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Documentation on the LBNL Test Setup

David Sjogren's Master's Thesis on irradiation of SVX3B chips.

Christopher Tollnert's Master's Thesis on dead-timeless ladder operation.

CDF note 3839 on performance of svx2b chip prototype hybrids.

CDF note 4461 on irradiation of svx3b chips.

1996 NIM paper on svx3 chip and hybrids

Vertex98 conference submission on SVX3D chip. To appear in NIM. Also posted as CDF Note 4851

CDF Note 4852 on dynamic pedestal subtraction in SVX3D chip.

CDF Note 5049 on test of SVXII quarter ladder Q005.

Martin Rehn's Master's Thesis on dead-timeless ladder operation and dynamic ped. subt.

Send comments to Maurice.