Known bugs in the original Fermilab Histo-Scope v4.0 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. hs_title simply overwrites the previous title string instead of doing free/strdup. As a result the program memory becomes corrupted if the new title string is longer than the old one. 2. Histo-Scope plots are not updated by hs_set_1d_errors and hs_set_2d_errors. 3. Positive and negative errors are swapped in 1-d histogram plots. 4. Positive and negative horizontal errors are swapped in "XY plots with errors" produced by the ntuple panel. 5. There is a strange hs_load_config_string and hs_load_config_file bug: calling these commands more than 3 times causes core dump in the connected Histo-Scopes. This bug strongly limits your ability to build your own dynamic interface for displaying histogram windows. 6. "tohbook" program does not convert ntuples correctly 7. hs_read_file creates a bad category name (which ends with slash) for uncategorized items when the category prefix is not an empty string. Such category name can not be correctly parsed by Histo-Scope. 8. hs_read_file creates a bad category name (which starts with slash) for items in any category when the category prefix argument is an empty string. Such category name can not be correctly parsed by Histo-Scope. 9. Multiple requests to load configuration strings which display overlayed plots cause Histo-Scope core dump because of an attempt to free some memory more than once. 10. There is a bug in the histogram updating code which causes the program to disconnect from a client when the size of the update request message from the client is large enough so that this message can not be received in a single read from a socket. This bug prevents you from displaying a large number of histograms simultaneously. 11. There is a bug in the code which updates Histo-Scope "Windows" menu. Depending on the state Histo-Scope is in, this bug may cause core dumps during window postings/removals. It may actually be the same bug as the one described in item 5. 12. There is a bug (feature?) in the Histo-Scope code which receives configuration strings. Histo-Scope writes the string into a temporary file first and then loads it as a configuration file. However, the temporary file is not deleted aftewards. This may result in creation of a huge number of /tmp/histo* files. 13. An attempt to create an adaptive 1d histogram from an empty ntuple crashes Histo-Scope. 14. Histo-Scope plots are not updated by the hs_hist_set_gauss_errors function. 15. hs_update produces rather annoying messages "Ignoring request for nonexistant item from HistoScope" when currently displayed items are deleted. 16. Repetitive clicks on the "delete window" button in the plot windows (usually displayed by the window manager as a small cross in the upper right corner) crash the Histo-Scope GUI. 17. The following sequence causes the Histo-Scope GUI to emit a wrong error message that a histogram has no errors: -- Start the GUI. -- Create a histogram. Fill it. -- Set the errors with something like hs_set_1d_errors. -- Load a config file or string which requests the histogram to be displayed with errors. The problem here is that the info about a histogram is sent to the GUI only when the histogram is created (without errors), and it is not updated when the errors are first set. 18. A bug in the scatter plot widget prevents it from displaying color scatter plots. 19. A bug in the vertical scale layout code often causes axis ticks to be misplaced. 20. The plotting widgets redraw their images for every "expose" event from the X server rather than for the last event in a sequence of similar events. With some window managers, this results in lots of unnecessary redrawing operations whenever the windows are moved or resized. 21. The code which renders text in PostScript fails if a string contains backslashes or unbalanced parentheses. 22. A histogram created from the ntuple interface has a wrong value in its last bin. 23. An attempt to remove an overlayed plot whose item has been deleted crashes the Histo-Scope GUI. 24. Some pixmaps are not properly deallocated on the X server by the line, mark, and fill style selection dialogs. 25. Histo-Scope GUI disconnects from a client spuriously when it displays an ntuple plot while the ntuple is being reset by the client. This happens under following circumstances: -- Histo-Scope requests the rest of the data for a partially transferred ntuple. -- The client resets the ntuple (a message is sent to Histo-Scope). -- The client refills the ntuple. -- The client answers the Histo-Scope request, treating the ntuple as if it was already partially transferred. As a result, Histo-Scope misses the first part of the ntuple data. It generates an error message and disconnects. 26. "View", "View Overlaid", and "View Multiple" Histo-Scope GUI buttons do not work on big-endian platforms. 27. Function "redisplaySubcategories" in file mainPanel.c has an unchecked array bound which results in a buffer overrun if the number of categories to show in the GUI window is larger than 41.