Goals :
- Understand the experimental basis for the Standard Model of
particle physics
Instructor :
- Prof. Young-Kee Kim
- 431 LeConte, UC Berkeley or 50B-5232, LBNL
- 510-486-6284 (UCB & LBNL, with voicemail)
- 630-840-5007 for most of Thursdays and Fridays
Schedule :
- Lecture time
- Tue. 11 - 12:30
- Wed. 5 - 6:30 p.m.
- Week of Sep. 3rd is special !!
3 hr lecture on Sep. 3rd (Monday) between 1 and 4 pm
Lunch (probably pizza) will be provided at 1 pm.
- Lecture room : 395 LeConte
- Office hours : Mon. 2-3 p.m., 431 LeConte
Homework / Exam :
- Homework will be posted on web. (see here)
and collected in class
about once a week.
- There are no midterms or final exam.
Lecture Notes/Material :
References :
- Highly recommended
- Halzen & Martin, "Quarks and Leptons : An Introductory
Course in Modern Particle Physics",
John Wiley and Sons
- Goldhaber & Cahn, "Experimental Foundations of
Particle Physics",
Cambridge University Press
- Useful
- Ferbel, "Experimental Techniques in High Energy Physics",
- Barger and Phillips, "Collider Physics", Addison-Wesley
- Griffith
- Perkins, "Introduction toHigh Energy Physics",
- Peskin and Schroeder, "An Introduction to Quantum Field
Theory", Addison-Wesley
- Quigg, "Gauge Theories of Strong, Weak and
Electromagnetic Interactions", Addison-Wesley
- Cowan, "Statisticl Data Analysis", Oxford Science Publications