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Neural Network b-Tagger for SecVtx-Tagged Jets
Comparing Data and Monte Carlo

Neural network outputs for the inclusive electron sample:

Electron jets are are very pure in b jet composition; Away jets are likewise, but to a slightly lower extent. As we see, the agreement between data and Monte Carlo is very good. input distributions may be viewed here.

Using the network cuts that produce 90% tt b efficiency, we obtain the efficiencies and scale factors in the table below. Since the electron jets are more pure in b than away jets, 0.97 is taken to be the b efficiency scale factor. The uncertainty comes from the difference between electron jet SF and away jet SF, doubled: 0.97 ± 0.02. The scale factor is confirmed via paramterization by jet ET.

Data Eff.MC Eff.Scale Factor
Electron Jet0.874 ± 0.0050.898 ± 0.0060.973 ± 0.009
Away Jet0.855 ± 0.0050.889 ± 0.0060.964 ± 0.009