have to be redefined). info Returns the information about the dataset identified by $id in the form of a list {id ndim binned columns filter_string \ functions weight method points normregion} id -- Histo-Scope id of the data item ndim -- dataset dimensionality binned -- set to 1 for binned datasets, to 0 for unbinned columns -- five-element list of ntuple column numbers used to define x, y, z, data value, and errors. For histograms, all these numbers are set to -1. filter_string -- dataset filter expression functions -- the set of fitting functions weight -- the dataset weight in the statistic being minimized method -- fitting method to use for this dataset. points -- the number of points used to calculate the minimization statistics during the most recent FCN call. normregion -- normalization region for an unbinned dataset (or an empty list if undefined). stats $what $quantities Returns basic statistical information about the data or fit. The "what" argument must be either "data" or "fit". The "quantities" argument is a a list which may contain one or more of the following keywords: npoints, is_pdf, sum, mean_x, mean_y, mean_z, s_x, s_y, s_z, rho_xy, rho_xz, rho_yz. If the fit has been completed then the result will be a list of values with the same number of elements and in the requested order. If the fit has not been completed, the command generates a tcl error. The fit stats are not calculated in case an unbinned fit is done using the "ml" method because in this case we don't know the support of the fitting function. The keywords have the following meaning: npoints -- Number of points used in the fit (that is, points which passed the filter and did not cause any function errors). For data, this is the same as the result of "$handle subset $num cget -npoints" command. For the fit, this may depend on the grid used for function normalization (this will be set to 0 in case of unbinned "ml" fit). is_pdf -- This is set to 1 if all values are non-negative. sum -- The total number of events. In the binned case, this is just the sum of bin values (for the fit it uses Simpson's integration rule in which bins are taken to be integration intervals). In the unbinned case, for the data this is just the total number of points used in the fit. For the unbinned "eml" fit, this is the fit area covered by the grid of points used in the fit. For the unbinned "ml" fit it is undefined. mean_x -- Mean x value. s_x -- X standard deviation. rho_xy -- XY correlation coefficient. All other keywords are self-explanatory. The values corresponding to these keywords will make sense only if npoints > 0, is_pdf == 1, and the dimensionality of the fit is sufficient for creation of relevant statistics. configure opt? value? ... Sets the dataset attributes. Available options are -filter, -functions, -method, -normregion, and -weight. The meaning of these options is the same as in the dataset specifiers and in the "$handle subset add" command. cget $option Returns the dataset property identified by $option. In addition to the standard configurable options -filter, -functions, -method, -normregion, and -weight, the following options are available read-only: -id, -ndim, -binned, -columns, -points. The values returned for these options are the same as the corresponding elements in the list produced by the "info" subcommand. Also, there are several special options which are not directly related to the dataset definition: -validmethods, -ndof, and -chisq. Option -validmethods may be used to return the list of all fitting methods compatible with this dataset. Options -ndof, and -chisq return the number of points used in the chi-square test and the chi-square value for the fitted data. Note that these options are only meaningful when the fit is complete and the dataset is binned, otherwise their return values are 0. compiledfilter dll? proc? When issued without the dll and proc arguments, this subcommand returns 1 in case the filter expression has already been compiled and 0 otherwise. Optional dll and proc arguments can be used to set the dll number and the C function name to use for the filtering functions. The proc argument may be specified as an empty string in which case the filter is removed (all point will be used in the fit). It should not be necessary for a user code to use this subcommand. ranges $scan_specifier Scans filter functions of 1-dimensional datasets and returns the list of allowed regions in the form {{min1 max1 npoints1} \ {min2 max2 npoints2} ...}. The scan_specifier argument is a three-element list {min max npoints} which defines the region to scan and the density of trial points. plotfit $result_specifier Fills a Histo-Scope item with fitted values. $result_specifier is just an id for a histogram or it must look like this for ntuple: {id {min max npoints}} in 1d case or {id {min1 max1 npoints1} \ {min2 max2 npoints2}} in 2d case. fitvalues $uid $title \ This command calculates the fitted values $category $is_difference at the coordinates of the data points. "is_difference" is a boolean argument which specifies if the program should calculate the difference between the data and the fit (when "true") or just calculate the fit. The command will create the same kind of Histo-Scope item as the one used to represent the data: an ntuple or a histogram. This subcommand returns the Histo-Scope id of the result. $handle function This command manipulates data fitting functions. The following forms can be used: * $handle function add $funct opt1? value1? ... Adds a data fitting function with tag $funct to the fit. $funct must be a valid function tag as defined by commands hs::function_import, hs::function_compose, etc. It is not possible to add a function with the same tag to a fit more than once but it is possible to use the same function with more than one dataset included in the same fit. The following options are allowed: -subsets $datasets $datasets is a list of dataset numbers to which this function will be added. This option may be omitted if the fit includes only one dataset, but for fits with multiple datasets this option is mandatory. -mapping $codestring Specifies the mapping from fit parameters into the function parameters. The mapping is either a string of pseudo-C code or a special keyword which designates a precompiled mapping. In the pseudo-C code the fit parameters should be designated by name or by number and prefixed with the '%' character. The function parameters are referred to by names. Here is an example mapping: { double bin_width = 0.05; area = %nevents * bin_width; mean = %1; sigma = sqrt(%variance); } Besides the special designators for the fit parameters (whose type should not be declared), everything else should be normal C code which can use all the functions provided in the standard C headers. The character '%' itself can be written as the "%%" sequence. The mapping code will be compiled and loaded before the fit is performed. The following keywords may be used instead of a C code map: "sequential", "identical", and "null". Null mapping is the default mapping for fitting functions without parameters, and sequential mapping is the default for functions with parameters. -params $parlist $parlist specifies initial values of the function parameters (which can be used, for example, to plot the function) in a list of name-value pairs. For example, {{mean 0.0} {sigma 1.0}}. The default value for all parameters is 0.0. * $handle function list Returns the list of tags for data fitting functions used in the fit. * $handle function $tag $subcommand opt1? value1? ... Manipulates the fitting function identified by tag $tag in the fit. The following subcommands may be used: exists Returns 1 if the function with the given tag is included into the fit, 0 otherwise. info Returns the info about a function in a list {name mapping offset subsets parlist}. offset is the total number of parameters in all preceding functions used to set up the sequential parameter mapping. delete Removes the function from the fit and all its datasets. compiledmap dll? proc? When issued without the dll and proc arguments, this subcommand returns 1 in case the mapping has already been compiled and 0 otherwise. Optional dll and proc arguments can be used to set the dll number and the C function name to use for mapping. dll number can be -1 to indicate that one of the precompiled maps should be used. In this case a precompiled map keyword should be used in place of the "proc" argument (see the description of -mapping option in the "$handle function add" command for the list of such keywords). Also, the "proc" argument can be set to an empty string in which case the mapping is removed (so that some code can later install a default mapping). It should not be necessary for a user code to use this subcommand. configure opt1? value1? ... Configures the options -subsets, -mapping, and -params which have the same meaning as in the "$handle function add" command. cget $option Returns the function property identified by $option. In addition to the standard options -subsets, -mapping, and -params, this subcommand supports convenience options "-npars" which instructs it to return the number of function parameters, "-parnames" which returns the list of just parameter names, and "-parvalues" which returns the list of just parameter values. $handle parameter opt1? value1? ... This command manipulates fit model parameters. The following forms may be used: * $handle parameter add $parname opt? value? ... Adds a parameter named $parname to the fit. $parname must be different from the names of already existing parameters in its first ten characters (FORTRAN-like comparison, dictated by Minuit interface). The following options are supported: -value $v $h is the initial parameter value (default is 0.0). -step $h $h is the initial parameter step size for Minuit. It must be positive. The default h value is 0.1. -state $s $s is one of the keywords "fixed" or "variable". The default is "variable". -bounds $blist $blist is a two-element list of parameter limits {min max}. The default blist value is an empty list which means that the parameter has no limits. * $handle parameter list Returns the list of fit parameter names. * $handle parameter clear Deletes all fit parameters. * $handle parameter info Returns the list of parameter definitions. Each element is itself a list {name value state step bounds}. * $handle parameter apply Passes the current parameter definitions to Minuit. Returns nothing. * $handle parameter $name $subcommand opt1? value1? ... Manipulates the parameter named $name in the fit. The following subcommands may be used: delete Deletes the parameter named $name. exists Returns 1 if the parameter named $name exists, 0 otherwise. set newvalue? Returns four-element list {value state \ step bounds} for the parameter named $name. When newvalue is specified, sets the value of an existing parameter. newvalue may be either a double value or a four-element list. configure opt1? value1? ... Sets the parameter properties. Available options are -value, -state, -step, and -bounds. The meaning of these options is the same as in the "$handle parameter add" command cget $option Returns the parameter property specified by $option. When the fit is finished, the following options are available in addition to the standard options -value, -state, -step, and -bounds: -error -- returns "parabolic" error -eneg -- returns negative error from Minos (as a negative number) -epos -- returns positive error from Minos -globcc -- returns the global correlation coefficient. This is a number between zero and one which gives the correlation between the parameter named $name and that linear combination of all other parameters which is most strongly correlated with $name. -errinfo -- returns the above four properties in a single list {error eneg epos globcc}. $handle info Returns the information about the fit in a 16-element mixed list. This list has the following structure: {title description default_fit_method minimizer minos minuit_options \ global_status timeout ignore_function_errors minimization_status \ parameters error_matrix_pars error_matrix_data dlls datasets \ fit_functions} The list elements are: title -- String. Fit title. description -- String. Fit description. default_fit_method -- String. Default fitting method which will be assigned to every dataset which does not explicitly specify its fitting method. minimizer -- String. Minuit minimizer to use. minos -- Boolean. It will be 1 if the fitting procedure uses MINOS or 0 if MINOS is skipped. minuit_options -- List {errdef verbose warn strategy eps grad} global_status -- String "ok" or "error". timeout -- Integer. 0 or negative means no timeout. ignore_function_errors -- Boolean. minimization_status -- List {fmin fedm errdef npari nparx istat}. See the description of the Minuit subroutine MNSTAT for the meaning of the list elements. This will be an empty list if the minimization has not been performed yet after the last configuration change. parameters -- The list of parameters. Each element is itself a list {name value state step bounds}. state is a string which is either "fixed" or "variable". bounds is either an empty list (unbounded) or a two-element list {min max}. error_matrix_pars -- The list of names of parameters for which the error matrix is defined (or an empty list if the fit is not performed). error_matrix_data -- Error matrix, each row (or column since it is symmetric) is itself a list (or an empty list if the fit is not performed). dlls -- Dll numbers to unload when the fit is deleted. datasets -- List of dataset info lists. Please see the description of the command "$handle subset", option info, for details about the dataset info list structure. fit_functions -- List of fitting function information lists. Please see the description of the command "$handle function", option info, for details about the function info list structure. Since the hs extension code is still under development, it is unwise to assume that the number of elements in the fit info list will not change. However, the new elements are most likely to be appended at the end, so the following list splicing code should be reasonably safe: foreach {title description ... fit_functions} [$handle info] break where ... stands for all other list elements. Note the "break" command at the end, not {}. $handle fit ?maxcalls? ?tolerance? Runs the Minuit minimization cycle after passing parameter values and fitting options to Minuit. The optional argument "maxcalls" specifies the (approximate) maximum number of function calls after which the calculation will be stopped even if it has not yet converged. This argument may be specified as an empty string (this is the default which means that the procedure will run until the fit converges). The optional argument "tolerance" specifies required tolerance on the function value at the minimum. When "migrad" is used as the minimizer, the default tolerance is 0.001 (which will also be used if tolerance is specified as an empty string), and the minimization will stop when the estimated distance to the minimum (EDM) is less than 0.001 * $tolerance * $UP, where UP is the Minuit setting which defines parameter errors (see the description of "$handle config" command, option -errdef). When "simplex" is used as the minimizer, the minimization will stop when the EDM is less than $tolerance. In this case the default tolerance value is 0.01 * $UP. $handle show opt? value? ... Plots the data and the fit. The plots will be overlayed when fitted dataset is a 1d curve or a histogram, or they will be shown side-by-side together with the difference plot in case the dataset is 2-dimensional. Plotting of 3d datasets is not supported yet. This command can be used with the following options: -title $T $T specifies the window title -info $b Boolean value $b specifies whether to show the parameter information on top of the plot for the completed fit. This option has no effect for fits to multiple datasets. -font $F Specifies the font to use for axis labels. Use of this option requires Tk. $F may be given in any form acceptable by Tk, for example "Times 18 {bold italic}". X font names may also be used (run "xlsfonts" program to see the names). Note that not all fonts are supported in PostScript. The command returns the list of multiplots shown (see the hs::multiplot command description for details). The user should delete these multiplots when they are no longer needed. $handle contours $pname1 $pname2 opt? value? ... Draws error contours for the fit parameters. $pname1 and $pname2 are the names of the parameters. Valid options are: -plotpoints $N Specifies the number of points to calculate on every contour. $N must be a positive integer larger than 4. The default N value is 200. -levels $L $L must be a list of positive real numbers which specifies how many contours to draw and how many standard deviations they should be from the central value. The default L value is {1 2 3}. -show $Show $Show is a boolean value which specifies if the plot should be displayed immediately. The default value of this option is "true". -font $F Specifies the font to use for axis labels. Use of this option requires Tk. This command returns the name of an overlayed plot which holds the curves (see the hs::overlay command description for details). $handle report $channel $format Generates a report when the fitting is complete. $channel is a tcl channel into which the report is written, and $format is the string which specifies the report format type. At this time, only one format type is supported: text. $handle print Equivalent to "$handle report stdout text". $handle tune ?-font $fontname? Starts a fitting GUI which can be used for parameter tuning, fit plotting, report generation, etc. The "-font" option can be used to specify the font for axis labels (see "$handle show" description for details). The command returns the name of the new toplevel window. $handle goodness $test mcsamples? show_progress? Returns a fit confidence level from the specified goodness-of-fit test. The following tests can be specified: chisq One-sided chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Can be performed only on binned fits which do not use the "L2" minimization method. ks "Classic" one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Can only be used with fits to 1d data. Note that it is almost always a bad idea to rely on the confidence level returned by this test since it was designed for comparison of two independent distributions rather than for goodness-of-fit. ksmc Kolmogorov-Smirnov test based on Monte-Carlo. Builds a distribution of Kolmogorov distances by generating random points according to the fitted distributions, and refitting these random points. This test is much more reliable than the "ks" test but it also takes more time. It can only be used with fits to 1d data. multires Multiresolution Gaussian smoothing test based on Monte-Carlo. This test is very reliable, but it is also very slow, and it works only with fits to single 1d datasets. The default number of bandwidth settings to use is 20. This number can be changed by modifying variable "::fit::Default_bandwidth_set_size". The smallest bandwidth is 1/4 of the bin width (or 1/4 of the normalization region interval width in case of unbinned fits), and the largest bandwidth is 1/2 of the whole fitted region. In between, bandwidth settings increase by a constant factor. The argument "mcsamples" specifies the number of samples to generate in Monte-Carlo based tests. When it is omitted or set to an empty string the default number is used (1000). The "show_progress" argument specifies whether the code should print out messages related to the progress of the command execution, which may be useful for long-running MC-based tests. The default value of this argument is 0 (do not print such messages). $handle callback $subcommand $cbtype ?script? This command may be used to set up fit callbacks. Callbacks are tcl scripts called when the fit state changes in a certain way. The following command forms may be used: * $handle callback add $cbtype $script This command sets up a fit callback. One of the following keywords must be used as the "cbtype" argument: "lostsync", "complete", and "delete". The callback scripts are triggered under the following circumstances: lostsync -- when the fit structure looses its synchronization with Minuit complete -- when the fit converges to a stable minimum destruct -- just before the fit is deleted The callback scripts will be executed in the global context with two additional arguments appended: handle and cbtype. Any changes made by the callback scripts to the list of callback scripts of the same type will become visible only at the time of the next trigger. Note that when a fit copy is made, the callbacks are _not_ automatically transferred to the copy. * $handle callback delete $cbtype $script Removes the script $script from the list of callbacks of type $cbtype (if exists). Returns 1 if a callback is removed and 0 if not. * $handle callback list $cbtype Returns the list of all callbacks of the given type. * $handle callback clear $cbtype Deletes all callbacks of the given type. Fit callbacks are useful to keep the fit tuning GUI in sync with the fit status. They are not normally needed in the user code. Some fit handle options have equivalent short names or aliases (which may be easier to type or remember). Here is the list of such options and their alternative names: delete : del parameter : param, parameters configure : config contours : contour fit : mini goodness : quality hs::fit options --------------- In addition to the "-method" option already described in the "Fitting Methods" section, the following fitting options may be configured when the fit is created by the hs::fit command: -name, -title, -description, -warnings, -ignore, -errdef, -precision, -strategy, -verbose, -timeout, -minimizer, -minos, -parameters, and -mapping. All these options with the exception of the last two have the same meaning as in the "$handle configure" command. The last two options may be used to configure fit model parameters and their mappings to function parameters directly from the hs::fit command without the use of fit handles (which results in a more compact code). Please see the description of hs::fit command in the online manual for details about using these options. Fitting Example with Multiple Datasets -------------------------------------- Let's consider an example in which a signal is simultaneously fitted in four different channels. In each channel, the signal is a Breight-Wigner resonance peak with the same position and width (but different height) on top of some background. Suppose also that in each dataset the background can be sufficiently well modelled by a second degree polynomial. Such fitting problem may occur, for example, in the reconstruction of the invariant mass of some resonance whose natural width dominates the detector resolution. The following code can be cut and paste into a running wish. It is assumed that the hs extension has already been initialized, and the Histo-Scope GUI is running. # First, let's define couple procedures which will help us to make # various random numbers proc gauss_random {mean width} { expr $mean + $width * ([join [hs::random 12] +] - 6.0) } proc cauchy_random {peak HWHM} { expr $peak + $HWHM * tan(3.1415926 * [hs::random 1] - 1.57079632679) } # Now, let's simulate the background set xmin 0.0 set xmax 5.0 set nbins 50 set binwidth [expr {($xmax - $xmin)/$nbins}] foreach {num a b c} { 0 1 1 40 1 1 -1 40 2 -1 1 40 3 -1 -1 40 } { set idn($num) [hs::create_1d_hist [expr {$num+10}] \ "Dataset $num" "Tmp" "X" "Y" $nbins $xmin $xmax] set data {} for {set bin 0} {$bin < $nbins} {incr bin} { set x [expr {$bin * $binwidth}] set mean [expr {$a*$x*$x + $b*$x + $c}] set value [gauss_random $mean [expr {sqrt($mean)}]] if {$value < 0.0} {set value 0.0} lappend data $value } hs::1d_hist_block_fill $idn($num) [hs::list_to_data $data] } # The following code simulates the signal set peak 2.0 set width 0.3 foreach {num nevents} {0 400 1 800 2 600 3 900} { for {set event 0} {$event < $nevents} {incr event} { hs::fill_1d_hist $idn($num) [cauchy_random $peak $width] 1.0 } } # Create the fit. This time we will use chi-square minimization. set idlist [list $idn(0) $idn(1) $idn(2) $idn(3)] set fit [hs::fit $idlist {} -title "Fitting several datasets" -method chisq] # Add the parameters for the fitted peak. Pretend that # we don't know the real parameter values. $fit parameter add peak -value 3 $fit parameter add width -value 0.2 # Go over each dataset and add fitting functions and parameters set i 0 foreach id $idlist { foreach {name init_value} {a 1 b 1 c 20 signal 10} { $fit parameter add ${name}_$i -value $init_value } hs::function poly_1d copy poly_1d$i hs::function poly_1d$i configure -mode 4 $fit function add poly_1d$i -subset $i -map [subst { x0 = 0.0; a0 = %c_$i; a1 = %b_$i; a2 = %a_$i; }] hs::function cauchy copy cauchy$i $fit function add cauchy$i -subset $i -map [subst { area = %signal_$i; peak = %peak; hwhm = %width; }] incr i } # At this point we have a fit with 4 datasets and 18 parameters. # Since we have intentionally chosen rather dumb initial values # for the model parameters, it is unlikely that the automatic # minimization procedure will converge to the desired minimum # in 18-dimensional space. Instead, a better idea is to start # the fit tuner GUI and adjust a few parameters so that the fit # curves start resembling the data. I suggest tuning the parameters # "peak" and "signal_$n" (n = 0, 1, 2, 3). After that clicking # the "Fit" button should accomplish the job. $fit tune